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socsa ,

How stupid do you have to be to still support this idiot?

pottedmeat7910 ,

If you find out, let me know. I’ve been baffled since early 2016.

tal , avatar

I think that some of it is that most people don't really carefully analyze the sum total what a politician has said or is saying and all the other related material. Which is reasonable -- I mean, I know that this is a politics forum, but for most people, following politics is not a huge part of what they do. It'd be really inefficient, in fact, if they did.

I think that a lot of support for politicians has more to do whether they've made statements that a potential voter agrees with in the very limited material about them that that voter sees. Not just for Trump, but for any politician.

So if you're asking someone about Trump, they're making something of a gut call based on the limited material they see of him.

Honestly, I think that the more-interesting issue here isn't really Trump, but the fact that Trump's tactics have worked fairly well. The problem here isn't really Trump. He's just a symptom of having a political decision process that can be gamed the way he's gamed it. We do not want to encourage politicians who lose an election to have an incentive to make bogus claims that the election was rigged, because part of what we want the political system to do is to permit coming to a consensus as to leadership. That undermines that.

But there's nothing unique about Trump that permits him to do that. If he could do it, then so could another politician. And I would imagine that sooner or later, more people probably will, if they think that it is to their advantage.

That is, I think what probably needs to be fixed is the system.

Anticorp ,

Apparently the bar is a sinking ship and people keep swimming under it.

Maeve ,

Not how, how willfully.

667 , avatar

I work in a professional field and… you would be surprised.

OppositeOfOxymoron ,

A lot of people lost their fucking minds over the course of the pandemic. My mother (formerly an intelligent and compassionate professional who owned a business in the banking and finance space) got pushed down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole over the course of the pandemic, and became a total and complete fucking moron that only gets their ‘facts’ from far-right blogs, youtube videos, and facebook posts that ‘own the libs’.

I am no longer surprised with the level of enthusiasm these people have for intellectual poison.

Tangentism ,

There’s studies showing that post COVID symptoms are loss of cognitive function.

A friend and I were talking about how quick to aggression people have become and the how it’s an unfocused aggression

OppositeOfOxymoron ,

She started down the path towards being an idiot before the pandemic. Every phonecall was some new bullshit that she’d latch on to, and when I calmly tried to explain how actually worked, she’d lose her shit, scream at me, and hang up. The isolation and disinformation campaigns throughout the pandemic broke her brain.

RangeFourHarry , avatar

A lot of people’s social lives are breaking down, and generally the loudest voices are right wing conspiracies. It’s not that they’re dumb, it’s that often the only people willing to acknowledge that society isn’t working are reactionary as hell

RavenFellBlade ,

Society is working just fine for those of us who haven’t abandoned objective reality.

Fuckass ,

Usually these people are already right wing. But there have been some bleak stories of hippie adjacent people having their minds break during the pandemic and entered suicide pacts.


The amount of “left wing” unvaccinated hippies is astounding, and from there it seems like the right wing conspiracies slip in. Hippies are basically yuppies with a coat of mud though in my experience.

spaceghoti OP ,

Yuppies are what the hippies evolved into after Vietnam.

Kerred ,

What is interesting is the latest Newsmax article wasn’t being bias anymore, actually using sentences like Trump appointed officials say there was no evidence and whatnot

Sure the bottom of the article said it was from the AP but I am not sure if Newsmax is covering their butss or is purposefully copy pasted AP so their fan base, er, users, will get more outraged.

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