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I love gen-Z's attitude towards corporate culture ( lemmy.world )

i recently lost my job and it’s horrible being in the ‘unemployed’ class – you’re made to feel worthless, you have to take advice from people, perfectly well meaning of course, that are basically encouragement on digging your own grave - i love being in the position where i have to do some fake elizabethian courting...

_number8_ OP ,

doing it in the context of being approachable and normal in the job you already have is way way different than somehow having it as a requirement to get a job though

_number8_ OP ,

yeah, people shit on the boomer ‘firm handshake’ thing but at this rate, even as a card-carrying introvert i’d rather take my chances and at least get a feel of the place rather than filling out another godawful application that no one will ever read

_number8_ ,

WFH is unambiguously the future no matter how much these hogs keep dragging their feet.

_number8_ ,

yeah i honestly think that’s a big part of it – now they can’t goad people with bullshit perks like ‘a slightly less shitty office’ that enforce a hierarchy; lower level employees won’t feel as bad when they’re not being demeaned in various ways. and the #1 goal of a business other than making more money forever is to allow the sycophants and psychopaths it employs to feel power and control

_number8_ ,

i love how they get to pretend that them gambling on buildings is somehow some incredible, high minded business scheme that we all must respect. they can’t just lose money can they??

_number8_ ,

it’s genuinely bewildering seeing someone my age talk about a ‘career’…like…what dude? oh maybe if i work hard the guy will shake my hand and give me a raise? do you live in a norman rockwell painting?

_number8_ ,

what a fucking absolute psychopath

please lay off 150000 thanks

_number8_ ,

lolll it’s a fine dining restaurant too. nothing worse than making dozens of meals per hour that each cost far more than you make per hour

_number8_ ,

why the fuck is it a longshot? god forbid people have more time to themselves

why do i constantly oscillate between having an a) intense work ethic where i consistently work hard and manage money wisely or b) pure gluttony and hedonism where i spend freely and accumulate debt

when i do A for long enough and my overall net worth comes close enough to zero, i switch to B and am only sometimes capable of wrangling it in...

_number8_ ,

my pet dogs started living once i started poking fucking holes in the crates

_number8_ ,

thank fucking god. so much at so many work environments i’ve been in just seem designed to be malignant and enforce austere application of power moreso than anything, let alone account for worker quality of life and mental health. it’s a business so because it’s a business and since they have to make money that’s just ok to disregard, as though our existence as human flesh and blood bodies and souls is predicated upon keeping these fucking things going, rather than these companies providing for our common needs and goods.

i remember a dishwasher job at college which was literally just standing in place washing dishes, the boss kept coming back to check on us and yell at us if we were listening to music in headphones because we had to be able to communicate at all times apparently - and these checkups were the only time we had any fucking thing to communicate; the only other duties of the job were mind numbing standing in place washing spoons with roaring machines going.

_number8_ ,

hell yeah. now that people have experienced the radical paradigm shift of WFH there’s no way for it to feel right anymore having to go in every day and pretend like it means something

_number8_ ,

exactly, this is a non issue. if someone wants to go through the immense hassle and expense of moving just to get like 30mins more pay daily, ok

_number8_ ,

i agree with this entire thing, but just for the pretense of seeming balanced, the commute home from work is often quite recreational imo. working from home and simply closing a browser is less satisfying than speeding away from the evil building. [but it is better in every other way]

_number8_ ,

this is exactly the logic in the US as well. except we’re more tethered to jobs because of our malignant healthcare system and general lack of a social safety net. and most of us barely, barely have public transport as an option

_number8_ ,

not really the main point or any reason to dismiss the whole thing. we aren’t playthings for corporations, the whole interviewing facade where we’re supposed to be dutiful and perfect and company-fearing is dumb

_number8_ ,

i hate how we’re supposed to act like we’re the Most Perfect fit for the role, and So Eager! – the most ideal human to ever walk the earth, specifically for this role.

and you get the job and go there and the coworkers aren’t fucking god and apollo, it’s joey and mark

_number8_ ,

there needs to be a common form for job applications like with college

they’re incentivized to make it as shitty as possible both for this rite of passage shite as well as de-incentivizing workers in general from switching jobs ‘too freely’. it helps retention knowing how fucking miserable the process is

_number8_ ,

anyone who says ‘networking’ is a charlatan imo. at least try to word it like a human being while giving advice

_number8_ OP ,

RTO itself isn’t negative PR?

_number8_ OP ,

how did we get to the point where a gay hookup app is doing evil corporate schemes and attrition

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978 ( www.epi.org )

“average top CEO compensation was $15.6 million in 2021, up 9.8% since 2020. In 2021, the ratio of CEO-to-typical-worker compensation was 399-to-1 under the realized measure of CEO pay; that is up from 366-to-1 in 2020 and a big increase from 20-to-1 in 1965 and 59-to-1 in 1989”

_number8_ ,

it all feels pointless. after 2020 we know they can just pull the rug on everything…my generation and future ones know that there probably isn’t a future because we’re still polluting even though if we stopped now we’d all be suffering anyway so…full steam ahead i guess

RTO mandates are such a vile vile figment of the mid 2020s. massive quality of life downgrades are being mandated because some rich fucks bet too many fucking parlays on fucking office buildings

_number8_ ,

i just wish sycophants in the general public wouldn’t believe them

_number8_ ,

is there any meaningful difference? why should the lives of millions be worse because execs made fucking bets on office buildings?

_number8_ ,

i love how we’re supposed to accept the premise that because big companies starting gambling on office buildings (??? why would you do this??? why is it built like this?? why is this allowed??) everyone’s life has to be measurably worse

_number8_ ,

people have lives far, far beyond the scope of offices and business. people have dreams, desires, goals that matter a trillion times more than ‘mentorship’ or ‘organizational productivity’ ever, ever could.

centering these discussions around business-school shit is being fundamentally blind. the fact that we have to cloak everything in ‘productivity’ language is a sick show of penance.

_number8_ ,

if you’ve ever worked food service in your life you should instantly be able to calculate how fucked wages are. in 1 hour you make dozens of meals that cost $10+ while getting paid maybe $10 or $15 per hour. it’s obscene

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