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Psaldorn , avatar

I hated it at first.

Then I grew to love it.

The show is about humanity taking it’s first steps into the wider galactic community, and the song is both about a journey but also less refined than other star trek intros, just like Starfleet is a less refined version of what we are used to.


Sertou ,

The lyrics are generally fitting to the theme of the show. The Rod Stewart performance didn’t work for me then, later or now.

RoundSparrow ,

I thought Stewart wrote the song, but the on-show singer was someone else.

StillPaisleyCat OP , avatar

The song was originally written for Stewart as ‘Faith of the Heart’ and for another recording.

It’s worth reading the article for the history. It was another British singer, who was briefly popular but past his peak, who did the recording.

Sertou ,

Ah, my mistake.

Vordus ,

It’s not the original recording, but it’s one of those covers that sound so similar that you ask what the point was.

Presumably, the point was lower licensing fees.

CmdrShepard ,

I hated it until they changed it in season 2 or 3 and then I realized that I hated the new version even more and in retrospect the original wasn’t quite that bad.

ummthatguy , (edited ) avatar

If I’m not mistaken, that’s a classic sign of Stockholm Syndrome. But what do I know, it’s been a long road…

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