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USSBurritoTruck Mod , avatar

My first thought whenever the topic of what episode a person should to introduce Trek to someone comes up is "The Measure of a Man". Though perhaps a courtroom drama, while certainly something Trek dabbles with on multiple occasions, is not typical enough to fall under the umbrella of conventional.

Maybe something like "Children of the Comet" from season one of SNW. There's a strange mystery that's going to spell disaster for a pre-warp civilization, an alien of the week antagonist whom the Enterprise crew needs to figure out how to deal with without getting into a fight, and everything's neatly wrapped up by the end. The biggest mark against it would be the subplot where Pike's dealing with the knowledge that he's going to end up in a beep chair.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

I think a little serialization can be a good thing, especially in a series like SNW, where it's baked into the premise.

USSBurritoTruck Mod , avatar

I don't disagree, but I do believe that when we think about what Star Trek is, what it boils down to is an episodic procedural, despite how serialized it can be at times.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

Yeah, and that really underlines the point that the "representative" episode of each series probably has very different properties.

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