@dingus@lemmy.ml cover


Situationists never die, they’re just remixed.

Have you heard of Monsieur Guy Debord?

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dingus , to Politics in Hey, Republicans! It's Trump who "criminalized politics," by turning the GOP into a two-bit mafia
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

They don’t give a shit because they’re not arguing in good faith. You’re not going to convince them of anything with “Hey Republicans!”

They know exactly what they are doing.

It’s like two brothers who know they committed a crime, but no one witnessed it, so as long as they both keep up the lie, no one else can ever say the truth and know it to be true. Every single one of them holds the truth in their chest, believing they can change the truth of reality as long as they reject reality and substitute their own “truth” and never, ever admit the reality.

It’s all a purposeful charade to take power and avoid responsibility. Period. That’s all it has ever been.

dingus , to U.S. News in U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Oh agreed and I am pretty sure they were happy to leave it hanging over him for intimidation purposes.

Democrats are “better” on press freedom simply because their moves are more overt than direct, so fewer people notice them.

dingus , to U.S. News in U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Easy to get mixed up. It has been a long and complex case!

Even more complex with the changing of administrations who each handled it differently.

dingus , (edited ) to U.S. News in U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar


Looks like I was a year off, it was 2011.

dingus , (edited ) to U.S. News in U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

All of which happened during the Trump administration.


Here is Glenn Greenwald discussing the Obama era DOJ and their choices on the matter, in response to the indictment you are referencing.

dingus , to U.S. News in U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Now now, I am not saying Obama or Biden administrations are paragons of freedom of press, but a lot of that had very little directly to do with Assange’s case.

Greenwald’s partner, for example, had far more to do with the US trying to catch Snowden. They brought down a foreign Presidents plane to try to catch Snowden, no less.

My point is simply that the Grand Jury that was impaneled to look at Assange during the Obama years chose not to prosecute because they couldn’t disentangle other media outlets. If they charged Assange, it would be open season on the New York Times, which also published the documents. I think that was a wise decision.

Now the US establishment was all too happy to smear Assange during this time, especially in regards to the Swedish case and his claims of worries of extradition, but legally, they didn’t actually pursue him, for valid reasons. Legal pursuit came during the Trump administration, which was happy to destroy the future of press freedoms tenfold.

dingus , (edited ) to U.S. News in U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Fucking finally. The Obama administration declined to go after Assange because they knew how bad it would look for press freedoms in the US.

If they went after Assange, they could rightly go after the New York Times as well. NYT general counsel has said as much for years. Letting the case continue as-is was setting up for long term disaster regarding press freedoms.

The Trump administration had zero qualms about killing press freedoms. I gotta be at least reasonably thankful the Biden administration is trying to find a less severe offramp for what the Trump admin started.

Whatever you think of Assange (it is perfectly valid to not like him or what he does), this case was a dangerous precedent for press freedom in the US, so having it downgraded to less severe charges would be a good thing.

dingus , to homelab in You Don't Need to Keep Every Electronic Box!
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I feel attacked.

dingus , to Politics in U.S. v. Trump Is the Most Important Criminal Prosecution in American History
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

However with that being said there has never been an American president that was an outright corrupt traitor like Trump was

My brother in Christ, that’s literally my point. It took literally the most absolutely corrupt and endlessly shameless idiot on the planet to actually make our government consider prosecuting anyone in the upper echelons of government for clear crimes. It’s fucking sickening that it took this obscene level of criminality for it to become something worth doing something about, and they tried their hardest to softwalk it and give him chances to return the documents! Who knows if we’d even have the J6 case if it wasn’t for the documents fiasco!

dingus , to Politics in U.S. v. Trump Is the Most Important Criminal Prosecution in American History
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah the guys who said “all men are created equal” while giving themselves rights to own other humans as property, and only allowing land-owning white men the right to vote, those guys were “good guys?” Right? Right?? /s

It would probably be more clear to say we had a handful in the middle (like maybe one or two really) who weren’t total complete utter pieces of shit. Like LBJ and maybe Ike (mostly for his farewell address and how prescient it was), but even with the good things they did, they were also pretty big pieces of shit in their own ways.

dingus , (edited ) to Politics in U.S. v. Trump Is the Most Important Criminal Prosecution in American History
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

There’s been precedent with nearly every president since Nixon. I’d maybe leave out Jimmy Carter, but even has skeletons in his closet. Reagan, Bush, Bush II, and Obama all had scandals and criminality that were minimized. I find it odd that people don’t realize that Obama continued some of the worst aspects of the Bush administration. It’s why I pegged it at sixty years. There was absolutely corruption before Nixon, too, but it became more egregious after him.

EDIT: Getting downvotes because I guess people have rosy memories of Obama? Obama told me whose team he was on the second he said “We need to look forward, not backward” at not prosecuting anyone in the Bush admin for lying to the world about WMD’s and leading us into an illegal and wasteful war in the middle east, a war that Obama ramped up drone warfare in. As if that wasn’t a precedent of ignoring Republican crimes that lead us to exactly where we are fucking now with everyone treating Trump with kid gloves. Bush and Cheney are literal fucking war criminals, and people cooed over how cute it was that Bush shared candy with Michelle Obama. Give me a break. That shit is precisely what lead us here, treating war criminals with kid gloves.

dingus , to Politics in U.S. v. Trump Is the Most Important Criminal Prosecution in American History
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ll be honest, the fact that our “justice” system is on the fence about whether or not we should prosecute a former President just shows how much of a fucking sham the entire fucking system is. The fact that the DOJ sat on it at first and only decided to go forward because he kept committing fucking crimes because he can’t help himself is fucking disgusting. They did everything they could to let him go with a slap on the wrist. Fucking sickening.

We may as well still have fucking Monarchy if they’re not willing to actually prosecute prolifically criminal motherfuckers like this.

In other words, yes, I agree with the title. It’s the most important criminal prosecution in US history because finally after 60-some fucking years of non-stop corruption, we’re finally even considering doing something about it.

dingus , (edited ) to Politics in Trump’s Rivals Can’t Compete With His Version Of Masculinity
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I didn’t know being an incontinent hyper-obese sack of shit who eats like a petulant ten year old was “manly.”

But I guess I shouldn’t put it past Meal Team Six about being totally fucking delusional.

EDIT: I mean holy fuck this petulant pustule won’t even spend time with his own fucking son Barron anymore, because he absolutely has to be the tallest man in the room and he is fucking dwarfed by Barron. Yeah, real fucking manly to not even spend time with your progeny because you don’t like the idea that he’s taller than you. What a fucking loser ass pig.

dingus , to homelab in Revoking the SSH Keys of a Friend Sucks
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Brutal. However, there’s plenty of us who fit that bill here, I’m sure.

dingus , to Politics in Analysis: Pandemic deaths in Ohio and Florida show partisan divide after vaccine rollout
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I like yours too!

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