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bitsplease , to Personal Finance in Housing market affordability is so bad that Zillow says it will take you 13.5 years to break even on a purchase from July onward

I just bought a house and we had to pay $10k just to buy points to get our rate down to 6.9 šŸ˜­

bitsplease , to xkcd in xkcd #2849: Under the Stars

I love it - very reminiscent of his earlier stuff

bitsplease , to Work Reform in The reason CEOs want workers to Return To Office is because they want you to quit

yup - early on in my career, working at a specific FAANG company was my lifeā€™s greatest ambition, now I donā€™t think thereā€™s any amount of money they might feasibly offer me that would make me work there lol - Once you have enough income to be comfortable, work life balance is worth more than anything

bitsplease , to Work Reform in The reason CEOs want workers to Return To Office is because they want you to quit

Even better, the competent ones ask for more money

Seriously the actions of all these big companies shows they donā€™t really give a shit about retaining top talent. Unfortunately, for big name companies, theyā€™ll always have an inflow of talented new grads who are willing to give up their dignity to get their name on their resumes, and itā€™s cheaper (in the short term, which is all shareholders care about) to churn and burn them then to invest in long term talent

bitsplease , to Personal Finance in Salary Needed To Buy a Home In The US

Which, having literally just bought a home, is a supremely optimistic rate to get right now. We spent $10k buying down our interest and only managed 6.9%

bitsplease , to Politics in In Reversal, Biden Moves to Expand Border Wall

Well, with a disregard for law and accountability like that, Iā€™m glad youā€™re never going to be elected to an office lol

bitsplease , to Politics in In Reversal, Biden Moves to Expand Border Wall

Weā€™re not talking about ā€œnormsā€, weā€™re talking about ā€œlawā€. And itā€™s always important to remember the whatever powers you give this president, you have to give the next. What happens if Biden breaks the law for his own goals, even if those goals are noble, and then Trump is elected in?

A politician who breaks laws on their own whim is a tyrant, full stop. And even a noble tyrant doesnā€™t help anyone in the long run.

bitsplease , to Politics in In Reversal, Biden Moves to Expand Border Wall

In the Oval Office on Thursday, Biden made clear that he was moving forward with wall construction grudgingly, in order to comply with funds appropriated by Congress in 2019. He said he had tried and failed to get Congress to redirect the funding it had allocated for wall construction in south Texas. ā€œThe money was appropriated for the border wall. I tried to get them to reappropriate, to redirect that money. They didnā€™t. They wouldnā€™t. In the meantime, thereā€™s nothing under the law other than they have to use the money for what it was appropriated for. I canā€™t stop that,ā€ he said.

No defense necessary - his hands are tied and breaking the rules to achieve your own agenda is what fascists do. This is just a lingering bit of rot from the Trump admins, frankly Iā€™m surprised that conservative media isnā€™t framing this more as a victory for Trump

bitsplease , to Politics in AOC leads call for federal ethics investigation into Clarence Thomas

Itā€™s the only rational explanation for lemmygrad and similar instances.

Idk, I explain that one away simply with the fact that stupidity and a desire to troll donā€™t strictly follow party lines. Nothings stopping a communist (or someone dumb enough to think being pro russia/China is the same thing) from having the mental maturity of your average the_donald poster

bitsplease , to Politics in AOC leads call for federal ethics investigation into Clarence Thomas

Iā€™ll really never understand why so many people reserve so much hate specifically for AOC. Is she perfect? Is she immune from the hypocrisy you find in literally every elected official today? Hell no. Sheā€™s definitely guilty of having said one thing than voted the other way and similar, as is every other politician out there.

But on the relative scale of U.S. Politicians, sheā€™s one of the few who is at least making the right noises about change, and while she doesnā€™t always get things done, she definitely seems to be moving in a better direction than most other politicians.

And yet people single her out all the time for their hatred. Between her and the hate surrounding Greta (which is also weirdly prevalent on Lemmy), itā€™s hard to see it as anything more than just hating young women who speak up, and wind up being wildly successful at doing so

bitsplease , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged

Itā€™s basically what heā€™s always done, just keep promising salvation just around the corner.

It feels like a lot of people have already forgotten that after the 2020 election, he was going on about ā€œReleasing the Krakenā€ every few days, as though he had a total gamestopper piece of evidence that he was just sitting on - nothing ever appeared. Before that he let on that he was going to ā€œDrain the swampā€ aaaaaany day now, just you wait - except nothing ever happened.

Trump is all about smoke and mirrors and empty promises. And it works for him because once he says it, his followers just believe it, even if he never talks about it again. Tons of Trump supporters still to this day believe that he had unshakable evidence of fraud in the 2020 election, just like tons believe that political corruption dissapeared under Trump, only to re-appear the second Biden took office.

And now all his supporters will believe that Trump is going to prove the election was a fraud, defeat all his indictments, and become president again. And when none of that (or certainly at least not the first two) happens, theyā€™ll just claim the game was rigged and the deep state is responsible. Itā€™s easy to always win when your supporters arenā€™t willing to consider the possibility that you lost

bitsplease , to Politics in Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged

Honestly I think a lot of it is just going to get glossed over specifically because itā€™s so messy. Sure there will be loads of nonfiction books about this BS - but I doubt that kids in school will learn about Q-Anon and shit lol

bitsplease OP , to Do It Yourself in A Marimba I built last year - took me a bit over half a year to complete. 61 keys made of Padauk, all hand-tuned, on a frame of Red Oak and Walnut

So each of the keys is cut to specific dimensions (I just stole these from an existing Marimba) where deeper keys are larger and higher keys shorter, then you cut an arch into the bottom of the key. The arch is where the real tuning comes from, the size of the key just gets you into the general neighborhood.

Each key has 1 primary tone and 2 overtones (actually way more, but these are the 3 that the human ear can actually pick up on), and each of the tones is tuned by specific regions of the arch, so if you trim material from the center for instance, it will affect the primary tone. I tuned my marimba so that the 2 overtones were the fourth harmonic and the tenth harmonic, which is standard for marimbas, and is what gives it itā€™s unique deep sound.

The tubes are called resonators - theyā€™re sort of natural amplifiers, without them, the whole thing sounds like youā€™re just smacking wooden blocks (which you are, to be fair), but with them you get a very powerful, room filling sound. Each one is ā€œtunedā€ to the resonance of the key it sits under!

If youā€™re interested in the specifics this is the blog I used to learn the process

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