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Cosmicomical ,

Certainly the GOP will help, lol. What’s his angle here? I don’t get it. And him not remembering a conversation tells more about him than about Biden.

Cowbee , avatar

Believe it or not, you can criticize the sitting dem president and not think Trump is better. If a president has claimed to be pro-union, but appears to union leaders to not be doing enough, that’s a valid critique.

Cosmicomical ,

I absolutely agree, but in this climate any vote swayed from Biden is a danger for the entire planet. I don’t particularly like a two party system, much less a one oarty system.

Cowbee , avatar

Biden is swaying voters against himself, by himself. Calling him out on his bullshit and having him change is what energizes the base. Don’t want Trump? Force Biden’s hand.

Nudding ,

You know Biden broke trumps record on oil production, right? The world can’t afford America, Dem or republican.

Cosmicomical ,

It’s not just climate at stake, there are basic liberties and some level of worldwide stability that we used to give for granted, which are going to be a thing of the past if Trump goes back to office.

Nudding ,

Meh, we’re passed the point of no return.

Cosmicomical ,

I don’t believe it, that’s my point. The point of no return is getting trump back

Nudding ,

The point of no return was maybe citizens United, or when Bush stole the election from Gore. Every month has been the hottest month ever recorded for like the past year dude, we’re cooked.

Cosmicomical ,

Still not a good reason to vote trump

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