PrincessLeiasCat ,

Not even Meatball Ron can help him now :(

Rhoeri , avatar

It’s only because he can’t figure out how to make money from it.

e_t_ Admin ,

Ehh... the headline is sensational and speculative. If the judgement against Trump is for the $250M James is suing for or even more, and if Trump Organization properties are liquidated to pay the judgement, then Mar-a-Lago, one of the Trump Organization properties, could be taken from him.

Some other framing would have been better. The juicier story is James' team goading Trump into his numerous unwise admissions. Ideally, Trump will be left entirely destitute once all the cases against him are tried, but it is idle to speculate about financial verdicts before the trials are even over.

Pasta4u ,

Trump will just appeal

hogunner ,

More big brain moves from Trump lol

n3m37h ,


Bananigans ,

I’ll be sad if this isn’t top comment by the end of this post’s life.

n3m37h ,

By golly I think we did it! Let’s order some Trump Steaks™ and Trump Vodka™ to wash it it down with!

Bananigans ,

My ketchup bottle couldn’t be more ready.

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