Fortyseven , avatar
cupcakezealot , avatar

forget skydance and mergers bring back columbia tri star

themoken ,

I don't hate this. Seems like Skydance has less conflict of interest (i.e. alternative franchises) than the Warner Brothers merger talks from December. Remains to be seen if this is a good thing from a Trek point of view but... Could be worse.

jimhensonslostpuppet ,

I'm just hoping that this doesnt mean SNW will be cancelled like some of the other shows

optissima , avatar

... how do you have hope for stuff like this at this point.

jimhensonslostpuppet ,

I like SNW, so I hope its not cancelled.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

These mergers can take a long time to complete, so we're probably safe for a while.

I wouldn't count on any serious going longer than five seasons under the old ownership, anyway...

jimhensonslostpuppet ,

Yeah I guess they took TOS's "five year mission" statement a little too literally

zabadoh ,

Skydance: Started and run by Larry Ellison's son, David Ellison, and being that, it's impossible for him to run out of money.

I hope he's a Trekkie.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

They produced Into Darkness and Beyond, so they at least have some history with the franchise.

zabadoh ,

I wish that made me more confident that they can make decent Trek movies and TV, but it doesn't

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

If your concerns are on the creative side of things, I don't think that's really what they do - their expertise seems to be getting things made.

beefcat , avatar

Into Darkness

oh no!


oh yes!

I’m not sure what to think there.

jaythurbershow , avatar
ApostleO ,

I get the hate for those movies, but I honestly enjoyed them all.

They are what got me to watch TOS, finally. Then I did a full watch through of the series. They were great for revitalizing the fan base and making new fans.

I honestly love having the movies as a different universe/timeline. Saves us from tone whiplash, like Shakespeare TNG Picard vs Rambo Movie Picard.

reddig33 ,

Just what we needed, more fucking mergers. 

Sanctus , avatar

What happens when all the dinosaurs have mated?

HobbitFoot ,

Chicken's done?

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