@TinyPizza@kbin.social cover
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Who doesn't like pizza?
Detroit style pizza ride or diester.

                                    PIZZA TO THE GRAVE!

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TinyPizza , to Work Reform in What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working.
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Heads won't be the only thing rolling

TinyPizza , to Work Reform in What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working.
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Would be a shame if some internet pals showed up with cyber punk guillotines and a fanny pack full of Mollys and said "pick one."

TinyPizza , to Home Improvement in Handyman is asking $500 to sand and fill the rot with putty, caulk and paint the door. Is that a fair ask? (NC) (album with multiple photos)
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Probably if the cost includes materials, his work looks good, and the labor is warrantied for at least a year. I'd probably opt to try to change out the wood on that frame in general though. You might want to see what your dealing with behind that wood, as it already looks like repairs have been attempted, and you want to make sure that this stops any issues back there more than superficially. If you go with the initial plan, make sure that the materials being used are of stronger quality/longer lifetime and rated for outdoor application. Get the warranty in writing somewhere if its not included on the invoice.

TinyPizza , to Politics in 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

I'm not your google waiter dawg. Go snap your fingers at someone else.

TinyPizza , to Politics in 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Those numbers might be skewed towards a certain selection bias. Per the article:

The CNN poll was conducted by SSRS from July 1 through 31 among a random national sample of 1,279 adults initially reached by mail. Surveys were either conducted online or by telephone with a live interviewer. Results for the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points; it is larger for subgroups.

The fact that the people in the survey had to respond to initial correspondence by mail makes me think that the survey self selects for an older audience (age was mentioned nowhere.) That mixed with the sampling error could easily just represent a 50/50 split, which is pretty par for the course. Wouldn't call them tankies though as their ideological manipulation comes from the other side of the political spectrum.

TinyPizza , to Politics in 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

I wondered, are these activists tankies or just dead set against support of war in any form. Tankies it is then:

Michael Rubin, writing for the Washington Examiner, has stated that Code Pink has amplified Chinese government propaganda denying the Uyghur genocide.[62] In June 2023, Code Pink activists visited the offices of the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party where, according to an aide of House member Seth Moulton, they denied accusations of forced labor in Xinjiang and suggested Moulton visit Xinjiang.

By no means is war the answer, but helping Ukraine to defend its people and sovereignty at this moment in time is the right thing to do.

TinyPizza , to Politics in 55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

That sucks. I wonder how many years of time we've all lost with our parents because these con-men. I listen to "Knowledge Fight" and Alex Jones has been crowing for months now how he's finally locked Joe in and got him to commit to the plan. The pride in his voice as he preens about duping Rogan makes me fell physically ill. Highly recommend "Knowledge fight" if you haven't checked it out!

TinyPizza , to Politics in 55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Get all the way fucked? Besides having a completely hypothetical conversation on my behalf, with me supposedly wishing violence on people (didn't, don't, but also fuck around and find out); you so completely fail to divine the reasoning to my words that its beyond laughable. He isn't a journalist. He's a propagandist. He isn't there to present the facts, he's there to produce a narrative.

He's a journalist in the same way James O'keefe is and FOX News* has to be news/entertainment. A perfect example was how he was fired by PSU Vanguard prior to his shadowing patriot prayer during a premeditated assault or getting hit with a milkshake. From his Wikipedia page

the Vanguard's editor, Colleen Leary, fired Ngo and stated that he was dismissed because his summary of the Muslim student's remarks reflected a reckless oversimplification and violation of journalistic ethics, and was meant to incite a reaction.[1] She said that the dismissal was "not partisan".[1]

So yeah, in my opinion he doesn't deserve the same protections afforded to legitimate journalists. We can debate what journalist means in the internet age, but he ain't it. As to him getting hit with a milkshake, it was just a milkshake, and you reveal yourself when you felt the need to put that in quotations. Nobody shows up to a demonstration with quickcrete to mix into the nearest available milkshake. People just throw bottles, or rocks or bricks if they want to hit someone with something hard. If he was targeted for Christofascist affiliations, I'm not defending that violence, but that's also where fuck around and find out comes in. Also from his Wikipedia page:

He reported being punched and blasted with bear spray while filming two separate May Day events, including a brawl between left-wing activists and members of Patriot Prayer, outside the Cider Riot pub.[44] Bellingcat stated that Ngo's tweets framed the brawl as an unprovoked assault by anti-fascists.[45] Prior to the fight, Ngo was filmed standing in the presence of members of Patriot Prayer as they planned an attack on antifascists following the protests.[13][46] Ngo did not report on the actions of Patriot Prayer.[45] Five members of Patriot Prayer were charged with felony riot incitement for their actions on May Day 2019, including the group's leader Joey Gibson.[47]

Again, he's a propagandist that either got hit with a precision guided milkshake in a retribution shaking or more likely, randomly just got hit with a dessert like the clown he is. Violence begets violence, and approving or not this cycle will continue on until people more rational than us come to pass. You hold no benevolent middle ground here and instead of venting your misguided bullshit on internet people why don't you go pay someone to listen to this nonsensical garbage. Honk your red nose, get in that tiny clown car and fuck all the way off you brain rotted simp.

TinyPizza , to Politics in 55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Johnny Harris did a "both sides" dive into Joe a month ago and I unsubbed after watching that garbage. He just kinda breezes over shit and ends up being like "he just intellectually curious." Fuck right off with that shit. I remember years ago when that jungle spice smoking thumb of a man had Andy Ngo on and a friend of mine was trying to defend him asking if its "ok for people to attack a journalist." The friend didn't really know the context outside of the vague framework they supplied, but we argued for like 20 minutes. Even after I showed him who Ngo really was and what he was all about, it seemed impossible to break the perception he'd been given that Ngo was a victim.

Rogan is a misinformation gateway that primes people for the bigger scam down the line, whilst washing it's hands of any responsibility. He disarms people with a "curious" persona and the majority of his content just being empty mental calories to be consumed. It's like a viral carrier that dulls peoples mental immunity against right wing propaganda by surrounding it in a 100 layers of DMT vision stories. Personally feel like it makes him one of the bigger dangers for people getting put into the pilled pipeline.

TinyPizza , (edited ) to Politics in Biden Is Wrong. The Supreme Court Is Already “Politicized.”
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Whatever you need to tell yourself to support your delusion.

TinyPizza , (edited ) to Politics in Biden Is Wrong. The Supreme Court Is Already “Politicized.”
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

To your first point:
A holiday to highlight both the importance of elections and give people time to vote in the manner they deem fit is a minimal loss of income in return for the guarantee they are not disenfranchised. It's not only a net gain down the line for increased wages and benefits but also important in the ability to make voting a family affair. Additionally, you framing it as a financial burden or tax upon the poor feels gross and makes me wonder about your intent. If you're worried about people living paycheck to paycheck, then we figure out a stipend or credit to be determined at tax time and or more immediate emergency financial assistance where needed. We pay people for jury duty, why not credit them for voting?

 Lets do mail ins too, but understand that plenty of states go out of their way to disenfranchise voters and will not approve such a thing. Truly, for it to be a yearly recognized holiday congress must approve it, but singular one offs have happened by EO before, they just need to be cleverly worded. When it comes to voting, presenting every possible option and greatest window of time should always be the bare minimum we strive for, regardless of which party or candidate it benefits. 

To your second point:
Off the top of my head we develop some sort of actionable pledge of intent or pact that we should get candidates to sign on to as a contract. Again, I don't like it but the tea party had a similar "contract from America" It should state a candidates outward opinions and beliefs and outline from that baseline a point that they identify that they will not cross. If a candidate voluntarily signs themselves into legal liability that could devastate their current and future financial holdings it should act as a buffer to corruption.

Have the DNC adopt a base form of this and help to bankroll any litigation that comes from it. Nothing overtly wild in any of that. Just basically saying you are unequivocally center or to the left and what your current set of beliefs are. People sign contracts and NDA's for work as a standard and I see little difference in that mechanism. There's certainly alternatives to that but there's at least one option. I'm sure people can figure out others that would serve the similar purpose of vetting yourself to the public and staying true to some sort of set of core principals. 

People might start to give a shit if they see a meaningful change.

Edit: formatting change from numbered list to listed points, because the published version looked bunched up. deleted repeat word typo

TinyPizza , to Politics in Biden Is Wrong. The Supreme Court Is Already “Politicized.”
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Again, the election was hers to lose and she did just that. You are the one who's still pulling your hair out and blaming the entirety of the American public for not voting for her. Trump was like her hand picked candidate to run against and she whiffed to an illiterate serial rapist who used the word "big" 3 times per sentence.
Get a grip. The last person who used the "I kNow yOu arE But whaT Am I?" defense was Paul Ruebens and you don't have the gas nor the shoes to pull off that bar top dance. Truly astonishing to talk to you through this time portal all the way back in 2016. Move on with your life.

TinyPizza , to Politics in Biden Is Wrong. The Supreme Court Is Already “Politicized.”
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Ah yes, it was us the unmotivated and uncaring general public who gave Republicans every victory and are responsible for a branch of government we have absolutely no say in determining, nominating or appointing outside of our ability to "vote blue." Beyond the vanity of RGB not wanting to step down or clearly recognizing disturbing precedents after Bush Vs Gore, it falls on the back of the voter to do more and accept less. Sure, leadership completely slept and let Republicans gerrymander half the country so bad that we lose even when we show up in greater numbers at every election. But please, won't you think of all the people we've failed to help while we were in office and keep electing us so that we at some point we may help them?

You post a list of all these people and things that establishment Dems have failed to protect for the last 30 years and say that's the reason they need your vote no matter what? That pretty gross. The entirety of my point is that message needs to be prefaced, exactly by people like you, with calls for accountability and higher standards in who we are voting in to office. If these politicians are such masters of the craft then why the hell are they so good at fundraising and so bad at winning these battles. The old guard has failed us. Stop making such a spectacle of tongue tickling their footware and attempting to convince others that it's virtuous.

If you want to make a difference, then why don't you take my suggestion and start pushing for candidates who will go beyond their performative grandstanding and actually start fighting back against these things. Speaking out for promissory blocks or attempting to better the pool of candidates by demanding more isn't going to change the taste of the blooker all that much. The people that we're trying to stop need a higher caliber of opponent if we're going to succeed.

Also, Hillary lost because she was an uninspired candidate who didn't really try and arrogantly thought it was in the bag. It was literally her election to lose and she did. Get over it.

TinyPizza , to Politics in Biden Is Wrong. The Supreme Court Is Already “Politicized.”
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

I love the idea of getting people out to vote. I've knocked on thousands of doors for dems to such ends. How is asking more of politicians and calling them out unrealistic? Is that not what the Kochs and other wealthy conservatives did when they funded the "grassroots" Tea party which then largely began a race to the right for Republicans? Because that worked.

I can understand that frustration with voters. How about we demand legislation making the vote mandatory (like australia) or that all votes be made federal holidays? The point is that there's things that can be done. More than the bare minimum isn't idealism. And we can say we'd never get the votes, but why not try? Republicans literally trot out legislation that would never pass for that very reason.

My point is that the authorities are in no way being held to account and that I'm sick of people only putting the blame at the feet of the voters. We can't even trust candidates to act as Dems, such as Sinema or Cotham. Why is a call for greater candidate accountability at all "idealist" in the face of this stuff?

TinyPizza , to Politics in Biden Is Wrong. The Supreme Court Is Already “Politicized.”
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

I'm not sure who said not to vote or to vote 3rd party anywhere in this thread?

Also, that would not be the reason we are here right now.

We've been presented with a binary choice of evil and lesser evil. The greater evil of christo-fascism was always waiting for its moment. Tracing that to any definitive event is an exercise in futility. It could be Dem politicians shifting economically right after Regan to try to capture "moderates." It could be electing a black president, whose mere existence the right took as an affront to their American tradition of closeted racist jokes. It could be yoloing a presidential candidate and just assuming a win because the other candidate is a joke. It probably wasn't any of those things, but we shouldn't be trying to frame our abusers actions as our fault to begin with.

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