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lowleveldata ,

I think people are just afraid of injection in general. And someone took that small fear and turns it into conspiracies and what not.

sab , avatar

"I'm terrified of needles, but I'm to proud to admit I'm afraid of a needle. Better come up with an excuse. Let's say it causes autism."

alvvayson ,

Fear + stupidity = conspiracy

Sadly, we have no cure for stupidity.

I guess the rest of us will need to figure out living in a world where we have conquered lions, bears, the Black Death and famine, but not yet the stupidity of our fellow countrymen.

Communist_Lemming , avatar

What about genocide as a cure?

abraham_linksys ,

Username checks out

mounderfod , avatar

The cure for “stupidity” is education :) Sadly this is being neglected in many countries

e_t_ Admin ,

The cure for ignorance is education. Even PhD-holders can be stupid.

alvvayson ,

The number of highly educated idiots is too damn high.

ThrowawayPermanente ,

Read Freddie DeBoer

MyFairJulia , avatar

As far as i know the fear of vaccines started growing because of Andrew Wakefield.

Andrew Wakefield developed a vaccine against measles, however the MMR vaccine was already on the market doing its job just fine. So how could he make sure that his vaccine was taken instead of the MMR?

He had to start lying. So he started to spread the notion that the MMR vaccine would cause autism. My memory hets fuzzy from here on but basically it was MMR vaccine causing autism because it would mess with gut bacteria and to prove that he was messing with data and his colleagues and until they realized what was happening the damage was already done. And over time the lie from Wakefield turned into the commonly known “vaccines cause autism”.

Hbomberguy has a very comprehensive video about it:

fushuan ,

As a small correction from the video itself: it isn’t just that he wanted to sell the individual vaccines, it’s that the parents of the kids that underwent tests wanted the investigation to go through to sue the MMR vaccine company. It was all a sham from the beginning.

MyFairJulia , avatar

All because of 🦀 MONEY 🦀

feedum_sneedson ,

What is crab money crab?

wanderingmagus ,
feedum_sneedson ,

It’s literally a reference to Spongebob? Maybe I am finally getting old.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I was already well into adulthood when Spongebob came out, so I’m guessing I’m already old.

echodot ,

He never even had to serve prison time for any of this.

He did have his medical license taken away, which was basically the band minimum they could have done, but really he should have faced prosecution.

tryptaminev , avatar

Anti-Vaxx is more complicated than that. In Germany for instance it originates in the homeopathy and anthrosophy movements that are pseudo-science nonsense fueled by fearmongering against scientific medicine and science in general, sprinkler with other esoteric conspiracies and a good load of white supremacy.

So there is different sources and now it all mingles together because of the internet.

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