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Ummdustry , to Men's Liberation in Why men feel like they can't abandon Masculinity

I would disagree that women who think this way ought be discounted any more that you should say "Don't date a man that loves big boobs and can't arrange furniture to save his life".

Ultimately we as a species are stuck with the sex drives we've got. Whilst some effort can be made to rise above them, (and to recognise potential partners who don't) I think we also need to find healthy behaviours that can scratch the same itch as the toxic ones.

Jealousy is fine if stated frankly and honestly, rather than manifesting in surviellance. Relentless pursuit is fine in the framework of formal flirtation, not on a street with stranger. You oughtn't manhandle where uninvited, but it's no sin to be physically fit enough to be capable of it.

Ummdustry , to LinkedinLunatics in I can think of a hundred bigger crimes

Most people born now do still want to have kids. Even in my famously childless country (UK) 50% of women will have a child by the age of 30 (and a great many more afterwards.). Antinatalism remains a fringe belief.

What people do want is fewer children later. This actually makes the fertility crisis (which is very much more than a behavioural phenominon, you can jizz onto a microscope slide to get hard empirical data) a more significant issue. Since fertility decreases with age, changes that might've gone unnoticed when people had kids at 25 become catastrophic when people instead chose 35.

Perhaps you don't want kids, that's fine, I respect your choice. Most people actually still do! If this health effect is the result of (as some experts suspect) micro-plastic leached EDC's (an environmental pollutant we have no suitable method of removing, which has a significant lag from production to release, and whose associated industry continues to expand) then saying "it's no big issue we don't need to worry about it" is (in essence) endorsing the forced sterilisation of many hundreds of millions, without their consent.

That is still a maybe, the evidence is far from conclusive, but do we really want another global-warming scale crisis on our hands just to dunk on Ben Shapiro?

Ummdustry , to LinkedinLunatics in I can think of a hundred bigger crimes

However, both populations experience suboptimal access to energy, and consequently maintain minimal levels of body fat and low BMI

You are citing a malnourished population.

Previous studies of non-western populations have revealed inconsistent associations between men's testosterone levels and paternal or marital status. |
Twenty-seven Hadza participants | Eighty Datoga participants

This is a comparitively small study, and one which contradicts other bodies of research.

As with male birds, it seems likely that testosterone facilitates reproductive effort in the form of male–male competition and mate-seeking behaviour, both of which interfere with effective paternal care.

Given the increasing social atomisation of the west (see:average age of fatherhood, number of children had, divorce rates), the hypothesis proposed by this paper implies testosterone levels in the west should be increasing not decreasing.

Look, I get the desire to debunk redpillers, but when we're talking about a worldwide trendline in basic biology you're going to need more research than this to do so. The Male infertility crisis is a genuine problem field experts are extremely worried about, hence the need for research and coverage by the mainstream (to stop snake oil salesmen being the main point of contact for this issue).

Ummdustry , to Work Reform in Rational Self Interest

Again this is a case of “it depends”. If you are not a market driver then yes it does. (‘mom & pop motor vehicles’ isn’t going to make a dent in the global car market. )

Ummdustry , to Work Reform in Rational Self Interest

But some operational costs (I.e. Ground Rent, Marketing, Legal Fees, IP Costs etc…) do not scale with increased output.

Ummdustry , (edited ) to Work Reform in Rational Self Interest

even Ayn Rand didn’t particularly like Ayn Rand,

not to say she was rational of course.

Ummdustry , to Work Reform in Rational Self Interest

I mean you might be, depending upon what % of the total market you operate and what the exact inputs of the new method are.

Ummdustry , to Men's Liberation in Can Parents Prevent Their Sons From Sliding to the Right?

Isn’t the key words though “the current right”? The right & left of 2003 where both different from today, why would young rightists or leftists grow up to be mirrors of their forbears?

Assuming that just because your son is (for example) whining about video game journalists, that doesn’t mean he’s automatically going to call for abortion bans in all 50 states. He’s a thinking human being with an intact rational faculty, give him some credit.

Ummdustry , to Work Reform in California Dem Barbara Lee defends call for $50 federal minimum wage: 'Just barely enough'

“Of course we have national minimum wages that we need to raise to a living wage. You’re talking about 20, 25 dollars, fine. But I have got to be focused on what California needs and what the affordability factor is when we calculate this wage.”

To me this sounds like she’s calling for a $50 state wage, not a federal one.

Ummdustry , (edited ) to Work Reform in California Dem Barbara Lee defends call for $50 federal minimum wage: 'Just barely enough'

… and $50 would be 60% more than that?

Ummdustry , to Men's Liberation in Andrew Tate is a symptom, not the problem’: why young men are turning against feminism

On the one hand, sure, you’re not wrong. On the other, why are young men entirely passive in your analysis? “The right”, neither the talking heads nor the nebulous concept, can radicalise anyone without some level of their consent in being so radicalised.

Ummdustry , to Work Reform in I'm not asking to be rich.

I mean, SSRI’s are sometimes known to permantantly fix the brains serotonin levels after a limited period of application, so it might’ve still been the drugs (Or a combination of both).

Cool that you’re doing good, tho.

^why is always the furries with the high paying job…^

Ummdustry , to Work Reform in I'm not asking to be rich.

Ricardo’s rule of rent.

In absense of land equality, or marginal land to escape to, rent will tend to push wages closer and closer to subsistance.

Ummdustry , to Work Reform in I'm not asking to be rich.

I mean, cost of living is higher than america than other parts of the world and other parts of the world have state-funded security programs that take some of the anxiety away from living.

Here in (western) europe I’d wager at half of people (including me) are insulated from “poverty induced misery”. There are an awful lot of stupidly big and expensive cars on the road.

Am I glad that ~400 million (200 mill in north america, 100 mill in europe, 100 mill everywhere else) people now live in that state of relative freedom? absolutely, but it is depressing to think about what a minority of humanity it really is.

Ummdustry , to Work Reform in I'm not asking to be rich.


Diminishing returns: My first dollar buys a loaf of bread necessary for my survival, my millionth buys me 0.01% of a sports car.

Hedonic treadmill: Neither my sports car nor loaves of bread seem as wonderous to me after they’ve become a part of my routine.

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