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Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. ( arstechnica.com )

Big tech companies are still trying to rally workers back into physical offices, and many workers are still not having it. Based on a recent report, computer-maker Dell has stumbled even more than most....

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

Going to use this chance to vent about the fact that when the senior guy on my team left for another company it was basically all but confirmed I would take over his role I had been there the longest, was already doing a lot of senior work, and was the giy people on the team came to when they needed help, to the point we spent the month or so after he handed in his notice to train me on what he did and give me access to the systems he managed.
Then a week after he left my boss announced that the guy that had been there 3 months would be taking on the senior role.

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

Is this an American thing? I've never heard of a foundation leak before.

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

Don't get too excited, it's already being challenged in court and will almost certainly get struck down.

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

The 2026 one doesn't pass over much land or near many major population centres, and a lot of Europeans are going to try and see it, so it's going to be very difficult to go see it, especially if you're an American.

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

I’m curious what does an eclipse look like if your right on the edge of totality like do younget a full eclipse for like 1 second before it ends?

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like theres got to be a way to do the same concept but have it be a bit less hideous.

Does everyone learn the same gravity in school or is it different everywhere?

So, I learned in physics class at school in the UK that the value of acceleration due to gravity is a constant called g and that it was 9.81m/s^2. I knew that this value is not a true constant as it is affected by terrain and location. However I didn’t know that it can be so significantly different as to be 9.776 m/s^2 in...

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

Seeing as the British invented gravity, most places just use our gravity rather than making their own.

Looking for Movies that Showcase Positive Masculinity

Hey there, fellow movie enthusiasts! I’m on the hunt for films that portray positive masculinity. We often see movies with traditional, stereotypical portrayals of masculinity, but I believe there’s a world of cinema out there that can challenge these norms and offer a fresh perspective....

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

HIGHLY disagree with the damsoules in distress comment.

While Katara does take on a motherly role in the group (which is even addressed in “the runaway”) she is never portrayed as that way even in that episode where her and toph are taken prisoner as bait for Aang, she busts them out on her own. And is scarily powerful in episodes like “The Puppet master” or “Ths souther Riaders”

Then Toph is a fucking badass.

Suki is also a fucking badass and has a whole mini arc with Sokka about NOT needing him to save her in “The serpents pass” and while she is part of the jail break in “the boiling rock” she is never the motivation for that story, Sokka’s dad is. And the jailbreak is a team effort, not her being saved.

Azula is fucking Azula

Mai and Ty Lee are a little underdeveloped but are badasses through and through and never really need saving and are even the ones to save the Gaang in “the boiling rock”

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

He’s a “right winger” who endorsed Bernie in the primaries and voted for Jorgenson in the general elections.

You say that as if this is some argument against him being a right wing grifter? He routinely pushes right wing bullshit. Thats what makes him a right winger, not wether or not he (claims) votes for the main right wing party, or some useless 3rd party right wing party.

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

He supports Bernie because weed and Obama was not left wing. He also voted for a right wing party by his own admission and constantly peddles right wing propaganda

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

cry more

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

obvious troll is obvious. get better material.

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

What do you guys even use these big switches for?

I feel like I have a pretty comprehensive setup but I have 10 ports hooked up of my 12 port switch, 1 for every major room in the house(5), 2 for my office and 2 for the servers and one for input. And honestly I only use 2 room ones so I have 3 that go unused.

I can’t imagine the level of insanity that would require 48 ports for home use.

AOC leads call for federal ethics investigation into Clarence Thomas ( www.theguardian.com )

Five House Democrats led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York wrote to the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, to demand a federal investigation of the conservative supreme court justice Clarence Thomas, over his acceptance of undeclared gifts from billionaire rightwing donors....

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

God I hope I’m around to see this woman be president.

Almost all remote-work news is negative now but was positive in the beginning of the pandemic. Have you noticed this or am I going crazy?

Earlier in the pandemic many news and magazine organizations would proudly write about how working from home always actually can lead to over working and being too “productive”. I am yet to collect some evidence on it but I think we remember a good amount about this....

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, this is BY FAR the biggest reason. Pretty much all the rich people and most big companies have huge investment in portfolios that contain a lot of commercial office spaces. If we were all allowed to work from home those investments would plummet and all the rich people and big companies would take MASSIVE losses on those investments. Which is why all the media and even companies like Zoom are trying to pull a 180 on working from home.

gmtom ,
@gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

If you could look into the investment portfolios of big companies and the rich people that run them you would see that the biggest sector is commercial real estate. In the UK pre pandemic, 40% of investments went into commercial real estate. So thats the main reason they are pushing it.

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