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MossyFeathers , (edited ) to Work Reform in Ikea’s CEO has solved the Swedish retailer’s global ‘unhappy worker’ crisis by raising salaries, introducing flexible working and subsidizing childcare

Imo it's not the former (kids making content) that's the issue; that's something kids have been doing in games for a long time. Gmod, TF2, CS:S, Minecraft, etc. Most of those games have mods made by kids or people who started as kids, and some of them are very successful and have even led them to careers in the game industry.

The thing that's actually bad is the fact that the kids can make money from it, and the cut they get is almost non-existent. The result is that it encourages kids to design their games in a way that utilizes the kinds of monetization we normally associate with greedy corpos (loot boxes, true microtransactions like charging for extra lives, etc).

If kids weren't able to make money off it, or if the cut was larger and they restricted the kinds of monetization kids could utilize (no loot boxes, charging for extra lives, etc), then I wouldn't see an issue with it.

That's where I think a lot of people miss the mark. For some reason it seems like there's a view that's unique to people criticizing Roblox, which is that kids making mods for games is bad; but imo it's only bad when coupled with a monetization scheme that encourages kids to nickel and dime each other.

Edit: but yes, kids do make content for Roblox and get shitty cuts for it. Also changed a sentence (in bold).

MossyFeathers , to aww in I made dis. Pls be gentle

Take a moment and think about the fact that, in the wild, another animal handling your babies is a great way to lose them, so the vast majority of animals have evolved to be protective of their young.

Now think about how much it means that dogs let humans handle their babies.

MossyFeathers , to U.S. News in TikTok campaign against ban backfires

The concern is that the Chinese gov’t can exert the same level of control over TikTok’s data that they do over Weibo, and that they can for the company to change the way that they feed information to people in order to serve pro-China propaganda to people. That’s a concern in the same way that a social media platform serving pro-Russian propaganda is.

Pretty much how I feel about it. There was a point where I was upset from a privacy standpoint, but somewhere along the way I realized that if China really wants my info they can probably easily get it from one of the many databrokers who almost certainly have my entire life on file; and doing so would likely provide them with more info on who I am than tiktok ever could.

At this point I’m more concerned about how the CCP might be manipulating the app’s algorithms and to what end. I don’t use tiktok, so take this with a grain of salt, but my understanding is that Chinese tiktok tends to be very wholesome with trends that tend to highlight people’s talents and skills, while western tiktok tends to be very cancerous with destructive or (ironically) anti-social trends that keep popping up. It seems odd that the quality of socialization would vary so dramatically. Maybe westerners are just really shitty compared to people living in China, or maybe China’s social credit system just makes that much of a difference, but I find it hard to believe that westerners are really that different from people in China. I find it hard to believe that there isn’t some amount of manipulation going on, either on China’s side (skewed to make people in China look better) or the international side (skewed to make westerners look worse).

MossyFeathers , to Texas in Texas power plants have no responsibility to provide electricity in emergencies, judges rule

With what money? I’d love to get out of texas, especially because if Trump or another Republican wins the next election, I’m one of the people they’ll be coming for. But with what money?

MossyFeathers , to Work Reform in What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working.

Man, I remember when I was a kid groceries cost $100~$200 for a family of 4 for a week, and some of that food (like bags of chips) would get spread out over multiple weeks. 11-year-old me couldn’t believe that my parents spent that much on food but wouldn’t get me a $40 lego set.

MossyFeathers , (edited ) to U.S. News in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

I’m trans and living in the south. I have a very good reason to be afraid for my life. You’re looking at this with the benefit of hindsight. You know it was a harmless “”“prank”“” but can you really tell me that if someone came up to you looking like this (supposedly that’s a picture of them right before the shooting happened) and started harassing you without stopping when you try to push them away, that you wouldn’t be scared too?

He tried to disengage but they didn’t let him. That’s fucking terrifying when you don’t know what is going through the other person’s head.

Edit: to explain why me being trans is relevant: I’m putting myself in his shoes. I’m pretending I’m a delivery driver, I have a gun for self-defense, I show up to deliver something and two guys who are taller than I am start harassing me while playing a sound clip that mimics the kinds of phrases homophobes yell before beating the shit out of someone. You’re damn right I’m going to shoot them. I don’t know if they’re white supremacists or a dumbass “prank” YouTuber, but from my perspective, the risk is that if I guess wrong then I’ll probably be in the hospital with significant medical bills or dead.

MossyFeathers , to U.S. News in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

My understanding is that the reason why it’s odd is because they found him not guilty on the other two charges on the grounds of self-defense. If I understand correctly, “self-defense” justifies discharging a firearm, regardless of who, what, when, where, why or how. If the jury rules self-defense in one instance, it should logically be applied to all charges related to that instance. Soooo… why were only two charges “self-defense”?

MossyFeathers , to U.S. News in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

even pulled out the gun as a deterrent

Afaik that’s actually illegal. You don’t brandish a firearm unless you’re ready to shoot someone. Additionally, I’d highly recommend looking more into the case. The short of it is that their “prank” was shoving a phone into his face that played, “hey dipshit, stop thinking about my twinkle” repeatedly. He told them to stop repeatedly and tried to push the phone away, but they continued to push it into his face.

Furthermore, keep in mind that the US is going fucking insane. We have public demonstrations by neo-nazis. The KKK’s membership is increasing and klansmen have been seen waving their membership cards at pride parades. Now, I don’t really know what was going through the shooter’s head, but personally? Personally I wouldn’t roll the dice and bet that someone who’s shoved a phone into my face saying, “stop thinking about my twinkle” and won’t back off when I tell them to isn’t about to murder me because they think I’m gay.

MossyFeathers , to U.S. News in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

If you were in no way touched or threatened, how the fuck can you justify discharging your firearm in a public place?

U fukken wot M8? He shoved a phone into the guy’s face that repeated the phrase, “Hey dipshit, quit thinking about my twinkle” and when the guy told him to stop, repeatedly and tried to push the phone away, the guy kept egging him on. That’s a threat at that point. If someone is making you feel like you might be in danger, that’s a threat. It doesn’t matter their intent, if they’re making you feel threatened, then they are threatening you.

He was carrying a gun because he’d read about delivery drivers getting robbed, and even if that wasn’t why he was carrying a gun, I’d still be on his side. Someone who’s planning to jump you isn’t going to be nice and spell it out for you. Combine that with an insane rise in anti-lgbt violence and a phone shoved in your face playing, “quit thinking about my twinkle” and I’d 100% believe that I might be about to get killed by some neo-nazi bigot because they’ve decided I’m gay and need to be “taught a lesson”. And yeah it was in public, but considering neo-nazis in the US have been holding public demonstrations recently, the last thing I’d want to do is bet on them not having the balls to murder me in public.

Is that what was going through his head before he shot the guy? No idea, but sorry, the US has gone completely fucking nuts and there are too many assholes with murderous intent to be willing to roll the dice when someone gets in my face and won’t fuck off. They had plenty of chances to disengage and decided not to. If they’d stopped when he said, “stop” then I’d be a lot more sympathetic; but they didn’t. They kept pushing.

MossyFeathers , (edited ) to U.S. News in Maine Wants These Nazi Squatters Gone

“Did you know that the swastika was actually used way before Hitler used it? Currently all over the world with what I would expect a different meaning than what we associate it with. Here in this country it was first used by the Native Americans.”

Pohlhaus is a neo-Nazi and most people associate the swastika with Nazis.

Greear, sweetheart, he’s a neo-nazi. It doesn’t matter who else uses the swastika. It doesn’t matter that it’s technically a symbol of peace, prosperity, luck, Thor, Jupiter, Zeus, Indra, or whatever the fuck your religion/culture believes it means. He’s a neo-nazi, he’s using it as a symbol of hate. While I don’t agree with the idea of letting nazis claim the symbol when it comes to non-religious use, while I believe there should be an effort to reclaim it in non-religious contexts, he’s a fucking neo-nazi. Bless your heart for trying to defend him, but he’s one of the last people that need it.

MossyFeathers , to Politics in He became the first Black mayor of a rural Alabama town. Then a white minority locked him out

The fact that people are (were) down voting you for this is disappointing.

Their lives are in danger.

One of them has had their house burned down.

They’re receiving threats against themselves and their children.

They are being stalked and harrased.

There is no one coming to help them.

They cannot call the cops, because the cops will likely take the opportunity to kill them all in a series of “”“accidental discharges”“”, if they show up at all.

Voting doesn’t work and neither will protesting because the “”“current”“” mayor doesn’t follow any election laws.

The only avenue they have left is a lawsuit, which they’re current pursuing. If that fails, then this becomes a perfect example of what the 2nd amendment is for.

Y’all need to understand that there’s a time to do things civilized, and a time to do things like a caveman. If, after exhausting all their other options, y’all really think this could be resolved another way, you need a reality check. You need to step outside of your comfy, cozy apartments or houses and travel through the “flyover country”. You need to get out, find out what the people are like, and learn how hard it is to leave an area like that. You need to understand that the KKK is still alive and kicking, and is growing in popularity. You need to understand that sundown towns are still very much a thing, albiet unofficially; and there are many small towns which have ponds that you should not go swimming in under any circumstance. If you still think there’s no place for violence in this issue, then I don’t know what to say.

MossyFeathers , to Politics in In battleground Arizona, key independent voters decry Trump, support Georgia election indictment

Independents are now the biggest voting bloc in the state, outnumbering Republicans and Democrats, according to new voter registration data released last month by the Arizona Secretary of State.

Wow. I never thought I’d hear this about any state except maybe the tiny northern states like Rhode Island or Vermont. Definitely not from a state in the southwest.

MossyFeathers , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day

Dark Brandon is cringe af, but it’s funny how bent out of shape some people get about it.

MossyFeathers , to fountainpens in I might have a problem...

Okay, I love fountain pens but never really got into them. Do you use a different pen for each ink, or do you swap out the inks in a single pen? Do you have any suggestions for starting pens with refillable reservoirs? I have one however it uses little plastic cartridges.

MossyFeathers , to Sysadmin in Windows feature that resets system clocks based on random data is wreaking havoc

Right. Instead of setting up their own secure date and time server or ensuring devices can establish a secure channel to a time server regardless of the circumstances, they decided to use SSL certificates to securely get the date and time? Which is an issue because the unix time stamp can have anything in it. Not only that, but it’s enabled by default, meaning that most server hosts won’t think to disable it until it starts causing problems. Right. And no one thought that this would be an issue?

I’m not a professional, but if I were to take a guess as to why the bug is becoming more common, it’d be that it’s probably self-perpetuating. One server gets the wrong unix time and flips out. Then, while IT is trying to fix the server, another server just kinda yoinks the SSL certificate from the bugged server to check the unix time. That server now has the wrong time too. However, this server doesn’t have anything time-sensitive on it (or at least nothing urgently affected by the time bug), and the error corrects itself by the time anyone notices. In the meantime, another server has borrowed that server’s SSL certificate, again, to check the time, and gets the wrong time as a result. Throw in the fact that there may be some people who, either out of maliciousness or for some niche application, have their systems intentionally misreporting the unix time, and voila!

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