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qevlarr , avatar

Promotions aren't a thing anymore anyways, are they? Only if you switch jobs can you get a raise

Evotech ,

Yeah, idk of people actually just get promoted to a new job. I always have to apply to av internally posted position. If I get it I guess I technically get promoted.

SoleInvictus ,

A few jobs back, my employer promoted me once within a year of starting from a new college graduate position to a junior position, then strung me along for three years with "you're just not quite ready for a mid level position but you will be. Any day now!" This was all in spite of me doing the work of a senior position within the company for the last two years.

So I got a job at a different employer and went from a junior position to a senior position, like magic, nearly doubling my total income in the process. My coworker did the same, hopping from a senior position to a management position at my current employer. I've increasingly observed how corporate United States is painfully stupid and inefficient and it continues to boggle my mind

hessenjunge ,

This is not just the US, it is the norm world wide.

It’s also not limited to job relations either. “New customer? Let me show you this sweet deal.” - “Oh, you’re already a customer? Then it’s full price I’m afraid”

You need to regularly review/change contracts.

derpgon ,

Back in my (born 1996) days, the longer you were a customer the sweeter deals you had. 8 years already a customer? Maybe we can strike a cheaper offer rather than you running to someone else.

hessenjunge ,

I might be older than your dad and I don’t recall seeing an offer like this. 😊

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

I am their dad and I have no idea what they're talking about.

derpgon ,

Used to be the norm here in Czechia, maybe your country wasn't as progressive 🤔

uis , avatar

Well, I think many people on lemmy don't live in country that once was one of 15-states multinational conglomerate for universal healthcare, universal education, universal housing and long term planning. Not that such planning was very good at the end of it. Or not that it wasn't occasionallly sidetracked with killing people.

princessnorah , avatar

I'm in Australia and we still do this? I have a loyalty discount for being a customer for 7 years, AU$57/month for unlimited data on my mobile and free calls to 40 countries ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

derpgon ,

They got rid of it here, sadly. Or at least i haven't seen any loyalty behavior from the big brands lately.

uis , avatar

I've increasingly observed how corporate United States is painfully stupid and inefficient and it continues to boggle my mind

B-b-but capitalism! Will rule out inefficient companies!

Yeah. The world is broken.

gmtom , avatar

Going to use this chance to vent about the fact that when the senior guy on my team left for another company it was basically all but confirmed I would take over his role I had been there the longest, was already doing a lot of senior work, and was the giy people on the team came to when they needed help, to the point we spent the month or so after he handed in his notice to train me on what he did and give me access to the systems he managed.
Then a week after he left my boss announced that the guy that had been there 3 months would be taking on the senior role.

tmcgh ,

I sure hope you are able to and are actively looking for a different employer. That sucks man...sorry to hear it.

Nommer ,

Who's kid was he?

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