Grindr loses nearly half its staff to strict return-to-work rule ( )

Grindr has lost about 45% of its staff as it enforces a strict return-to-office policy that was introduced after a majority of employees announced a plan to unionize.

About 80 of the 178 employees at the LGBTQ+ dating app company resigned after the company in August mandated that workers return to work in person two days a week at assigned “hub” offices or be fired, the Communications Workers of America said in a statement Wednesday.

love seeing companies going full mask off now — not even trying to sell the ‘collaborative environment’ bile, it’s purely punitive

m750 ,

Some of this is intentional by design. Shedding head count through willing attrition.

jantin ,

mask off

I see what you did here

OrteilGenou ,

Here’s one company where physical presence is kind of required

JokeDeity ,

Isn’t this like a week old now?

firlefans ,

One company I worked at (in Germany) did a survey asking employees for their preference during the pandemic, 78% wanted a hybrid model with less than half of their time spent in the office, citing many legitimate reasons such as childcare. The management interpretation of this openly reported survey was an “overwhelming desire to return to the pre-pandemic office culture”…in a company full of data scientists, and analysts, it didn’t land so well.

BirdyBoogleBop ,

If only they had qualified people to interpret the data…

const_void ,

Return to office is a grift. Tech workers need to unionize.

uis , avatar

They needed to many years ago

Mamertine ,

They were doing so at Grindr. That’s allegedly the catalyst for this happening. The unionize movement has less momentum when you terminate half of your staff.

DarkSpectrum ,

You could say the company came to a grinding halt

whitecapstromgard ,

take my upvote and go

FlyingSquid , avatar

With gay abandon no less.

NathanielThomas ,

It’s about control and domination and ownership. They want to own you.

I_Fart_Glitter ,

Hey man, only if it’s consensual.

Anonymousllama ,

I’m sure they’ll find plenty of top tier new engineers who will take a position at Grindr instead of literally any other job that offers full time WFH support 🙄

Wonder which executive got annoyed that they went into the office, they noticed no one else was suffering in-office with them and this is the outcome.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Wonder which executive got annoyed that they went into the office, they noticed no one else was suffering in-office with them and this is the outcome.

The one that gets the bonus.

Bytemeister ,

Hypothetically, if I was called in to an empty office during a pandemic while the top brass worked from the comfort of home, I would absolutely work quietly and diligently from my designated space, and I would absolutely not load up on beans before hand and at every urge of my bowels, wander into those empty corner offices and fumigate every chair, book, keyboard, mousepad and drawer individually and repeatedly.

randon31415 ,

Surprised to see no one making the default joke about how “half of their staff is still 3 inches.” Guess people here actually care about the method that the people were laid off.

andrew_bidlaw , avatar

Not up for the grind, am i rite?

SharkEatingBreakfast , avatar

They didn’t “lose” their staff— they “discarded” their staff.

moneyinphx ,

It wasn’t because of return to work. Workers were attempting to unionize.

brlemworld ,

They didn’t lose their staff they constructively laid them off. They drastically changed the terms of their employment. Grindr must pay them unemployment benefits.

Crashumbc ,

Even still, that’s nothing, compared to severance or paying their salaries. Especially if they felt they needed to layoff folks anyway.

expatriado ,

cut payroll without paying unemployment with this simple trick

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