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millie ,

Good! We benefit from exposure to different circumstances, and immigration is a great way to do that!

A massive portion of what people tend to typify as 'illegal' immigration is actually asylum-seeking, which is in fact legal. Entering a country to seek asylum is not illegal.

What we probably should consider illegal, however, is the genocide, displacement, enslavement, and exploitation that was used to steal and develop the land the United States claims.

Especially in the case of Mexican immigrants, who are often literally trying to move to territory that was once Mexico, that shit is kinda wild. Like, you're really going to sit there in the furthest reaches of encroachment on our southern neighbor and claim nobody has a right to come in? Not even asylum seekers? On stolen land? Are you kidding?

Amoxtli OP ,

Mexicans stoled the land from Spain. Mexicans did not until the Spaniards created them and made them Catholic.

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