Star Trek

Frostcoins , in Server version too low for Jerboa

I can recommend the webapp Just open it in browser and “install as app” So far it’s the only one that has a bunch of features even if it is a web app. And it has gestures for hiding posts too so you don’t have to keep seeing the same posts everytime!

maegul , in The fifth TNG movie that never was

So as everyone else has said … yuck!

But then I quickly remembered “… All good things”. Time travel, big CGI thing in the sky, reuniting with old characters (Tasha, O’Brien) … and it works very well, especially as a send off.

I’m thinking that there’s a kernel in there as a farewell to TNG era trek. Maybe not something where Picard becomes a literal Time Lord, but more where a drastic event has forced time-bending onto everyone at the epi-center of the event and any attempt of take advantage of it also entails some cost and the only way to fix the “breaking of time” is to do something incredibly starfleet.

There’s no evil per se just things breaking and people taking advantage of it. And Borg 🤷 .

null_ , in ST:TNG theme on the accordion - awesome!

It’s been a long road…

Nmyownworld , in ST:TNG theme on the accordion - awesome! avatar

That was really well done. Nice!

AlexRogansBeta , in Star Trek Shows Exiting Crave Streaming In Canada, Will Continue Broadcasting On CTV Sci-Fi

Do... Do I have to pay for CTV? Like, isn't that one of the free channels? Is their on demand stuff paid?

visiblink , avatar

You do have to subscribe to the CTV sci-fi channel, which is different than CTV.

AlexRogansBeta , in My review of ST: Strange New World Season 1

I can sympathize with much of what you wrote. My review is: this show is the dopest ST content we've gotten for the last decade.

crr10 , in 'Prodigy' has been nominated for an Television Critics Association Award

Hopefully this will aid in getting another network to pick up season 2, it deserves the recognition.

jalanhenning , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x01 "The Broken Circle" avatar

Upon further reflection, I feel like this episode undermines the plot of "The Galileo Seven". Spock is a very able commander in 2x01 when years later he struggles on an away mission…

beefcat , in Fortinet was blocking this website as spam avatar

To be fair, the .website TLD basically screams "I AM SPAM"

Jdreben , avatar

@beefcat @Overboard8171 I didn't know that. This the first time I've legitimately intended to go to a website that is a .website TLD now that you mention it though...

Too bad, seems like a solid TLD. I guess .app,.social,.world - those I see all the time.

Personally my favorite is .lol websites.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

I believe it screams, "this is an establishment of refined taste."

GuyFleegman , avatar

I think it's broadcasting "join our webring and sign our guestbook!"

IonAddis , avatar

I admit, I’m having really weird flashbacks to usenet and the early-internet days with this proliferation of weird TLDs and subdomains coming into use for lemmy instances. Or maybe IRC.

(It’s weird, because I’m just a touch too young to have used usenet.)

What’s old is new again, I guess.

amerika , in DSC Season 2: About Micheal Burnham's Parents (SPOILERS) avatar


In your view, has the Star Trek franchise simply become capeshit in space?

Commod0re , in BlueBrixx DS9 Set

Looks lego compatible or at least inspired to me. I’m wary by default from experience with other lego-compatibles. There’s definitely something nostalgic about their catalog but I wish the sets were more detailed. On the other hand the sheer number of different ships they have is pretty cool

tobimai ,

Bluebrixx is Lego-compatible

notquark OP ,

They are 100% lego compatible. When I said different, I mean finish (sheen/color) and they don’t have LEGO stamped on each stud. Other than that, they are the same. Lego’s patent expired several years ago, so anyone can make them now. This is a new company that is taking advantage of that and some how they got a Star Trek official license.

Wayward , in Looking to share Mlem for IPhone learnings.

It’s been kinda crap for me, regularly forgetting my logins. Mlemmy for iOS has been a bit better.

StillPaisleyCat OP , avatar

Is Mlemmy different from Mlem?

I was trying Mlem in beta through Test Flight, but it wasn’t very functional yet, despite the nice interface. (I’ve been finding just going through the browser good enough for now.)

Wayward ,

Yessir. They’re trying to go for an Apollo feel I think, and there’s some things that are still missing, I can actually use Mlemmy. Mlem can’t even save my login once it’s unopened for an hour or so.

SuperSpaceFan , in Re: Images not loading on - UPDATE, WORKING AGAIN

Unfortunately, I’m still seeing the same errors when trying to load my very small-sized avatar. Not fixed yet for me.

StillPaisleyCat , in BlueBrixx DS9 Set avatar

Definitely sparking interest in our household. Our experience is limited to Lego.

Would really appreciate more about your experience building it, or any other BlueBrixx Star Trek models.

How was the quality?

Did you have to glue as you built?

What’s the process to replace missing, damaged or deformed pieces?

I‘ve seen elsewhere that there’s a higher proportion of deformed pieces, and that the more spindly or joining pieces are more likely to be misformed.

notquark OP ,

I have only ordered from them once, but on that order I purchased this set, the only large one at 2,888 pieces and a bunch of the 500-600 piece sets: the defiant, NX-01, Voyager, and Enterprise E (I am probably the only person who likes that design). Didn’t have any issues at all and shipping was quick and easy. One thing to note is their prices include VAT taxes, if you are not in the EU, the price will be a little cheaper that what is shown. I ended up buying last October when the exchange rate was almost even, so for everything (5 items) it was 315 shipped to my door in the US.

As for the builds, the DS9 is fragile as you would imagine. The stand they do have you build is awesome and holds this massive things and lets you easily move it around. This is more of a display set, not a play item. This set doesn’t have, nor do the little ones, any interiors or extra little details. That is the one things Lego is pretty good about is giving you something. For example, the NX-01 doesn’t have the neat pulse cannons on the bottom. Little nit pick, but a difference between the two. All major details are there though, no mini figs. None of the sets were missing any parts and much like Lego I had a ton left over. The bricks are printed, which is nice. I have done a bunch of Lepin and King sets, quality is on par with that. It is good, but lego is just a bit better, but I doubt a normal person could tell the difference. There is no gluing, just different building techniques. The little ships are VERY sturdy, you can you pick them up and fly them around (I, as a 40ish person, totally haven’t done this on multiple occasions). Each model looks like the ship it is supposed to annnnd these are officially licensed.

I am very happy with my first purchase. I plan on buying the new larger NX-01 (which has pulse cannons) when it comes out and a couple others. At this point, I will buy anything that is not star wars and a brick. Let me know if I missed anything.

Here is a pic of two of the other ships:

Commod0re ,

I always had the sense that the Enterprise E was a well liked design

notquark OP ,

They E is a cleeeean ship. It looks like the D and Voyager had a kid. The F on the other hand… glad it was short lived.

StillPaisleyCat , in How Star Trek Strange New Worlds Season 2's Latest Episode Majorly Changed The Timeline, And What The Showrunner Has To Say About It avatar

It feels as though Dr Erin MacDonald has earned her consultant’s fee helping them sort out the physics.

We’re out of the mess of the ever-expanding manifold time that Marvel and DC have bought into.

Beyond that version of infinitely branching manifold time / multiverse being offside, basically contradicting modern physics, it creates a situation where every possibility exists so nothing our heroes do matters, and nothing ever done to fix a time incursion matters either.

Instead we see that forks in the timeline can prune other timelines. Both branches can’t continue to exist, and the river of the timeline has some fixed events (time crystals) that pin it, pull it back to its original course.

So it would take something extraordinary, even on the Trek scale of extraordinary, to create a true ongoing branch. The creation of the Kelvin universe is associated with the Romulan Supernova. Knowing now that the Romulans have been interfering with human development over centuries and using temporal agents to do it, having a major disaster to the Romulans impact human history seems like a corollary. With a major event like a sun blowing up, we can say we’ve got a threshold for creating a separate sustainable universe.

As for TNG Parallels, I still love the episode, but perhaps we could reframe it as all the short run alternate timelines. For as unlikely as it was, Worf got back to his own timeline and Enterprise. Time fought back.

IdahoVandal ,

Where does the mirror universe fit in all this?

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

The Mirror Universe is some kind of true branch that happened much earlier, such that even the physics of light are slightly different.

Kovich’s explanation of branching universes suggests that they’re not common but also that as they increasingly diverge, it becomes less and less possible to corpse over and those who do may not be able to survive.

He noted that no contact had been possible with the Mirror Universe in several centuries.

The 24th century Kelvin Universe officer who came over to the Prime Universe in the 32nd century died, as would have Georgiou. But the Kelvin Universe was close enough that he was able to cross at all.

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