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gregorum , avatar

perhaps they already did this until they all went extinct.

remember, the Vidiians had been combating the Phage for millennia.

Reverendender , avatar

And Jason Alexander solved it in like 1 season

ChemicalPilgrim ,

Art Vandalay knows how to wheel and deal

gregorum , avatar
someguy3 OP , (edited )

You could trade for new ones from other worlds. I think other worlds wold be happy to grow some pigs for them, which they can then set up their own breeding program.

gregorum , avatar

in thousands of years, I’m sure they could have tried a lot of things.

a lot of stuff in that show made no sense. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

like instead of murdering Tuvix, why didn’t they make a Riker-style duplicate first so they could keep a Tuvix copy and split the other back into Tuvok and Neelix?

OpenStars , avatar

Mumble mumble “balance” something mumble? :-P

gregorum , (edited ) avatar

hey, don’t get me started on the whole, “why didn’t Tuvok just beam over those tricobalt devices to the Caretaker’s array with timers on them to go off a millisecond after using it to send the Voyager back home? So what if we didn’t get a show? at least we would have gotten a satisfying ending, which we certainly never fucking got. Oh, you just dump the ship in the AQ, and what, THE END??‽!!! THAT’S IT??‽!!! THANK YOU AND GOODBYE FOREVER??‽!!


suck my ass, Brannon Braga

edit: and while I’m at it, on behalf of every woman and LGBTQ+ person in (and fan of) Trek since 1987, suck my ass Rick Berman

edit 2: thank you Terry Matalis, btw, for TNG S08 and cleaning up the mess that was the VOY finale’s loose ends.

OpenStars , avatar

That one I felt like I understood: the stakes were so high that they couldn’t take a 1/1000000 chance of it failing. Every second they stayed there monitoring it meant that they might be able to affect the outcome. Something something “they cared” something, willing to bet their futures for the next decade or so and even lives to prevent the bad. But ofc at the end of the day they are stories, meant to tear-jerk at our emotions, not teach us strategic tips for our own day-to-day living:-).

Reverendender , avatar

Why didn’t the D beam photon torpedoes on timers to the Borg cube in ‘Q Who?’

Reverendender , avatar

Which Tuvix do you murder then?

Tar_alcaran ,

Both! No wait…

Taleya ,

The best kind of trolley problem

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