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Darkassassin07 , (edited ) avatar

I’ve been liking cloudflare more and more over the years. They’ve been taking some genuinely big steps towards a more free, open, and private internet; them, alongside the Mozilla Foundation. Two big thumbs up :)

I’ve been running pihole for years, but recently put cloudflared behind it to translate all standard DNS traffic to DoH traffic after filtering but before leaving the LAN. Now I just gotta find a good way to implement DoH from client>pihole and devices can start using ECH while still receiving DNS adblock. This will make 100% of the traffic leaving my network encrypted :) (if the client wants it to be at least)

iamnotdunningkruger ,

I’ve been running pihole for years, but recently put cloudflared behind it to translate all standard DNS traffic to DoH traffic after filtering but before leaving the LAN.

I’d like to do this with my Pi-hole too. How did you do it?

Darkassassin07 , avatar
mojo ,

I get why people dislike them, because they definitely are a very overwhelming monopoly. But despite that, they really provide very essential tools that are very easily accessible and free. I do like them as a company, so I haven’t been too worried by the fact they are a huge monopoly that dominates a big portion of the web. They’ve handled the responsibility pretty well.

oldfart ,

Google started this way too, just wait.

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