The bridge of the Klingon Battlecruiser from ST:TMP has been added to the Roddenberry Archive. You can freeroam on this and other bridge sets. ( )

Unless I’m mistaken, the Discovery bridge has been added only recently as well.

For those who don’t know the Roddenberry Archive: have fun exploring. On some ships you can even leave the bridge and go to different areas of the ship (for example the shuttle bay or main engineering on the Enterprise D). Also, sometimes you can move or activate objects like consoles.

ErwinLottemann ,

inverter controls, oh god. that’s pretty weird on mobile… 😬 looks nice though

UESPA_Sputnik OP , avatar

Yeah, this definitely isn’t intended for mobile devices. On desktop you can freely walk around and the controls are pretty self-explanatory. (WASD keys + mouse)

End0fLine ,

I found out about this project recently on Mastodon. It seems to be an unintentional secret! It is amazing.

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