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ScrivenerX , to Star Trek in Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous


I’m not sold that any of the cast is super nuanced, but they have personalities that are distinct. You can see a situation and think “that’s how La’an would react.” I’m still unsure what Nahn does.

ScrivenerX , to Star Trek in Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous

I’m not worried.

The reason SNW is better than DISCO and ENT is that the characters are real and complete. We know exactly what type of person Ortegas is, and seeing her do stuff is exciting because I’m invested in seeing her grow and change.

Compare that to Detmer from DISCO, I’m not sure what her job is, didn’t know her name for serval seasons and couldn’t tell you a thing about her personality. I don’t care if Detmer lives, dies or grows. She’s a person who exists in the background.

The hard work of establishing the characters is done. I will be happy to see them go stuff.

ScrivenerX , to Work Reform in Almost all remote-work news is negative now but was positive in the beginning of the pandemic. Have you noticed this or am I going crazy?

That is a huge pressure, but it’s less obvious why a company in a business unrelated to real estate would want real estate prices high.

The secret is that companies aren’t in the business of making a good or providing a service, they actually are just giant schemes for raising money for “investments”. For example, airlines don’t make their money off of selling tickets, but through prospecting jet fuel. Most companies aren’t as direct and clear about what their business actually is.

Also the link between real estate and all of jobs isn’t very clear and is very abstract. It’s easy to see the costs and interactions with companies forced by working in an office, it’s difficult to see how a building losing value effects anyone.

ScrivenerX , to Work Reform in Almost all remote-work news is negative now but was positive in the beginning of the pandemic. Have you noticed this or am I going crazy?

It’s because a huge amount of business is centered around made up things for going to work.

Things you need to work in an office: suits, dry cleaning for the suits, dress shoes, a car (because public transportation is woefully inadequate for this reason), gas for the car, maintenance for the car, lunch, daycare, a dog walker, you have less time so you are more likely to eat out for dinner, also more likely to hire maids, you are stuck in a commute and radio is awful, so a music subscription, maybe a new phone, and might have to go out for drinks with the coworkers on the way home.

Staying at home, and much of the country on highly limited income, taught us how much we spend on the “privilege” of work. Everyone is still shocked at the emotional and opportunity cost work had, we’re just starting to realize that most of what it sold to us either isn’t real or isn’t needed.

If people don’t go back to work a sea of businesses will fail.

ScrivenerX , to Star Trek in Can someone give me adivice on how/where to get back into star trek?

There are good prime directive episodes, but on a whole they just aren’t good intros to the shows.

For example, Pen Pals from TNG has some great moments. The crew indulging Data, everyone knowing Data has an emotional connection with the little alien girl, except Data. Good discussion about the morality of intervention. And a large chunk is Wes being whiny also pretty goofy make up on alien girls hands. It’s good, but not an intro to Trek good.

ScrivenerX , to Star Trek in Can someone give me adivice on how/where to get back into star trek?

A quick rundown of what is out there:

TOS - the original series - I don’t think it holds up too well, only watch if you get into Trek.

Suggested episodes - trouble with tribbles and balance of terror

TNG - the next generation - the basis of modern Trek. Probably what most people think of with star Trek

Eps - measure of a man, darmok, inner light and cause and effect

DS9 - deep space nine - my favorite, the story of the dominion war and the fate of cardasaia. It has a slow start but really picks up

Eps - duet and in the pale moonlight

VOY - voyager - I’m not a fan but it’s popular, jerri Ryan and Robert Picardo are the best parts of the show

Eps - year of hell pts 1&2

ENT - enterprise - it’s been a long road getting from there to here, but your time is finally here. It’s campy and bad, but I love it. Go in with low expectations and come out with a love of Shran.

Eps - not going up suggest any, quality tends to trend upwards over the course of the show, but there isn’t any one episode that highlights anything good about the show.

DISCO - discovery - the start of nutrek. It isn’t as bad as some people say, but it isn’t great. There are some good characters, I like Tilly, some neat twists and callbacks (Lorka) but on a whole it’s just meh.

Eps - none for DISCO every episode builds towards a season arc pretty directly, so it’s not good to watch out of order

Picard - it’s bad. Season 3 is better if you are a big fan of TNG, DS9 and VOY, as an entry point it’s awful.

Eps - I didn’t enjoy any enough to recommend

LD - lower decks - funny animated star Trek. I think it’s great, but very referential to old series. Not a good jumping on point.

Eps - wej Duj and much ado about Boimler

SNW - strange new worlds - still running and great. An excellent jumping on point, pretty and well acted

Eps - ad astra per aspera and the Elysian Kingdom

ScrivenerX , to Star Trek in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x07 "Those Old Scientists"

excluded humor, excluded science,

I seem to remember the first instance of “fuck” in star trek being a humorous scene about science.

promoted how progressive the future would be.

Like every other star trek?

I’m not a huge Disco fan. I think it doesn’t stand up and is way too focused on how everyone feels, but complaining about “oh no! SJWs!” Is just a roundabout way of saying you are racist/sexist. I think there are some good ideas in Disco but moving away from the episodic formula hurt the show. SNW does much of the same stuff as Disco, but is plot driven not character driven, which is fundamental difference between Disco and other Trek. Picard went the same way as Disco and suffered for it.

I hope that the success of SNW and LD help them realize what parts of the formula work and what doesn’t.

ScrivenerX , to Politics in Why Isn't Clarence Thomas Facing Impeachment Hearings?

Article II section 4 of the constitution

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

That seems like a part of the constitution he isn’t upholding

Maybe if you read the constitution you’d understand what’s going on.

ScrivenerX , to Politics in Why Isn't Clarence Thomas Facing Impeachment Hearings?

left wingers are any better?


Remember when Al Franken resigned because someone said they were bother by his actions decades ago? Remember how there were bipartisan investigations into Benghazi and Hillary emails? Or when Bill Clinton let an independent special prosecutor attempt to find evidence of corruption?

How about how Lindsey Graham said that he would never support confirming a supreme court justice before a presidential election and then did that? Or how many of Trump’s administration have went to jail?

This “both sides are just as bad” number doesn’t work when one side is activity lieing, curtailing freedoms and attempting literal coups, while the other side has obeyed due process and law the overwhelming majority of the time.

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