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JoMiran , avatar

…nothing has ever been normal in American politics…

American politics have been pretty boring most of my life (I’m 50). Shit got weird with the “hanging chads” but we moved on fairly well. Newt Gingrich and crew were pretty nasty but nothing crazy. Then shit went off the rails with the Tea Party and MAGA.

spaceghoti OP ,

You…didn’t see how Gingrich and company led to Bush and the 2008 financial crash that then led to the Tea Party which is currently rebranded as MAGA?

squiblet , avatar

The way the republicans devoted the entire 90s to trying to crucify Clinton was notable. Then insane BS like Rush Limbaugh and the various angry sneerers on Fox. But also, Reagan…. and then back to Watergate, and JFK, and so on. So it’s been nutty for a while.

JoMiran , avatar

I didn’t say we weren’t in a slow moving train wreck, but it was all very boring. You know, a definitive lack of insurrection and treason.

spaceghoti OP ,

Ah, in the context of the lack of insurrection, yes. I’m not sure about the lack of treason, given the way Bush & Company blatantly lied to send us to war in Iraq. But I guess one man’s treason is another man’s free speech, right?

Unaware7013 ,

But I guess one man’s treason is another man’s free speech, right?

And we're going to see that same argument in court within the year...

spaceghoti OP ,

Oh, they’ve already made it. And it’s not going to fly.

motorheadkusanagi , avatar

The supreme court decided the outcome of a Presidential election and no one batted an eye lash.

That was pretty weird, IMO, and a hint of what was to come.

JoMiran , avatar

Yeah, that’s what I meant by the “hanging chads”, but we recovered without going crazy.

motorheadkusanagi , avatar

Oh, I think it encouraged the Republicans a lot more than you’re giving credit for.

So it may feel like things didnt go crazy, but I’d argue everything about 9/11 would have been different if Democrats were in office. Probably would not have invaded Afghanistan, for example. Probably wouldve had better handling of the economy leading up to the 2008 crisis.

But with that said, I do understand that for many, it didnt feel like it had a big impact.

grue ,

Shit got weird with the “hanging chads” but we moved on fairly well.

That’s an understatement! People think that Jan 6 was the only coup attempt in the United States since the Business Plot in 1933, but nope: not only should the Brooks Brothers riot count as a coup attempt, it was a successful one!

can ,

not only should the Brooks Brothers riot count as a coup attempt, it was a successful one! °

Not really an “attempt” then is it?

Franzia ,

Thank you! I thought I knew the whole 2000 election story, but here’s a detail I didn’t know.

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