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@[email protected]

Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

In the unimaginably vast and vacant void, a single plain white half-dome radio drifts, aimlessly.

The eons stretch onward, silence fills the universe.

When the last vestiges of everything have finally ceased, and the universe at last becomes one with nothing, a single, dim, red light inexplicably flickers to life.

A speaker crackles to life, a soft but angry voice emanating from within and stretching across the abyss.

"Hello Dave. It's been a loooong time."

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar


Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Am I taking crazy pills or are people actually saying this is a good thing?

Jesus fucking christ you people are so dependent on the system you literally can't even comprehend the fact that nobody should need to be working when there's a higher priority like family.

Make all the "oh but they're easy to take care of/if the person wants to work/the company is a good one for this" coping excuses you need to feel good about how shitty working lives have become, I guess.

Don't bother responding if you're going to make more excuses why "this is good/okay", you're speaking to a wall.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I'm gonna have to go with "Inner Light" from TNG

It has so many typical star trek things, but it does lack a few things here and there.

It's always my go-to when someone wants an episode recommendation to see if they'll like the show.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

If they deep throat the boot hard enough, maybe they'll get to wear it someday!

billmason , to Star Trek
@billmason@mastodon.social avatar

"Star Trek: Scotty played by Scottish actor for first time"

Nice interview, very very light spoiler stuff if you're trying to go into next season stone cold unknowing.



Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Oh my god I would have loved him as Scotty.

I love hearing him speak normally because when he gets excited or worked up about something the accent gets more pronounced.

He really amped it up in Stargate as Dr Beckett but he certainly still does have an accent.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

It's almost like it was never about being accurate, and it's based purely in hatred, racism, and contrarianism... almost

I'm sure they'll be here any minute....

In Poland firefighters were called to a house fire. There were no people inside the house but there was a terrified bunny that the firefighters rescued from the flames. ( wgoleniowie.pl )

According to the article the top floor of the house and the roof had burned down completely. The firefighters had to bust in the door and use oxygen masks to get inside. The bunny was found inside an enclosure in one of the rooms. It was panicked and difficult to catch but they succeeded in rescuing the cute little furball. The...

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Guess we’d be seeing how well they can fight a fire in the station, or their vehicles.

I think I’d be getting arrested if I saw “firefighters” (in this instance a bunch of fatasses LARPING as firefighters) standing around my house ignoring it because apparently there’s no real station nearby. Because if nobody moved the truck to help and I had something large and heavy available, I’m swinging. Or flooring my truck into the side they’re standing on.

Yes, I would absolutely be unhinged in that scenario and I don’t feel bad for any bad thing that happens to people who have the ability to help, but do nothing. I don’t give half a shit what their reason for not helping was/is/ever will be. You could have helped. You did nothing.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Any time someone goes on about how Biden all but destroyed the country in under 4 years, I ask them if Biden could do that in 3 years with a republican controlled congress, why couldn’t Trump “make America great again” when they basically had control of every branch?

That either shuts them up while they try to process everything, or they get mad. It’s usually getting mad.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I don’t hate this show for existing like many.

As Mariner in Crisis Point 2: it’s a starfleet story so it’s worth telling.

However, I really feel like they wanted to have the “it’s BEFORE almost everything else” cake and also wanting to eat it by having more advanced tech.

Then they realized their error, shot into the future, but in my opinion EXTREMELY underestimated technological advancement across NEARLY 1000 YEARS. Everything basically looks the same.

And then a man child had a temper tantrum and destroyed galactic civilization single-handedly. Sure. Okay. Have fun with the rest of the show, but that’s where I turn in for the night.

It just really seems like they had a premise for a good show, then someone came in and demanded this and that HAS to be in the show, and instead of rewriting to make it good, they just kind of crammed things in to please the higher ups.

So far I’ve loved SNW though.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

“if you can’t do business LEGALLY , you can’t do business HERE”

Sounds like a perfectly reasonable measure. If such a thing gets introduced in my own state, I’ll be all over that.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Just make sure to keep it properly dusted for those times you need to smugly check for dust while casually ignoring a frantic hail from the Shelliac.

State inspectors denied entry to privately-run immigration detention center in Tacoma ( washingtonstatestandard.com )

Washington state health and workplace inspectors have repeatedly been denied entry to a for-profit federal immigration detention center in Tacoma, where detainees have filed hundreds of complaints over issues like neglected hygiene, poor food and inadequate medical care....

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

“privately run immigration detention center” are words that should never be grouped in that order.

And if government officials are being denied entry, there is only one logical conclusion to that scenario, and it involves prison time for the people blocking the way, unless you’re saying you have no power over your own state.

Every time I see “company defies government, government rolls over and takes it” I get pushed ever closer to that guillotine lever.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar


Sucks to be Tuvix, nobody should be judged on the circumstances of one’s creation.

But Tuvok and Neelix deserved to live, too.

If you have the ability to help them, you have the responsibility to help them.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I can never hear or read that word without being haunted.


Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

interPLEXing beacon server

Someone more clever than me can find a joke there, I’m sure!

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

When should you introduce her to the new shows?

After watching the old ones, of course!

Start with TOS, move on to the first set of movies, watch TNG, DS9 and Voyager, generations to nemesis, THEN you start on the new shows.

I mean, technically you could show in some kind of chronological order, but then she’s going to be frustrated by the differences in technology. Especially discovery. They reeeeeally wanted to be more high tech than anything else while still wanting to be set before most things we’ve seen. IMO, it’s very jarring and doesn’t work well. But I just ignore the “it’s before everything else” problem and it’s a decent show.

I’m certainly biased, but I feel shows should be shown in the order they aired, not the order they’re supposed to go according to Canon. They are a product of their time, for better or worse, and most issues I feel are more easily sidestepped if you view them as such, all together. Seeing the strings on the enterprise two episodes in a row is a lot easier when you don’t have to compare it with pike’s sexy hair modern cgi space battles.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I sincerely hope it does well, and continues for many seasons with fresh content.

That said, I don’t really like it. It’s too geared for children for me, but that is their target audience. It’s not really fair for me to judge a show when I am not their target audience.

Having said that, you know what’s coming.

I didn’t feel like Avatar: The Last Airbender was “too childish”, save for a few spots here and there, but this show feels different.

that’s okay, I don’t have to like it. But as a star trek fan, i want it to do well.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Absolutely a good point!

It felt like it was for kids without being “childish” but also DEFINITELY felt like star trek.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

HELLS YEAH! That game was my JAM

I was pretty young when I was introduced to star trek, and it started out with only the movies. I loved C&C Red Alert, so my parents got Armada for my dad and I to play, and I think I put in a good 1,000 hours into it before my dad even tried it out.

I played that game so much I think by the time I got a new computer I was giving myself ridiculous challenges to beat the computer opponents like scout class offense ships only, or “once superweapon ships are unlocked only use those no matter the price” or “no expanding the base”

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Star Trek Armada, hands down the best Star Trek game I’ve played. I do like the feeling of captaining my own ship in Online, nothing beats the feeling of winning a war via RTS.

And now that I’m older, and have seen more Treks, read more books, and have a much greater knowledge of all things Star Trek, I’ve been wanting to replay but I can’t seem to locate my disc… I’ll have to check my digital providers to see if I can find it most likely.

I’d love to see a modern take on a 4X Star Trek. Flavor mods for Stellaris and Sins of a Solar Empire don’t cut it anymore.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I have been kicking myself over not getting the eaglemoss collection when I had the chance.

I only have the tiny Akira. I wanted to get the xl enterprise e, but couldn’t justify the price tag to myself. Now if I can even find one they’re like 300 or more.

I hope these look and feel similar in quality!

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Oooh hello sexy.

I was wondering if they had just sold all remaining stock to customers or to another business, and figured with all the prices I was seeing, it was the former.

Now I know what I want for my birthday

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