AOC leads call for federal ethics investigation into Clarence Thomas ( )

Five House Democrats led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York wrote to the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, to demand a federal investigation of the conservative supreme court justice Clarence Thomas, over his acceptance of undeclared gifts from billionaire rightwing donors.

“We write to urge the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into … Clarence Thomas for consistently failing to report significant gifts he received from Harlan Crow and other billionaires for nearly two decades in defiance of his duty under federal law,” the Democrats said.

JamesConeZone , avatar

Ah! Well, nevertheless

imgprojts ,

That guy wouldn’t resign if he was caught shooting at someone on Wall Street with an assault rifle while also getting a BJ from a paid salary Playboy 🐰 model. Yeah, that’s how things are.

AssortedBiscuits , avatar

spoilerClarence Thomas will only stop being a Supreme Court judge when he’s dead.

SouthEndSunset ,

Clarence mate will come along and tell everyone that theres nothing and he always has this bag of cash.

Melina , avatar

Clarence the baker

jasonmax ,

He should be forced to resign.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Still too light: if we’re dreaming how bout thrown in jail?

Astroturfed ,

If you think this man would ever agree to resign, you haven’t been paying attention. He has to be impeached or he’ll probably die on the bench. This republican ghouls (and anyone involved in American politics in general (have you seen or heard Feinstein lately?)) are so addicted to the money and power they just never retire. Look at this walking corpse that has her family fighting over the inheritance already that’s a US senator:

hglman ,

Pretty sure forced to resign means he doesn’t agree to it.

Astroturfed ,

Except there’s basically no way to do that… Kinda the whole issue. So, not sure wtf your really bad point is.

AntiOutsideAktion , avatar

Congress has the power to legislate how the supreme court works.

She could at least be doing a meaningless gesture that gestures towards something that could be useful.

autismdragon , avatar

The best I can say about this is that it might grab the attention of people who aren’t yet aware of Thomas’s corruption, because yeah otherwise this isn’t going anywhere.

UlyssesT ,

Nothing will come of this. sleepi

gmtom , avatar

God I hope I’m around to see this woman be president.

ThePac ,

It seems so obvious. She’s what Democrats have been asking for in recent years. Would I prefer she have a bit more experience in Congress before making that move? Yes, but it can’t possibly be worse than what we got in 2016.

golamas1999 ,

Look into Mariam Williamson. She’s running on FDRs New Deal and Second Bill of Rights.

Skotimusj ,

I love AOC, but this is just smoke and mirrors. The progressive reps always make a big deal when they know their “inquiries” will go nowhere because they don’t have the votes. It stirs up their base with no repercussions. This is just lip service at this point. Still glad it is being said though.

DauntingFlamingo , (edited )

They’re the only ones saying anything or attempting anything official. They know they can’t remove him without the other chamber, but it is important to have these things on the official record for both the public and for a future session of Congress who could do something with it

Uncle_Bagel ,

Worked for the Republicans when they spent 4 years screaming about Benghazi

Boddhisatva ,

It isn’t smoke and mirrors. They are making as big a deal out of it as they can because they don’t have the votes to do more. Calling attention to this criminal behavior is simply the best they can do because they, as you point out, don’t have the votes to do more. And stirring up their base if a good thing if it gets more progressive voters to the polls and gets more progressive representation in government.

Psythik ,

Yeah seriously. AOC calls for a lot of things but no one will listen to her. The only thing she accomplishes is pissing off Republicans – which I’m all for – but nothing will get done with just one AOC. We need more people like her in office.

Egon , avatar

Neat! Maybe they’ll set down a commission to create a committee to create a framework for an investigation one of these days

duderium ,

Would anyone who is not rich really care if every government official in the country (including Trump) was thrown in prison?

Assian_Candor , avatar

Quite the contrary we would be cheering for it

DauntingFlamingo ,

There are good ones doing their jobs. We only hear about the shitty ones, or the more protected ones who can afford to make noise due to being in deeply safe districts. AOC, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, etc are all easy incumbents who won’t lose an election by making big plays that may or may not work out

duderium ,

There are good ones doing their jobs.

I mean, all of them have the same job: stop communism, keep the white supremacist bourgeois gravy train rolling. In that respect, they’re all more or less doing the best they can.

barrbaric ,

No more half measures, walter.

somename ,

Performative gestures continue to be performative. The Democratic Party has no real desire to check the power and corruption of the courts.

DauntingFlamingo ,

They do if Gerrymandering and voter suppression makes it so they have no power. They’re fine sharing power, but if they see a possibility of having none, they will fight back

Assian_Candor , avatar


Lmao even

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