@dingus@lemmy.ml cover


Situationists never die, they’re just remixed.

Have you heard of Monsieur Guy Debord?

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dingus , (edited ) to Politics in A net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers and may be closing in on Trump | CNN Politics
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, the continued treating Trump with kid gloves and continually proving there are two separate justice systems gives me very, very little faith anything will actually happen to him.

Remember, they weren’t actually looking to prosecute him for much of anything until the documents fiasco where they gave him multiple chances to cough up the documents, but only turned it into a criminal prosecution when it became completely clear he was unwilling to cooperate. They’ve slow walked this shit as much as humanly possible and not to “ensure the case is rock solid.”

The fact is, any normal person would have been locked up two years ago, with an unaffordable bail, and would have been thrown behind bars with additional charges the first time he threatened the courts, the jurists, and society in general.

Hell, there was an anarchist in Florida who simply posted online about how people needed to own guns and be prepared to defend themselves. He posted these ideas online on January 6th and in the days following. He has never committed any violence. He’s got a longer prison sentence than a lot of people who were actually present at January 6th.

I’ll believe something is going to happen to Trump when I fucking see it.

dingus , to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

What’s worse is Carlin was so correct that it helped create an entire disaffected generation, known as Generation X, that basically stopped caring about politics and became increasingly cynical because Carlin was right: it was never going to get better.

So why even bother trying to fight it? And they didn’t.

To be fair, I don’t blame them one bit, their numbers were dwarfed by the boomers, and they never, not once, had political relevancy.

dingus , to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’ -Isaac Asimov

I kind of agree with Asimov here, I think the cult of ignorance has been with us a long time, I think it springs from the puritans who emigrated here to escape the “persecution” of living in Europe during the Enlightenment. I mean, we’re talking about dumbing things down for a country that historically had witch burnings and more recently a Satanic Panic? The cult of ignorance has always been here, it’s just grown cancerous due to proliferation of misinformation and disinformation.

dingus , (edited ) to U.S. News in EPA rolls back federal water protections following high court decision
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Krombopulos Corp: Oh boy, here I go polluting again!

Seriously, though. Why is it whenever it’s Republicans throwing the entire country in the shitter, government agencies hands are tied and they can’t do anything about it, but when it’s a Republican President with a Republican majority in at least one house of congress, government agencies suddenly don’t have their hands tied and are able to get away with absoltuely fucktons of egregious evil shit? They curiously only have their hands tied when it actually fucking helps people.

While Regan said he was disappointed with the high court’s ruling, he indicated that the agency’s hands were tied and that it must weaken wetland protections to enforce the court’s decision.

EPA will never waver from our responsibility to ensure clean water for all. Moving forward, we will do everything we can with our existing authorities and resources to help communities, states, and tribes protect the clean water upon which we all depend,”

Except you literally just did waver from your responsibility to ensure clean water for all. I’m so sick of public officials speaking to us as though we don’t see through this utter bullshit.

The Supreme Court can’t enforce shit, so following the rules they literally pulled out of their Federalist Society asses seems like it’s just capitulating to their lies and bullshit. If it’s clear that they’re just making their decisions up as they go, choosing things that fit their pre-defined worldview (it’s pretty fucking clear), then why the fuck would we take those decisions seriously? Instead of deriding them as the outlandish buffoonery they are?

John Marshall Roberts has made his decision, now let him enforce it.

dingus , to Politics in In court, Trump supporter faces election official he violently threatened
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Archive.is link that isn’t broken!

Except for anyone who uses CloudFlare for DNS because Archive.is doesn’t respect the privacy of people who visit their pages! It’s totally broken for CloudFlare users, and has been for years now. Please use archive.org or ghostarchive.org.


CEO of CloudFlare:

We don’t block archive.is or any other domain via […] Archive.is’s authoritative DNS servers return bad results to when we query them. I’ve proposed we just fix it on our end but our team, quite rightly, said that too would violate the integrity of DNS and the privacy and security promises we made to our users when we launched the service. […] The archive.is owner has explained that he returns bad results to us because we don’t pass along the EDNS subnet information. This information leaks information about a requester’s IP and, in turn, sacrifices the privacy of users.

dingus , to U.S. News in Proud Boy Christopher Worrell, on house arrest in Jan. 6 case, disappears ahead of sentencing
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

It was sadly proven he was being mistreated at the facility he was kept at and denied/slow walked medical care for a broken hand.

Because he’s a good old boy they actually cared to do something about it and gave house arrest to his fucking soft ass.

People in for far lesser crimes have died being denied their medications but this guy gets house arrest because he is a fucking wuss.

They should put his hand under a hydraulic press for having used it as a pretext to flee.

dingus , to Politics in Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Resorting to making assumptions that couldn’t be further off base? Obama solidified the worst aspects of the Bush presidency and told us to “look forward, not backward” in regards to fucking war criminals. He had plenty of scandals that were mostly swept under the rug by the media. He himself admitted that if he had ran in the 1980’s he would have been running as a Republican. He ran on a public option but then said “Fuck you people” and gave us RomneyCare.

Seriously, grow up.

dingus , to Politics in Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah I guess this guy forgot that Mr. Trump notoriously had a lot of white collar white people voting for him, and that his “base” absolutely isn’t just the rural working class.

I guess the working class in cities don’t exist or something. /s

dingus , to Politics in Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

No, that you have the smug superiority of someone who is like “I vote with my principles” which is great and all, but it literally doesn’t make you better than anyone else or have a reason to tell others that participating means “they support it” especially if that’s literally the only actual agency they have in this shitty fucking system, voting. (Protip, it’s literally the only agency they have.)

On top of the verifiable harm that attitude that does to minorities in the USA. It’s easily arguable that no matter what party you vote for, you’re hurting minorities all over the planet, but sorry sir, I’m about general harm reduction, even if it’s halfassed in the short term.

I don’t think letting the worse win for your pyrrhic personal victory is in any way fucking helpful, nor is acting like you’re somehow better, smarter, or more capable than others for it, or that it means they support those things.

I’m on the left, and you’re just being a smug asshat, dude. Maybe not classist, but sure obviously think you’re better than everyone else here. Do you think that’s helpful? Great job not using classist words but still acting like a smug know it all prick who thinks they know better but can’t be fucked to actually help educate, but instead wants to put others down for not already knowing. Sounds pretty fucking classist to me.

Like there’s a thousand ways you could have participated in this thread without being a rude jerk. You chose to be a rude jerk, what does that say about you?

dingus , to Politics in Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

So you’re an accelerationist. Got it.

voting for “Bad” means you support the bad, telling yourself the alternative is “worse” is just a coping mechanism and ensures no one will ever get any other choices.

This is what someone with no agency and no ability to ever organize something like a nationwide vote strike/write-in campaign tells themselves as a big fucking cope. Sure, you’ve got agency in this system, buddy. Sure you do.

dingus , to Politics in Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

You’re the one acting like working class people must be uneducated, and thus a word like “yokel” would apply to them.

Also, Trump literally had no platform in 2020. How is that engaging the voters? What did he engage them on, sir?

I’m not re-litigating 2016, I’ve spent 7 years being browbeat by the “Fuck your feelings” Trump voters who are happy to abuse minorities and anyone they deem “different.” So the fuck out of here with that noise.

I live in the city where Trump and his goons had someone extrajudicially murdered, so it hits pretty fucking close to home, thanks.

dingus , to Politics in Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Debating these minute differences sounds like Manufacturing Consent to me.

Obama is far from a saint, and every US President has the same blood of Empire on their hands.

But this is rich from a guy who bailed after it was pointed out that Trump literally has no platform, only offers racism, sexism, xenophobia, hate and authoritarianism, and that maybe we shouldn’t be trying to court the opinions of people who support those things.

I’m sure all the people in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana will surely be lining up to vote for whatever out of touch liberal you are supporting instead of the person who actually engages with them.*

In this hypothetical, Trump was the person who actually engaged with them, and he won in 2016 because of that outreach.

I’m sure that buffoon really engaged them with his fucking unhinged rants and making fun of disabled people. His voters have been very honest about who they are, and it’s not our fault you’re not listening and instead arguing we should be engaging with authoritarians.

Sounds like Manufacturing Consent to me, from someone happy to debate the minute differences when it suits them.

dingus , to Politics in Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

You know, I made my account on Lemmy.ml for a reason, so maybe you can back off and realize we’re on the same page. Like dude, my first comment was advocating direct democracy, not praising the fucking sick broken system we live in. I’m not exactly a fan of political parties here myself, or the founding fathers, or the constitution, so take it down a notch.

And to be fair, Trumps outreach was being a racist fucking pig and authoritarian who promoted killing your enemies. Is that the outreach you want us to use, or aren’t we supposed to be out here punching Nazis, not breaking bread with them? Like holy shit you had me until that bullshit. They voted for him because they want to be able to grab women by the pussy with no repercussion like he does not because they’re fucking misguided.

dingus , to Politics in Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

When I refer to yokels, I am referring to Christianity and in general puritanism and am in no way meaning to denigrate the working class, chum. Those Christians purposefully don’t learn things and try to prevent their families from learning things, whereas the working class learns difficult specialized labor.

Yokel means an uneducated, unsophisticated person from the countryside, not the working class and blue collar labor. I’m sorry for any confusion on this part.

dingus , to Politics in Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Oh no! What will we do if the actual majority has a democratic voice as opposed to the “silent majority” that isn’t a majority at all but has achieved outsized importance through gerrymandering, stacking the courts, purging people from voters roles, and making voting difficult for the actual majority.

I could give a fuck about the uneducated fucking yokels who have held this country back for 200 fucking years.

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