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Infynis , avatar

Excuse me, Twovix? This is going to be great

Nmyownworld , avatar

Yes! I’m not even going to try to imagine how LD will handle a Tuvix situation, but I’m betting it will be good. If I had a list of things that would never be LD episodes, that episode title that’s a play on the name of a Harlan Ellison short story, “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream,” would be on that list. Mr. Ellison’s short story is the antithesis of humorous. But, LD continues to pleasantly surprise me.

Plibbert ,

I wonder if it’s just going to happen again or if it’s gonna be like tuvok and neelix have a dirty little secret where they turn themselves into tuvix every once in a while. It’d be great if it just happened again but tuvix remembered everything from last time and just went nuts.

Infynis , avatar

As long as Ethan Phillips and Tim Russ are involved, I’m on board. Boimler doesn’t have a Neelix plate yet 😉

Plibbert ,

Lol oh snap I forgot about that. I hope they bring that up for consistency.

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