Separation of Powers: a primer for our "friends" from hexbear. ( )

The term “Separation of Powers” was coined by the 18th century philosopher Montesquieu. Separation of powers is a model that divides the government into separate branches, each of which has separate and independent powers. By having multiple branches of government, this system helps to ensure that no one branch is more powerful than another. Typically, this system divides the government into three branches: the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch. The United States federal government and forty states divide their governments into these three branches.

In the federal government, Article 1 of the United States Constitution establishes the Legislative Branch, which consists of Congress. Congress, in addition to other enumerated responsibilities, is responsible for creating laws. As a general rule, the nondelegation doctrine prohibits the Legislative Branch from delegating its lawmaking responsibilities. Congress can, however, provide agencies with regulatory guidelines if it provides them with an “intelligible principle” to base their regulations on. For more information on the Legislative Branch, refer to “Congress.”

Article 2 of the United States Constitution establishes the Executive Branch, which consists of the President. The President approves and carries out the laws created by the Legislative Branch. For more information on the Executive Branch, refer to “Executive Branch.”

Article 3 of the United States Constitution establishes the Judicial Branch, which consists of the United States Supreme Court. The Judicial Branch interprets the laws passed by the Legislative Branch. For more information on the Judicial Branch, refer to “Judiciary.”

Separation of Powers in the United States is associated with the Checks and Balances system. The Checks and Balances system provides each branch of government with individual powers to check the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. For example, Congress has the power to create laws, the President has the power to veto them, and the Supreme Court may declare laws unconstitutional. Congress consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives, and can override a Presidential veto with a 2/3 vote in both houses.

The Checks and Balances System also provides the branches with some power to appoint or remove members from the other branches. Congress can impeach and convict the president for high crimes, like treason or bribery. The House of Representatives has the power to bring impeachment charges against the President; the Senate has the power to convict and remove the President from office. In addition, Supreme Court candidates are appointed by the President and are confirmed by the Senate. Judges can be removed from office by impeachment in the House of Representatives and conviction in the Senate. In this way, the system provides a measure, in addition to invalidating laws, for each branch to check the others.

BeamBrain , avatar

wow thanks none of us knew this

spaceghoti OP ,

That much was obvious, based on the arguments made.

BurgerPunk , avatar
reddwarf , (edited ) avatar

I understand what you do and what you mean with this post but it will be futile. Hexbear and lemmygrad are toxic instances where you cannot have a proper conversation with its users.

I call it the 4chan style of discussing things. Make you answer a plethora of questions without them needing to answer your questions. The point is to pit you constantly on the back-foot. They count on your morals and decency to keep answering and defending your opinions where they will absolutely have no desire to do the same thing. The end goal is for you to become frustrated and give up. For you to become disheartened.

I urge all instance owners to defederate from these shitholes, nothing of value will be lost.

spaceghoti OP ,

And for those who don’t have the access to disfederate from them, you can block the ones who show up here.

reddwarf , avatar

Rejoice and despair no longer!
This PR in lemmy will implement the possibility to block an instance as user : PR

spaceghoti OP ,

From your link:

Posts from users of blocked instances are still visible in other places.

That doesn’t seem to be a solution for this particular problem.

reddwarf , (edited ) avatar

If the admin of an instance A defederates instance B, all users on instance A will no longer see instance B.
However, other instances (like for example instance C) will still see the comments/users from instance B.

The user being able to block instance B will no longer see anything from that instance B but all other users on instance A will keep seeing all from instance B. It is a personal instance block after all

This is how I understood the user instance blocking and it kinda aligns on how I think the fediverse works. But I could be wrong.

spaceghoti OP ,

I get disfederation keeping people from finding an instance, but blocking an instance apparently doesn’t stop me from having to deal with the users of that instance showing up here.

reddwarf , avatar

Then I think I fail to see what you mean and want.

The PR is meant to be able to block an instance as a user but you seem to think that it is about finding an instance and blocking that? I see no real purpose in such a feature tbh.
This is not how I understood the new feature but again, I could be wrong.

I will await the new feature and hope and pray it is what I think it is.

spaceghoti OP ,

I’m looking for a way to block everyone registered through an instance like hexbear, so when they brigade our forums I can easily ignore them.

reddwarf , avatar

Ditto! 🤞

mycorrhiza ,

you made a thread calling out another community by name and now you are complaining that they are in the thread

spaceghoti OP ,

What complaints am I making?

mycorrhiza , (edited )

all of your comments here are about blocking them

if you just made this thread as a ploy to draw out hexbears to block — ostensibly because you are annoyed that they swarm threads — then you could have simply found one of those previous threads that annoyed you and blocked the hexbear users there, instead of creating a whole new thread just for the occasion.

spaceghoti OP , (edited )

I figured a small civics lesson couldn’t hurt as well. And draw attention to the fact that they’re a big fucking problem that maybe the admins might want to look at. I don’t seem to have a direct way of messaging them.

mycorrhiza ,

the civics lesson comes off as condescending, because it’s stuff everyone learned in high school. and it also seems to take the stance that process is more important than results, at a time when a lot of people could use some results and the process does not seem to be working. the flippancy of the hexbear users in this thread comes from those two things - the perception that you’re being condescending, and frustration at your apparent priorities, which differ from theirs.

thoro ,

This is literally just bait and has no place in this community. Moderators should delete this on that grounds alone.

If it’s allowed, then I wouldn’t begrudge any Hexbear user(s) from spamming the comm with random political theory posts, especially those of the communist variety

Nakoichi , (edited ) avatar

That’s why I think it should be left up.

If someone wants to call us out, then we have the right to be able to argue against them.

Also it is literally the Politics channel so how can political theory posts be considered spam?

thoro ,

Yeah everyone should have that right, but I don’t think it does anyone any favors to allow these type of posts on this comm.

It’s one thing to invite dunking on yourself in the comments section of a topical post. It’s another to create posts just for the sake of stoking inter instance drama in a comm not made for that.

Nakoichi , (edited ) avatar

Yeah that’s true on the one hand, but on the other, I would leave it up just for accountability. It is about politics in every way, even if it has a meta nature.

Plus by leaving it up they get to show their ass and it invites people to come and explain how they are wrong.

aebletrae ,

Attempting to master baiting in public should certainly have consequences, but covering it up isn’t going to make them stop.

Doubledee , avatar

Especially considering the poster doesn’t seem to have any interest in either explaining or defending what it’s supposed to mean. Like, I enjoy talking about politics as much as the next person but it doesn’t look like OP wants to discuss anything.

spaceghoti OP ,

Not with you, no.

StalinwasaGryffindor ,

They have fallen victim to the great purge so it’s possible they’ve replied but we can’t see them

Nakoichi , avatar


Uhhhh what exactly are you hoping to achieve by posting this third grade level description of the US government structure?

Like what exactly are you responding to or hoping to achieve with this post?

spaceghoti OP ,

Got what I wanted, thanks!

WittyProfileName2 , avatar

Not a smart person, can someone explain:

Why is an electoral system where 2/3 of the house is unelected and the third branch is indirectly elected via an electoral college seen as democratic?

Like, I live in the UK so I can’t really talk about antidemocratic systems gestures at the lords, but this doesn’t seem like a system that allows for a person’s vote to be worth much.

BurgerPunk , avatar

That’s the thing about it, its not very democratic and a person’s vote isn’t worth much by design

WittyProfileName2 , avatar

I was hoping spaceghoti would have some sort of shitty justification for this bullshit.

Y’know some tyranny of the majority crap I could roast 'em over.

Seems they’ve been banned though.

bigboopballs ,

Seems they’ve been banned though.

farquaad-point haw-haw!

xXthrowawayXx ,

Oh no, not the constitution!

Stay away fellow hexbears! Let my shrunken corncob shaped corpse be a warning to you all, this poster has the power of the constitution on their side!


Hisssssssssss it burns it burns it burns

CannotSleep420 ,

I have the power of god and anime the constitution on my side!

Awoo , (edited )

Lmao why are you explaining incredibly basic things even people outside of the US know and acting like you’re saying something incredible and knowledgeable?

This is literally primary school content for 11 year olds. How old are you @spaceghoti ? Why on earth do you think this is notable or worth raising and act like it’s something everyone hasn’t already heard before?

Have you read the Federalist Papers? Specifically number 10.

PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS , (edited ) avatar

I also learned about the American government in sixth grade and then never thought about it again until this very moment

Fun fact: Did you know that a young George Washington chopped down a cherry tree?

BurgerPunk , avatar

He could not tell a lie, but he could own slaves and make money on crooked land deals

Farman ,

Honestly this all sounds like arbitrary shit someone made up without proper justification or consideration.

All forms of goverment have checks and balances. How is this special?

All forms of goverment are a way to achive consensus amongst the rulling class. How is this different?

Why is this separation of powers the ideal one?

Why separate the legislative and the judiciary when there is a rich tradition of common law?

Why cant the executive act by commitie or in a decentralized way?

Are these “powers” actually autonomus or arbitrary constructions dependent on other institutions to act?

Why are these considered the central responsabilities of the state? Why cant the legislature and the judiciary be separate from the state like in the abassid era?

Why cant a workers party be a branch?

BurgerPunk , (edited ) avatar

Cause the Founding Father’s. Ever heard of them? Probably not. You have to have a very high IQ to know about them and how they are perfect.

Bet you didn’t consider that did you tankie? smuglord

comrade_pibb , avatar

wtf i have been owned, tip of the hat good sir/ma’am

abc , (edited ) avatar

Wow…this is the first time I’m hearing about this. Can you recommend some more reading if I’m interested in learning more??

LibsEatPoop ,

And how well does this work out to prevent slavery, colonisation, genocide, war etc. especially for the most marginalised and oppressed?

Maybe all it does is make rich people richer and people like you feel better about your powerlessness.

Look into proletarian democracy next if you want a better, still not perfect, but better system of governance for most people.

bioemerl ,

Given that slavery was outlawed, colonization largely brought to an end around the world, and leaps and bounds have been made in terms of our treatment of minority groups in general, I'm pretty sure the current system is going a damn good job.

Look into proletarian democracy

Yeah, that's a fancy word for "Marxist authoritarianism"

CannotSleep420 ,
bioemerl ,

To compare prisons and the institutions of slavery is absurd and silly.

Prison labor deserves criticism, but to act like slavery is still a thing because of that is just you intentionally blowing the situation out of the water.

OurToothbrush ,

Old plantations now serve as prisons for a reason, and black activists do directly compare forced prison labor to slavery… so…

bioemerl , (edited )

Old plantations now serve as prisons for a reason

This is getting facepalm worthy. I'll bet you're saying this because like 10 prisons were built on former plantation land.

black activists do directly compare

You're a lost cause if you don't see the many gaping issues with reasoning like this. Go ask vegans if meat eating is slavery and they'll say yes as well. Of course they do. They're activists.

Krause , avatar

colonization largely brought to an end around the world

that’s really funny

OurToothbrush ,

slavery was outlawed

You need to reread the thirteenth amendment and synthesize it with the US having the largest prison population total and by capita

BurgerPunk , avatar Do not put your faith in such trinkets of deceit. Our ways are not your ways. And to you there shall be many strange things

Maoo , avatar

I also enjoy light fiction on occasion.

Tell me about the freedom-loving slaveowner founding fathers next. The dang tea is taxed too high!

Farman ,

Other way around. The tea taxes are going down so smugling is no longer profitable.

Maoo , avatar

Let’s do redface and throw a car battery tea into the ocean

brain_in_a_box ,

Quoting scripture of the Americas civil religion.

booty , avatar

we know how the us government works, the problem is that the way it works is evil and must be changed for the good of humanity.

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