ILikeBoobies ,

They can just run the kitchens themselves to save a few bucks

geolaw ,

This is a threat, not capitulation

0x2d ,
NigelFrobisher ,

They may only be able to give executives a 20% raise next year if this goes ahead.

bookmeat ,

Awww. I’m so sad for these billionaires.

Thurkeau ,

Would you pay $20 for a Big Mac? …though they’ll probably automate the cooking and cashier positions, so they don’t have to pay an employee what I make as a robotics technician.

Jas91a ,

I think if they could have done that (automate the cooking and cashier) to save paying $3 wages they would have.

Player2 ,

Have we seen any of that happen in the places the company already operates that enforce a decent wage?

IHaveTwoCows ,

No. No, we have not. All these clowns get their economics lessons from assholes and blowhards on MultiMillionaire Fascist Talk Radio

Lightsong ,

Are you ignorant or what? There’s proof worldwide that paying your workers decent wages doesn’t cost more. Also, imagine what would happen if workers actually had money to spend… Guess where they’d spend.

kwking13 ,

No, I wouldn’t. That’s why they won’t price it at $20. They’re gonna have to figure something else out or just have a complete negative loss in the state. You can try to price gouge people but they’ll likely just go somewhere else. This is some bs thinking through and through

IHaveTwoCows ,

Always this bullshit response from so-called fReE mArKeT experts

They never tire of being proven dead wrong over and over and over and over…

0x2d ,

was the whole point of this comment to flex your job in robotics

Blackmist ,

I don’t think he’s a very good robotics technician if he’s only making $20 an hour.

He could be flipping burgers and making that.

mwguy ,


TopRamenBinLaden ,

So it turns out that you are underpaid just like these McDonald’s employees. Unless by robotics technician you mean something like a roomba repairman. Maybe support your fellow laborers when they are fighting for fair wages. It shouldn’t be a competition.

hrimfaxi_work , avatar

The guy who owns the franchise my nephew worked at in high school drove an actual Rolls Royce. He owned a few, but goddamn. The guy who owned the franchise I worked at 20 years earlier owned like 3 houses or something and flew planes as a hobby (idk if he owned one).

Excuse me for not giving a shit about a financial blow to people like them.

Hoomod ,

I just think of the SNL skit/sing “boomers got the vax”

At one point Kenan Thompson is portraying a wealthy boomer and the song goes like;

I got the big-ass house and the SUV. Got my second house two, and my third house three. And the place in Vermont, and one in Miami!

Damn, I got five houses? That’s a lot. Good for me.

Dekthro , avatar
lagomorphlecture ,

Has McDonald’s seen what it charges for its garbage food these days? $20 ain’t shit.

June ,

McDonald’s used to be relatively cheap.

Now it costs as much as a lot of the sit down restaurants in my area. Getting out for under $16 is a task and it’s more likely gonna cost me $20+.

Wendy’s is still affordable for the most part and has taken over those times I’d normally go to McDonald’s.

vaultdweller013 , avatar

The only decently affordable fast food places are wendys and taco bell. Atleast that ive noticed from the big ones. The local ones can still be cheap.

June ,

Wingstop is pretty decently priced too.

Panda Express was too but stopped being reasonable around the time they launched their rewards program.

vaultdweller013 , avatar

Fucken rewards programs, the battlepass of food and retail.

June ,

They used to be a nice bonus. Now they seem to be an excuse to raise prices.

IHaveTwoCows ,

McDs is one of the longest-lasting and most profitable chains in the world and a bunch of Ayn Rand-slurping assholes insist that they cannot possibly survive without exploitation so WONT YOU THINK OF THE POOR MULTIMILLIONAIRES??!!!

Pyr_Pressure ,

You can go to the pub and get a better burger and a beer for almost the same as McDonald’s.

CeeBee ,

I live in a small town, McDonald’s is the only “fast food” place here until last week when a Popeye’s chicken opened. That place had been packed every day since they opened. You can get an equivalent meal for two at nearly the price of one meal at McDonald’s.

Plus the food at Popeye’s is way better.

Tired8281 ,

Don’t threaten me with a good time.

uis , avatar

Poor-poor tiny McDonald’s.

ohlaph ,

And? Of course it’ll cost them money. They have been hoarding pay increases for years. 8f your business model doesn’t support paying a decent wage, your business model sucks.

pdxfed ,

I’m sure most of their employees will still draw public assistance to supplement their basic needs. Fuck these companies.

ZombieTheZombieCat ,

Yeah, wasn’t this the whole point of capitalism or something? If you can’t compete in the free market then gtfo and all that

floofloof , (edited )

That’s what it says, but it’s just marketing. Capitalists don’t actually believe in fair competition. They believe in themselves having all the stuff, not anyone else, by any means necessary.

Jas91a ,

Except when big Business expect government handouts then they’re okay with socialism

IHaveTwoCows ,

Fun fact: capitalists oppose free markets by an overwhelming margin

llamapocalypse , (edited )

It’s not like $20/ hr is even that much money - ~40k a year probably won’t even qualify you to rent an apartment most places anyone wants to live.

June ,

God it’s so wild. When I was a teenager $20/hour was good money. That’s just 20 years ago. Now it’s impossible to live on that wage in my area.

IHaveTwoCows ,

And according to the McDonalds apologists, IT’S YOUR FAULT!!!1!1!1!!1

mycatiskai ,

It will be ever so devastating for their employees to actually be able to afford a meal at their own restaurant.

Whatever will they do with all of these new customers that are also their own employees.


isVeryLoud , avatar


Ultraviolet ,

To quote FDR:

In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.

APassenger ,

We need an FDR. I’d take a modern Roosevelt. Any of them, assuming they keep up with the times (equality, similar).

Any = FDR, Eleanor, Teddy

Phegan ,

If you can’t pay your workers a fair wage, you shouldn’t run a business.

not_that_guy05 ,

If you need to be bailed out for the stupid mistakes you made with your business you don’t deserve to have a business. Why stop at wages.

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