
thorbot , in Does nonstop reading from a hard drive reduce its lifespan?

Yes, but the number of hours they can withstand these reads is rather insane. I’ve seen SAS level drives with millions of hours of runtime and no bad blocks. They are pretty robust these days!

thorbot , in 300,000+ Fortinet firewalls vulnerable to critical FortiOS RCE bug

I was happy to see the FortiCloud interface was updated recently, and pushing this update was about as easy as can be. I updated over 25 devices in a span of about 2 hours the other night and it all went without a hitch.

DonnieNarco , in Is safe to whitelist on a secure network? avatar

According to ChatGPT, this is what GStatic is: is a domain owned by Google that serves as a content delivery service that caches all unchanging files in a server near the user to reduce load times. It is used to load content from Google’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) and store static data like JS libraries, stylesheets, and images. also verifies connectivity to the internet for Chrome browser and Android devices. Google hosts its static content on a specific server called Gstatic to reduce bandwidth usage and deliver the content faster. also allows users to embed Google Maps images on their web pages without requiring JavaScript. is not a virus, but security software may display pop-ups about it.

YourHuckleberry OP ,

Is ChatGPT the new LMGTFY?

finch , in 300,000+ Fortinet firewalls vulnerable to critical FortiOS RCE bug

As one who has to manage an HA pair of PaloAltos AND Fortigates, the FortiUpgrade is just so stupid easy & quick. I don’t understand why people would wait longer than a week or two for the ‘bleeding edge’ people to test first.

Then again, my configuration is so basic there’s not much to go wrong.

sylver_dragon , in Is safe to whitelist on a secure network?

It comes down to the risk appetite of the business. You mention a “secure” network, but you already have internet access. So, it seems that some access to resources on the internet is already an accepted risk. Beyond the possibility that a random attacker might leverage the gstatic CDN to attack your network, do you have any other specific threats which make you hesitant to whitelist it? Are those threats large enough that the business would consider them to great a risk to that network? Do you have other mitigating controls in place? Would something like traffic inspection or endpoint protection be a sufficient mitigating control? Can the systems with the offending app be firewalled off from the rest of the network? Could the specific assets needed by cached internally and requests for gstatic redirected? What other compensating controls can be put in place to mitigate the risk?

All that said, have you brought the issued to your management and gotten their input on the risk? In the end, it’s a business decision and should be decided on by the business leaders. If they want to take the risk of allowing that network to access gstatic, that’s on them.

toasteecup , in Is safe to whitelist on a secure network?

Based on this quick article,…. It feels like just allowing all of gstatic is a bit of a security nightmare. I’d push back and have them identify the parts of gstatic they actually need for their website to work and allow those.

Alternatively, if this application needs a cdn but is only intended for local hosting in the secure network, perhaps a locally hosted cdn could be a good idea.

Without knowing the security in place it’s hard to do much beyond give general maybe this or that.

Guadin , in Is safe to whitelist on a secure network? avatar

Depends on how secure your seecure network is, but generally speaking I wouldn't allow it. As you said, it's way to broad and gives away control of what is loading and what comes on your network.

murty , in Calling all /r/sysadmin reddit refugees!

Just subscribed, came here for the same reasons! Hoping this place can take off, because main reason I was going to give Reddit a single of iota of traffic going forward was for the Mega Patch Tuesday Threads, those are so insanely helpful that they are the first place I go before patching now. Hopefully we’ll some going in here as well, maybe our lord and savior JoshTaco will grace us with their presence as well 🤞 🚬


slinkytoad , in 300,000+ Fortinet firewalls vulnerable to critical FortiOS RCE bug

Patched a couple weeks ago. Makes for a nice couple days out of the office to get everything in the field.

shertson , in Please don't zero out your account from *over there* if you've contributed answers or resources. avatar

I initially agreed with you. I’d hate to see all of that communal knowledge lost.

Reading the other replies, I am not so sure. Do they deserve to continue capitalizing on other peoples knowledge? Yes and No. They did supply a service without which that collection would have had to be assembled somewhere else. But I don’t think they should be able to capitalize on it forever.

With the archive team and their efforts, I am less worried about “Wisdom of the Ancients” situation.

PixxlMan ,

I just hope the archives will be easily accessible and searchable, preferably without having to specifically leave the search engine to search them, otherwise the knowledge will still, in practice for most people, be inaccessible.

OmarDontScare , in I'm a sys- and database admin

Hey @ruud, fellow SysAdmin here! Thank you for hosting this Lemmy instance! It’s a great place, uptime has been excellent!

I’ve a question, if you’re willing to give your opinion. Hardware is not cheap and eventually it might become impossible to pay the bills to host this instance.

What kind of support model do you envision for the future of this instance? Donations, subscription, advertisements?

Thanks anyway, and good luck to you!

Edit: I see that donations are already optional. Nice! But i’m still curious, so is there other options you’ve considered for your Mastadon instance for example?

ruud OP , avatar

Hi, I think donations will be the way also in the future. Anything non voluntary wouldn’t work because people will just move to other servers that are free. And so far I’ve seen there’s more than enough willingness to donate.

MrPoopyButthole , in I'm a sys- and database admin avatar

Systems and software engineer here. I’m curious how the Lemmy project plans on scaling media uploads. It doesn’t seem feasible to host on an instance server. Even Reddit had a problem with media over the years and some subs to this day enforce offloading media to third party.

ruud OP , avatar

For now it’s 2GB. I hope we can use block storage soon. I use Wasabi for

huojtkeg ,

Just Postgres or Postgres + Pics? Could you give me the number for Postgres? I’m thinking in hosting my server but I have concerns abot scalability and costs in the future.

ruud OP , avatar
<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">du -sm *
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2181	pictrs
</span><span style="color:#323232;">1885	postgres
huojtkeg ,

It seems a lot for little content. My experience tells me that Postgres is not going to scale well, some sort of NoSQL will be necessary.

ruud OP , avatar

Why not? My mastodon DB is 200 GB, works fine.

huojtkeg ,

It depends on many things like the number of tables, the indexes, etc… but Postgres doesn’t work well above 1 TB. Anyway, it will take several years to reach that point. Someone will figure out a solution.

Thank you for the info. Do you have any link with the specs of your server, bandwidth, cpu/ram usage, statistics…? Anything that could help me to do the maths.

ruud OP , avatar
NotBadAndYou , in Patch tuesday is coming

Anyone could start a thread, but ideally a mod would create a stickied post so that it was easy to find over the course of the week.

User64 ,

Yes, please. A pinned post for the week where people can comment about any issues they ran into would be appreciated

ConsciousLochNess , in 300,000+ Fortinet firewalls vulnerable to critical FortiOS RCE bug avatar

Going into the office tomorrow because of exactly this. We’ve been needing to update for a while anyway.

MrPoopyButthole , in How do you guys feel about pulseway? avatar

We use Fortigate VPN and N-able

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