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bioemerl ,

The problem really isn't the choice to get divorced, it's stuff like child support and alimony crossed with a court system very biased towards giving those to women when they probably shouldn't be

Divorce has or had become a "no fault" leave and make money system. I see literally zero reason to get married the way things are now. All loss and no gain.

bioemerl ,

Key word:


Paying more can't magically make more people available to work and there are real labor limits right now. It just means that if you want people, you have to make sure you're using them as effectively as possible and pay them above market rates.

But for every guy you get, the other guy loses a spot and has to compete harder.

This is a good thing.

bioemerl ,

You first

bioemerl ,

Well yeah, that would be catastrophic and it would also be either murder or hilariously repressive government control of reproduction

bioemerl ,

This is the third big strike I've seen and been like "wow this wouldn't effect me at all".

Hollywood? I'd rather it go out of business.

American Auto Union? Anyone buying American cars is a dumbass.

And for this one....

Household chores? I do all those myself.

Schools? No kids.

Hospitals? Not sick.

Maybe retail workers and pharmacists. They'd have to strike on a weekend though.

And broadly I'd benefit greatly from half the labor market dropping out. Keep on striking. Never stop.

bioemerl , (edited )

That's why I started my comment with "I've"

bioemerl ,

A rising tide lifts all boats but Hollywood sucks and these strikes for equal pay want me to make the same money as them despite the fact I do more work.

I wish the auto unions the best through.

bioemerl ,

Nobody is "coming" for anyone here.

I'm happy to see Hollywood fail because I don't like Hollywood. It needs to shatter and media needs to be produced by a more diverse set of areas across the country and not be in the hands of Disney and the screen actors/writers guild.

I'm happy to see these strikes from women fail because they're demanding an end to the wage gap (aka, they want to work less and get paid the same) and yet even more draconian "safety" laws.

I wish the auto workers the best, but their cars suck and they should all be out of business.

bioemerl ,

because of the decisions of a small group of investors, all the workers who work on the factories just to survive are to blame and should be unemployed

Ideally they'd find jobs at companies that don't make shit cars when people in mass stop buying the American ones.

And women that want to have EQUAL rights

Like I said. They want to work less and be paid the same. They don't want equal rights, they want special privileges.

Happy to be pathetic in your eyes. The alternative is be a thoughtless pushover.

bioemerl ,

When they do, along with other controls, the wage gap largely disappears.

bioemerl ,

They want more pay because they're paid less.

Pay isn't just given to you. If you don't work the same hours you shouldn't be paid the same.

If you demand you get paid the same regardless, you're a selfish asshole, not fighting for equality.

bioemerl ,

They currently aren't working the same hours. When you control for job choice and hours worked the pay gap goes away.

bioemerl ,

That wouldn't accomplish anything because if I make more for the hours I work all of a sudden there's a pay gap again.

bioemerl ,

At this point you're just asserting a falsehood. There is little else to say.

bioemerl ,

The reason they get paid more than you is because their industry generates more revenue than your and/or its shared more equally.

Wat? When was I complaining about people making more money than me?

Who’s to say you don’t do more work because you are inefficient?

Again. Wat?

We're talking about statistical averages across the whole economy here. Statistically, the women protesting against the pay gap are protesting so that they get paid "equally" for less work.

Unless you want to suggest that women are generally more efficient in their labor than men are, you're talking crazy here.

And if you do want to suggest that, you're still talking crazy.

bioemerl ,

Did you read the thread? Did you read the title of the thread? Did you read any of the previous comments?

bioemerl ,

My specific situation is not important beyond the fact that I'm a guy so I am statistically going to work more hours and to devote more of my life to work as well as choosing my career based on income rather than any sort of life satisfaction than the average woman.

bioemerl ,

Why do men get more for the same amount of work?

They don't. When you control for career choice and hours worked the pay gap disappears.

bioemerl ,

Who said the women do less work than you?

BLS data?

They do equal work

They don't.

Are you insinuating that you can do more work than a woman possibly could?

Literally nothing I said implied that that. Plenty of individual women do as much or more work than the average guy. Statistically the average woman does less.

An Introduction To Class Warfare For The Software Engineer ( )

If you work at one of the large tech companies that, in the last few weeks [or months], have laid off thousands of employees, you may be wondering what the hell is going on. Especially if the company you’re working for is not actually struggling economically right now. If you work for Google, say, you must be thinking, “What...

bioemerl ,

The answer, my friend, is class warfare

The answer is that you were working at an overhyped over inflated company that was hiring too many people on the back of incredibly low interest rates, you weren't providing any real actual productive value, and the economic correction has forced you to leave the big tech companies and go to the various banks and other institutions that have had severely dilapidated software for decades for your contributions will actually boost the economy and help people's lives.

I have next to zero empathy for these software developers who were running around making 100k while committing code like twice a day which these big tech companies were absolutely filled the brim with and probably still have tons of.

You're rolled the hype train and you got burned, you made your good money well it was still in low interest rate hike mode and now you need to get out and do something else.

Expect life to get even harder, because we don't even need these programmers right now, not as much as we need people out there building homes and working in factories. Expect your pay to stagnate until being a construction worker looks more lucrative than your current job, and your job comes more and more into competition with an excess of people going into computer science because that's where the money is, or that's where it was 10 years ago.

-a software developer

bioemerl ,

That's a fair point, and it's possible we see software continue to take off but only in those sectors where it's contributing to something like factory productivity.

Separation of Powers: a primer for our "friends" from hexbear. ( )

The term “Separation of Powers” was coined by the 18th century philosopher Montesquieu. Separation of powers is a model that divides the government into separate branches, each of which has separate and independent powers. By having multiple branches of government, this system helps to ensure that no one branch is more...

bioemerl ,

Given that slavery was outlawed, colonization largely brought to an end around the world, and leaps and bounds have been made in terms of our treatment of minority groups in general, I'm pretty sure the current system is going a damn good job.

Look into proletarian democracy

Yeah, that's a fancy word for "Marxist authoritarianism"

bioemerl ,

To compare prisons and the institutions of slavery is absurd and silly.

Prison labor deserves criticism, but to act like slavery is still a thing because of that is just you intentionally blowing the situation out of the water.

bioemerl , (edited )

Old plantations now serve as prisons for a reason

This is getting facepalm worthy. I'll bet you're saying this because like 10 prisons were built on former plantation land.

black activists do directly compare

You're a lost cause if you don't see the many gaping issues with reasoning like this. Go ask vegans if meat eating is slavery and they'll say yes as well. Of course they do. They're activists.

bioemerl ,

Reddit is going to need a couple more GPT bots to handle that one

bioemerl ,

I would love to see reddit succeed, but at the end of the day they have chosen to close of valuable user created information to the internet and declared they they alone possess the right to sell the stuff you freely contribute.

They are shitbags and the company deserves to burn. Bring back forums.

bioemerl ,

Jesus Christ, do we have a good reason to believe that this was the admins and not some other random third-party group just deciding to do this for shits and giggles?

Because on one hand yeah I could totally see red it doing this after all of their other stupid mistakes so far.

On the other hand this seems really strange to me and it just seems so insane to think that Reddit would even think of doing this.

bioemerl ,

he’d “be a slaver rather than a slave”

Wouldn't you if you were given that decision and it was even or?

It's a stupid world to you because it's never either or, but people like spez rarely have the tact to think that far.

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