Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

When should you introduce her to the new shows?

After watching the old ones, of course!

Start with TOS, move on to the first set of movies, watch TNG, DS9 and Voyager, generations to nemesis, THEN you start on the new shows.

I mean, technically you could show in some kind of chronological order, but then she’s going to be frustrated by the differences in technology. Especially discovery. They reeeeeally wanted to be more high tech than anything else while still wanting to be set before most things we’ve seen. IMO, it’s very jarring and doesn’t work well. But I just ignore the “it’s before everything else” problem and it’s a decent show.

I’m certainly biased, but I feel shows should be shown in the order they aired, not the order they’re supposed to go according to Canon. They are a product of their time, for better or worse, and most issues I feel are more easily sidestepped if you view them as such, all together. Seeing the strings on the enterprise two episodes in a row is a lot easier when you don’t have to compare it with pike’s sexy hair modern cgi space battles.

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