georgetakei , avatar

That's...not correct.

targetdrone , avatar

@georgetakei I saw a non-IT employee in the 90s holding the mouse exactly like this, and struggling to use it. When I asked, they said "I figured since this was obviously the mouse's tail, this other end must be his nose, and I point his nose at what I have to click on." It was a perfectly logical deduction for someone without any other instruction. And it taught me to assume that nothing about computers is universally understood.

michaelslade , avatar

@georgetakei Cool, this dad must be standing on his head.

Havant_Enviro , avatar


RSI waiting to happen

AccordionBruce , avatar

If he’s got a hand tremor that makes it difficult to control the fingertips, than most mouse buttons and many keyboards may not be usable

I developed a tremor (no one knows why) and suddenly all my peripherals are inaccessible

I never thought about using the mouse backwards. That sounds limiting. But I’d be willing to give it a shot

ElNacho , avatar

@georgetakei I knew someone who'd never used a computer before & picked up the mouse, turned it over & started talking into the mouse as if it was a voice command walkie talkie device! They were 30 years old at the time & this was the 90s!! 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

alastair87 , avatar

@georgetakei If that makes the computer accessible for him it seems fine to me.

spudwart , avatar

@georgetakei Alternatively, he's on to something and we're all missing something.

wbpeckham , avatar

@georgetakei if I wanted a rodent on my desktop I'd get a hamster!

barryjsullivan ,

@georgetakei This is how you use a mouse.


geeksam , avatar

@georgetakei have you tried reversing the polarity?

lewiscowles1986 , avatar

Noice... Apple keyboard.

If he's happy, let him do him.

jab01701mid , avatar

@georgetakei Nothing wrong with this - probably more ergonomic usage than traditional, like a trackball.

TacticalGrace_ , avatar

@georgetakei That's a war crime.

MaZderMind , avatar

@georgetakei As far as I remember you should hold it in front of your mouth and ask kindly „Computer, …?“

Professor_Stevens , avatar


There was a time when left-handedness was treated as a disability. Leave your dad alone.

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