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bobthened ,

Yes. With Ron the fascist DeSantis deliberately alienating Trump supporters I think it’s safe to say that his arm of the party has shifted from a leopards eating faces party to a jaguars eating leopards and faces party.

I think what needs to reform is the ecosystem of working

Millions of us, everyday of every hour, are working a multitude of hours at different periods in the day. All so that we, can prop and propel the few lives that are on top. The few who’s lives we’re both knowingly and unknowingly sustaining. Who’s lives that have children that we’re indirectly supporting through our...

bobthened ,

Agreed. Billionaires should not exist (100% wealth tax above 9,999,999), and all companies should be owned by the employees so everyone gets an equal share of the profits.

bobthened ,

Fuck off, stop posting this hateful bullshit.

It’s not a genocide, that’s not how genocide works

He talks about doctors sterilising people, as if they’re doing it forcibly — but they aren’t. The surgery that transgender people can get is entirely optional, they aren’t being forced to do it. In fact a lot of transgender people don’t undergo any surgery — and the ones that do choose to have to be fully informed of all the risks just like anyone else undergoing any other kind of surgery. Trans people can and do have children, some because they never underwent the surgery that would make them unable to (remember Thomas Beatie ?) and others through things like adoption or surrogacy.

Also, the idea that they can’t feel sexual pleasure is just categorically untrue…/transgender-women-after-su…

bobthened ,

More or less. It’s a one minute YouTube shorts clip of some podcast studio with a sort of wannabe Joe Rogan type ranting at another man, who is presumably pro trans rights.

He says “I think there is a trans genocide”, just to make it seem like he gives a shit about transgender people, and then starts accusing the other guy of deliberately sterilising people through the use of hormones and surgery and says that trans people “can’t feel sexual feelings of any kind” (presumably he means the can’t orgasm). It’s also very obviously heavily heavily edited to make the knock of Rogan look good and the other guy look bad.

Just typical conservative manosphere nonsense with a bunch of bearded guys who ranting about things they know absolutely nothing about.

bobthened ,

They aren’t.

6 examples of a trans person also being a sex pest doesn’t mean that all of them are, and it certainly doesn’t mean that granting legal protection and freedom to transgender people causes women to get assaulted/harassed by them. Do you know how many examples of cis men being sexual predators we could find in just a few minutes of googling things like “pastor arrested” or “republican senator arrested”. Does that mean we should start making it illegal for people to identify as republicans in public? should we make it illegal for the clergy to get anywhere near children? Maybe we should, but you won’t see any of these “wont somebody please think of the children” types calling for either of those, even though they’re clearly bigger threats statistically.

bobthened ,

People know how to tell the difference between men and women. That’s not what this is about.

bobthened ,

That’s not what affirmative action is you cretin. This situation is not even remotely comparable. If you think it is then you’re either a literal child or just a full on bird-brained simpleton (or possibly both).

bobthened ,

This isn’t a debate. That person in the video is just a moron, as is everyone who thinks the video makes any kind of remotely valid point.

“iT’s SaTiRe” isn’t the automatic win card that you seem to think it is. The video is making a joke, but in that joke it’s attempting so say something (you know this because you referenced it in the title and caption of this post) — the thing that it’s saying is just stupid and wrong because it’s a false equivalency and a complete misunderstanding of the topic it’s taking about.

bobthened ,

Don’t both sides this, this isn’t a both sides situation. I’m sure that there are some pro-choice people who do genuinely believe that life begins at conception and a foetus is equal to a living child but a) They are just categorically scientifically wrong, so it doesn’t matter what they think, and b) they are not the ones who are leading the charge for changing the laws, the ones in power who are pushing the narrative are doing it to distract their voting base from actual problems, to get the, riled up about a non-issue to trick them into voting against their own best interests.

Besides if they genuinely cared for the babies then there are many many other things they could get animated about that would actually make a positive impact on the lives of children like; more affordable/free healthcare, more paid maternity and paternity leave, better social programmes to help struggling parents etc. they’re just mad about it because it’s the issue of the year that right-wing media told them to be mad about – they haven’t actually thought about it much beyond that.

And even if they weren’t wrong about the science (which they are), it doesn’t matter because banning something like abortions doesn’t stop people wanting them and getting them, it just makes people do them in unsafe ways (ways that are much more likely to cause the death of the prospective mothers. If the religious right actually wanted to reduce the number of abortions then they should be pushing for thing like; better sex education, easier access to affordable/free contraception, the removal of “abstinence only” teaching practices etc.

bobthened ,

It is their fault, because if the Republicans were in the same position, they would be trying every single trick in the book, pulling in every favour, possible to get their way.

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