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Thorry84 , to Home Improvement in What's the best way to fill these holes in my laundry room?

Don't do that, there's wires and pipes in there. If anything needs maintenance or replacing it's a nightmare with expanding foam gluing everything together.

Just put in some steel mesh on the bottom, fill with isolation materials, lock it in with more steel mesh and put a nice cover plate over it.

Thorry84 , to Seattle in Seattle’s first protected intersection, Dexter Ave N @ Thomas St.

Is it not a render or a model? Maybe tilt shift photography?

Does look like the mat I used to have as a kid. Hot wheels go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Thorry84 , to xkcd in [What If?] What if you swam in a nuclear storage pool?

Holy short attention span Batman. It's a 4 minute video. If you think this is too long and therefor didn't watch it, please think about reducing your screen time and maybe reading a book or something. That short of an attention span is not healthy.

Thorry84 , to Home Improvement in Mountain feature wall in child's bedroom

Do you have more pics? Looks very good!

Thorry84 , to LinkedinLunatics in Thanks for telling me shapes exist!

Also randomly making words hashtags for no reason…

I’m sure will be trending soon

Thorry84 , to xkcd in xkcd #221: Random Number (9 Nov 2007)

Just update the code once a year to a different number, given long enough time the output will have a perfectly flat distribution.

Thorry84 , to xkcd in xkcd #2866: Snow

Yeah I know, some places are inherently less predictable, especially near mountains or big bodies of water. Just sharing my experience, which may be the exception, or it may be the norm, I don’t know enough about weather prediction to know which is which. It has gotten better for the entire globe I think, but in some places the weather will never be predictable.

But don’t worry, in about 10-15 years snow will be very rare where I live. It has already become more rare with many winters passing without any snow with staying power. I remember when I was a child going to school on a sled with a big snow pack most every winter. I even remember one time we got snowed in and had to dig out the front door. Now I don’t even own a snow shovel any more, whenever there is a bit of snow (which is rare), a broom will do fine to brush it aside. Especially October and November have gotten much warmer than in the past.

Thorry84 , to xkcd in xkcd #2866: Snow

The advancement of weather prediction has kinda ruined this. I know in the morning exactly at what time it’s going to rain/snow. It may be off by an hour, but usually it’s dead on. I know at the beginning of the week what the temperatures and chances of rain are going to be and thus what the chance of snow is.

People bitch about weather prediction all the time, because it’s often wrong, but it’s crazy how much better it is than it used to be in the 80s and 90s. And as someone why rides a bike to work (15KMs one way) every day, I check the weather daily and will know if it’s raining when I didn’t expect it to rain. It’s super accurate compared to what it was even 10 years ago.

People are also morons about the weather. A couple of months ago there was a huge storm in the area, with a couple of people killed. In the morning there was a weather warning alerting people to the storm and advising not to go outside if it isn’t necessary. I worked from home that day, but my brother said he went to work on his bike. He was bitching about the weather warning, he biked trough it, it was a bit wet and windy, but no big deal. The weather alerts should be abolished, only causing unwarranted fear in his words. I was like dude WTF, people within KMs of where you live died because of the storm. Just because the chances of dying from such a storm are low, doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be warned or that you can just ignore the warning.

And don’t get me started on the whole climate versus weather thing. However it has gotten so bad the last couple of years, even people who deny climate change have to admit the weather is going crazy at times and is not normal anymore. Alas they have plenty of other BS arguments to throw at you when you mention it.

Thorry84 , to Star Trek in Possible headcanon reason why consoles always explode on the bridge

The inertial dampeners have issues all the time tho, but instead of everyone getting turned into red mist against a surface instantly it just causes them to sway a little and the camera to shake.

Thorry84 , to Star Trek in That time Neelix disabled the ship with cheese

State of the art ship, goes to shit because of cheese, smort engineers take days to figure it out… The future!

Thorry84 , to Star Trek in Jetrel is probably one of Voyagers best episodes

Agreed, one of the best episodes of the series and Trek as a whole.

The only weak point is how they went back to Talax like it was nothing. Sure they had a vote about it, but it wasn’t a big deal. But the impression I got is that they were high tailing it to Earth and were well on their way.

Unless they were really lucky and Talax was somehow on route to Earth it would basically mean going back to the beginning and starting over. This would be a huge fucking deal and no matter how much people love Neelix and want to do the right thing, adding this much extra time going back to the start would be a tough choice. Then when it didn’t pan out, I would be fucking pissed. Like what the hell Janeway, maybe not trust every rando you come across and take a super long detour because of something they say? But it’s shrugged off like it was no big deal.

This juxtaposition is something Voyager struggles with the entire series. Many of the creators have stated to that affect. They want to make it seem like Voyager is super far from home, but not that far it would simply be impossible for them to get back. But at the same time, just having the ship at high warp all the time, only stopping at gas giants to refuel would be super boring. They also may have people going stir crazy, but the holodeck could help with that. Especially since at the in universe stated speeds Voyager could reach, they would get home faster than stated. In terms of budget and writing, it would become a huge challenge to have new species all the time. They want to have established characters and story arcs. If Voyager would just zoom through everything that’s hard to do.

Especially with the Kazon this became a huge issue. They were presented as almost barbarian, with little resources. Yet somehow a super fast ship was in their territory for months. Ships were even somehow able to outpace Voyager, with the same characters showing up at multiple points in the journey. Were all the Kazons lined up in a long string with Voyager flying along it? Or was Voyager flying in circles? It makes no sense.

This whole space is huge but also really small when the plot demands it is a weak point of the show and that episode. But otherwise it’s a great story.

Thorry84 , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git

I’ve been using git for 10+ years and still sometimes do this. I know I could fix it, I also pretty much know what to do to fix it. However nuking the thing from orbit and restarting takes like 30 secs, so it’s never worth fixing.

Thorry84 , to Star Trek in Which bartender do you feel was better utilized in their show, Guinan or Quark?

You’ve hit on a good point there, Guinan always felt to me like a deus ex machina in the stories. It feels like when the writers don’t know how to resolve something, they just have a character go to Guinan and resolve whatever it is they were struggling with.

It also feels like they really didn’t know what to do with the character. Whoopie’s availability didn’t help with that, since she had only a very limited shooting time. Sometimes they made it seem like Picard and her go way back, but then she didn’t play any significant role as far as we know. And there were plenty of times where they would have been far apart for super long. They also want to make her an enigma, not really knowing her age or limits, with vague hints to her father and Q exclaiming she has powers. But nothing ever comes of this. And if Picard and her go way back, surely he would know about some of this stuff? But he never does it seems like.

Her whole back story is full of holes and the character makes no sense. But that’s common with Star Trek characters.

It feels like throwaway lines that get tossed around to make the character feel more than it is, but it’s completely hollow and ultimately comes to nothing.

It’s a shame, because I like the idea of Guinan, but story wise the character simply wasn’t very good and not utilized very well.

Thorry84 , to Star Trek in The fifth TNG movie that never was

I don’t think the whole show was a holodeck program? It actually happened and Riker simply ran a holodeck program based on those events. Still a pretty dumb way to end the show, but I don’t think it invalidates the previous 4 seasons.

Thorry84 , to Star Trek in Meme communities

Yes please, we need startrekmemes!

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