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Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

I remain astounded that anyone lives in Saskatchewan

Jafoo , to Texas in Texas GOP and UT-Austin leaders shift from championing free speech to policing protester intentions

Not surprising.... We humans are hardwired to silence anyone who dares to utter words challenging our own thoughts and beliefs out loud. It's not simply an accident that free speech only started to become viable in the last couple of centuries, and even then, only in a very few corners of Earth

Most nations still place draconian restrictions on what their citizens can say in public

Jafoo , to Men's Liberation in The 'masculine mystique' – why men can't ditch the baggage of being a bloke

That description of The 1950s is highly mythological

Jafoo , to Men's Liberation in The 'masculine mystique' – why men can't ditch the baggage of being a bloke

"Everyone wants a super hero who can give them everything. So yeah, both sides want an irrational fantasy character"

This is all part and parcel of a larger social ill. For all of the(often justifiable)griping we indulge in, regarding contemporary "Woke Entertainment", Hollywood has been flooding our societal atmosphere with increasingly dysfunctional messaging, for well over 30 years now

As the article points out, this took root with Disney movies in The 90s

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

"I am of the opinion that the vast majority of legitimate male grievance against society would be better addressed by bringing to heel the corporations, the wealthy..."

Crony Capitalism is a serious problem. As you say, given that this is harmful to not just men but to our civilization at large, the wisdom of approaching such subjects as gendered problems is questionable

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

"Environmentalism has been around for longer than the 60s..."

Modern historians have retroactively labelled events like Edward I outlawing the burning of sea coal as "Environmentalism". The movement we think of today arose in The 1960s. John Muir and folks like that conceptualized their approach as "conservationism"

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

"There are the sorts clamoring for a reversion to old ways of patriarchal orders, who look to see things in this working man supporting a household and holding a veto-wielding authority over social and domestic order as a golden era perfection. This form is dead, regressive, and a vestige of an imagined past that will not come back"

Therein lies yet another parallel between The MRM and Environmentalism: A romanticized view of the past. Contemporary MRAs yearn to take us back to a White Washed view of Tge 1950s, which never existed anywhere outside of sitcoms from that decade. Just as Greens dream of taking our entire species back to a glorified view of hunter gatherer people who lived in perfect harmony with each other and the natural world

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

"I don’t think that you can put any of this down to individual choices. Individual men aren’t the ones making choices that it’s ‘gay’ to cry when you feel sad, or that being a Real Man ™ means that you bottle up your feelings and push through the suck until you can’t anymore and eat a shotgun for breakfast"

No one forces us to do such things. If these aren't individual choices, who's making us do them?

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

That topic was never broached in any of the discussions I had with MRAs

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

You lived in a village, which had it's own mayor? Where on Earth was this?

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

That leads to an entirely separate subject... The most pressing challenges today aren't ones of "rights", but matters of human development and individual choice

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

Every human being(Regardless of gender)is "disadvantaged" in some way. I'm no longer convinced that approaching these subjects as either "men's" or "women's" issues(Rather than American ones, the likes of which invite the attentions and energies of all citizens who'd like to leave our descendants with a slightly saner world than the one we enjoyed)is either intellectually honest, nor politically wise

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

-No, I don't consider myself an MRA and never did, even during the time I affiliated with them. That's one of the many factors which led to my expulsion from the clique

-I'm more interested in enhancing the personal liberty of all Americans to be themselves and true to their consciences than I am in "rights". As such, I don't approach subjects like the dysfunctional state of our family and divorce courts, or the existence of Title IX star chambers on university campuses across The US as "gendered" ills

These things are harmful to everyone, men AND women alike

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

I'm suspicious of anyone who speaks of "rights" for their own demographic, as opposed to civil rights for one and all, themselves included

"...those who seek political power for personal gain"

Why the hell else does anyone pursue political power?

Jafoo OP , to Men's Liberation in Does The Men's Rights Movement Have A Future?

The current iteration of The MRM is definitely an offshoot of The Skeptic Community on YouTube, which itself always had a fair amount of overlap with The Alt Right. Same way Environmentalism was an off-shoot of The Counterculture of The 1960s, and as such, always overlapped heavily with The Far Left

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