hrimfaxi_work , avatar

The guy who owns the franchise my nephew worked at in high school drove an actual Rolls Royce. He owned a few, but goddamn. The guy who owned the franchise I worked at 20 years earlier owned like 3 houses or something and flew planes as a hobby (idk if he owned one).

Excuse me for not giving a shit about a financial blow to people like them.

Hoomod ,

I just think of the SNL skit/sing “boomers got the vax”

At one point Kenan Thompson is portraying a wealthy boomer and the song goes like;

I got the big-ass house and the SUV. Got my second house two, and my third house three. And the place in Vermont, and one in Miami!

Damn, I got five houses? That’s a lot. Good for me.

Dekthro , avatar
bookmeat ,

Awww. I’m so sad for these billionaires.

Thurkeau ,

Would you pay $20 for a Big Mac? …though they’ll probably automate the cooking and cashier positions, so they don’t have to pay an employee what I make as a robotics technician.

Jas91a ,

I think if they could have done that (automate the cooking and cashier) to save paying $3 wages they would have.

Player2 ,

Have we seen any of that happen in the places the company already operates that enforce a decent wage?

IHaveTwoCows ,

No. No, we have not. All these clowns get their economics lessons from assholes and blowhards on MultiMillionaire Fascist Talk Radio

Lightsong ,

Are you ignorant or what? There’s proof worldwide that paying your workers decent wages doesn’t cost more. Also, imagine what would happen if workers actually had money to spend… Guess where they’d spend.

kwking13 ,

No, I wouldn’t. That’s why they won’t price it at $20. They’re gonna have to figure something else out or just have a complete negative loss in the state. You can try to price gouge people but they’ll likely just go somewhere else. This is some bs thinking through and through

IHaveTwoCows ,

Always this bullshit response from so-called fReE mArKeT experts

They never tire of being proven dead wrong over and over and over and over…

0x2d ,

was the whole point of this comment to flex your job in robotics

Blackmist ,

I don’t think he’s a very good robotics technician if he’s only making $20 an hour.

He could be flipping burgers and making that.

mwguy ,


TopRamenBinLaden ,

So it turns out that you are underpaid just like these McDonald’s employees. Unless by robotics technician you mean something like a roomba repairman. Maybe support your fellow laborers when they are fighting for fair wages. It shouldn’t be a competition.


If, like me, you’re concerned that franchisees may not be able to raise prices and offset this $250k in yearly expenses, worry no more because they totally can.

This whole complaint is nonsense. That’s a trivial markup per food item.

Anticorp , (edited )

They can, and they always do. Yet for some reason people argue that they won’t, every time wage increases become a conversation.

CeruleanRuin ,

Well, their problem is they already planned to increase prices with zero added benefit to employees or customers. Asking them to actually contribute something in exchange for their gains? Psshhh

Anticorp ,

Yes, but now they’ll increase them twice, or twice as much. I know, I know, there are economic studies that say otherwise and the general consensus on the left is that prices don’t increase when wages do. I recognize that personal experience doesn’t hold a candle to scientific information. Yet, every single time I’ve seen wages go up in my entire life, the prices soon follow, wiping out the improvements for minimum wage workers and further eroding spending power for the middle class. The poor stay just as poor, the middle class shrinks a little, and the wealthy aren’t impacted at all. I’ve read studies that say differently, but it’s pretty hard to ignore a lifetime of experience. Now please recognize that I’m not advocating against a wage increase. I’m advocating for a law alongside the wage increase that blocks any associated price increases.

CeruleanRuin ,

That’s not a bad idea.

What would also help is an actually meaningful wage increase that isn’t just a handful of crumbs thrown out to give politicians something to brag on for their campaigns. Something that actually keeps pace with the cost of living increases, and makes up for decades of failing to make such increases.

I suspect your right, though, that it will always end up with the wealthy even wealthier, until we address them directly and start making laws with teeth that curb their hoarding of that wealth and stomp on their ability to influence policy with it.

IHaveTwoCows ,

I like the cut of your jib

NotYourSocialWorker ,

Restricting your own wage increase in the hope that companies won’t add to inflation is very much like trying to be extra nice to an abusing partner in the hope that they won’t hit you.

I know that you later wrote that you’re in favor of a law restricting their ability to increase prices so please take this as an aside.

JeffCraig ,

Besides, less fast food restaurants would be a good thing anyway.

thisbenzingring ,

I’m still waiting for taco trucks on every corner. Fuck that would be awesome

Riven , avatar

Been seeing them pop up more often for the past couple years. Granted I live in Cali.

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

I want them driving through my neighborhood like the fucking ice cream trucks.

m0darn ,

That’s my first thought. Oh maybe higher wages reduces mega chain economies of scale and makes local small businesses more viable.

snek , avatar

Big company suffers devistating effects when told to pay their workers well.

Well boo-fucking-hoo

Badass_panda ,

In this case, the franchisees (small business owners) are saying the big business (McDonalds, which makes its money off of real estate and franchise fees) is going to be fine but they (the people that make money from owning a restaurant) are in trouble.

For many of them, it’s true; they didn’t consider whether they could open this business if they had to pay a living wage. Unfortunately, that’s not our problem, but it won’t be a problem for McDonalds either.

snek , avatar

Honestly sounds like something McDonald’s should be fixing still.

Badass_panda ,

Not the way their business works… I think that franchising is an innately predatory business model and in need of severe legal reform. Let’s not ask McD to do it, let’s make them

Mongostein ,

Well, if this does kill franchises, it will hurt McDonald’s. They’re not making money off empty buildings.

Coreidan ,

Good. I hope they go out of business and the owners have to cry themselves to sleep. I hope they have to sell everything they own before having to work a minimum wage job.

Wilibus ,

Won’t someone please think of the wealthy upper middle class!

llamapocalypse , (edited )

It’s not like $20/ hr is even that much money - ~40k a year probably won’t even qualify you to rent an apartment most places anyone wants to live.

June ,

God it’s so wild. When I was a teenager $20/hour was good money. That’s just 20 years ago. Now it’s impossible to live on that wage in my area.

IHaveTwoCows ,

And according to the McDonalds apologists, IT’S YOUR FAULT!!!1!1!1!!1

ohlaph ,

And? Of course it’ll cost them money. They have been hoarding pay increases for years. 8f your business model doesn’t support paying a decent wage, your business model sucks.

pdxfed ,

I’m sure most of their employees will still draw public assistance to supplement their basic needs. Fuck these companies.

ZombieTheZombieCat ,

Yeah, wasn’t this the whole point of capitalism or something? If you can’t compete in the free market then gtfo and all that

floofloof , (edited )

That’s what it says, but it’s just marketing. Capitalists don’t actually believe in fair competition. They believe in themselves having all the stuff, not anyone else, by any means necessary.

Jas91a ,

Except when big Business expect government handouts then they’re okay with socialism

IHaveTwoCows ,

Fun fact: capitalists oppose free markets by an overwhelming margin

Kolanaki , avatar

NRA (National Restaurant Association)

Lifting a BigMac into the air


Kase ,

Oh god, I’m dead. This is hilarious.

(Btw I see you everywhere lol, hiii)

Phegan ,

If you can’t pay your workers a fair wage, you shouldn’t run a business.

not_that_guy05 ,

If you need to be bailed out for the stupid mistakes you made with your business you don’t deserve to have a business. Why stop at wages.

Mdotaut801 ,

Oh boo hoo, cry me a fucking river you fat, greasy suits. You’ve been taking advantage of workers since inception. You can absolutely afford to pay your workers $20/hr, you just won’t have as much profit. So what? You’ll still make ridiculous money. America is disgusting. I’m just disgusted with all the inequality. People are battling every day just to survive, and these corporate fucks are crying while wiping their tears with $100 bills and the shirts off the backs of their employees. Fuck off.


Their business can’t just absorb this cost. That’s not how businesses work. What they can do is raise prices a few cents each and pay the cost.

Franchisees are empowered to set their own pricing, so this is a non-issue.

Riven , avatar

I can almost guarantee a lot of locations wouldn’t even need to do that. The owner would just have to not take a bonus. God forbid that though.


Per the article it’s a $250k cost of labor increase on average

Holyhandgrenade , avatar

McDonald’s operates in many, many countries, several of which require minimum wage way higher than what they pay workers in the US. I’m sure they’ll be fine.

bob_wiley , avatar

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  • Holyhandgrenade , avatar

    That’s a good point, although I think greed is the main reason

    Waldowal , avatar

    BS. They said the same thing about $15, then COVID forced it on them (and presumably also raised their own costs for supplies), and it’s been fine. I think my McDs charges 1.25 for a soda now instead of a dollar.

    Astronautical ,

    Pretty sure everywhere it’s 1.25 now, aside from a couple states.

    Fogle ,

    Try Canada. A large costs like 3.40

    captain_aggravated , avatar

    Wel I mean Canadian Rupees cost like 60 freedom cents, so…

    Mautobu ,

    Sounds like McDonald’s can’t afford to do business. I guess the free market will have them close.

    massacre ,

    The group said the costs “simply cannot be absorbed by the business model.”

    They can do business, just not be as profitable if they can’t pay slave wages. The problem here is in the quote… they don’t want to change the model where the franchisee’s earn a little less and their crews can actually afford rent.

    princessnorah , avatar

    Why the heck should the franchisee be footing the bill? Make corporate McDonald’s pay for it. Surely they’ve made enough money off ice cream machines by now to afford it…

    prole , avatar

    Oh honey, no. The free market only applies when it works in their favor.

    orcrist ,

    Yes except that they were lying and they will still do business. :-/

    rhacer ,

    There is nothing “free market” about a forced minimum wage.

    There are lots of arguments to be made for an increased minimum wage, at least try to be smart when making them.

    TruTollTroll , (edited ) avatar

    The irony of you asking for smarts to be considered in regards to a mega billion dollar corp, who can more than afford this change for the entire country, let alone just California, is astounding while you are commenting the stupidest crap about “free markets” in relation to this news. It is hilariously pedantic…

    PP_BOY_ , avatar

    There is literally nothing incorrect with the statement “enforced minimum wages go against the free market philosophy” and the statement itself makes no claim one way or the other about their personal views. It’s just pointing out a factually incorrect claim. Ironically enough, your paragraph reply is the hilariously pedantic part

    eek2121 ,

    They already pay $20/hour in my area. I am not in Cali.

    Miqo ,

    They advertise like $11 / hour where I live for managers.

    PP_BOY_ , avatar

    Without doxxing yourself, can I ask where? I live in one of the lowest COL states and McDonalds managers are still advertised at least $18/hr or more. Even the part time employees usually start around $14 from the signs outside the store.

    GeneralEmergency ,

    ITT: People with no idea how franchises work.

    DarthBueller , (edited )

    I think people know, but it’s going to be like they treat landlords. Ideologically opposed. EDIT: thanks for the downvote for a neutral prediction. I’d like to thank the Academy, Spez, and users like you.

    GeneralEmergency ,

    If they think McDonald’s are the one paying employees then they don’t know shit.

    slazer2au ,

    Press X to doubt.

    HurlingDurling ,

    Exactly, they shure as shit don’t have a problem giving their “food” away now. The truth is most likely that telling their investors that they won’t make so much money will be a devastating financial blow.

    nilloc ,

    In our local fast foods most places are already advertising at least $19 hour for new hires. Is also over $20 for a kids meal and one adult meal “deal”, which takes less than 5-6 minutes to sell me.

    They’re raking it in.

    HurlingDurling ,

    I mean, my kid worked at a McD and got so much free food and not the stuff they are about to throw, but he would straight up make himself a quarter pounder combo, and then make me one fresh for free as many times as he wanted. He even would stop by on his off days, walk in and cook himself something and they didn’t care because of how much money they brought in. It was stupid and they should definitely raise the salaries of their employees instead of just showering them with free McD food.

    nilloc ,

    Yeah talk about a blessing and a curse.

    This is why labor needs to wake up, like it had to in the 30s.

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