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pixxelkick , to LinkedinLunatics in Belching

Most SQL Dbs use bits, so it would be WHERE field = 1

The entire shirt caused me 4d6 psychological damage.

pixxelkick , to Work Reform in The fun thing about needing a job is that all the advice is either incredibly demeaning or incredibly futile. Usually both

I despise the current paradigm of mock’ing everything, abstracting everything, and unit testing 100% cide coverage for no logical reason.

Instead I only unit test the following:

  1. Any code I truly want to unit test, because it does something that is iffy on if it works or not, I break out into atomic logic that can very easily unit test.
  2. Code coverage is a business requirement and we already have 100% coverage from integration tests, then I’ll start worrying about unit testing the shit out of stuff.

In other words if you waste time on mindless unit tests to assert that 1+1=2 when you dont have 100% coverage on your integration tests yet, you are wasting time.

In terms of atomic code, consider this example:

<span style="color:#323232;">public class StudentService(IStudentRepository repo)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">{
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    public bool AnyGrade12()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        var students = repo.GetStudents();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        return students.Any(s => s.Grade == 12);
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    }
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

This would be very normal as a pattern to see, but I hate it because to test it, now I need to mock a stubbed in IStudentRepository.

Consider this instead:

<span style="color:#323232;">public static class StudentService
</span><span style="color:#323232;">{
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    public static bool AnyGrade12(IEnumerable students)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        return students.Any(s => s.Grade == 12);
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    }
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

Now this is what I consider atomic logic. The rule of thumb is, if the class has no dependencies or all it’s dependencies are atomic, it too is atomic.

Generally it becomes clear all the atomic logic can just be declared as static classes pain-free, and there’s no need to abstract it. It’s trivial to unit test, and you don’t have to mock anything.

Any remaining non-atomic code should end up as anything you simply must integration test against (3rd party api calls, database queries, that sort of stuff)

You’ll also often find many of your atomic functions naturally and smoothly slot into becoming just extension functions.

This approach goes very much against the grain of every dotnet team I’ve worked with, but once I started demoing how it works and they saw how my unit tests became much less convoluted while still hitting ~90% code coverage, some folks started to get on board with the paradigm.

pixxelkick , to Work Reform in The fun thing about needing a job is that all the advice is either incredibly demeaning or incredibly futile. Usually both
  1. LinkedIn is fine, my past 2 contracts both were off LinkedIn
  2. Yes, include keywords but spread them out, absolutely. Also include them in your cover letter.
  3. Don’t use headhunters, but you can use recruiters.
  4. Pick a specific tech stack to specialize in, one that is popular abd high demand. 100% yes you should have a portfolio using that tech you can link to on your resume or applications. Focus on applying to the smaller but refined pool of jobs that explicitly need the exact tech stack you have in your portfolio.

Example: I specialized in .NET tech stack. C#, azure, EF Core, NUnit, Sql Server, etc etc. The full windows stack.

It’s a super popular stack, and there’s tonnes of demand. I don’t waste my time applying for python or c++ or lua or go or rust jobs. I stick to my stack.

I have many projects on my github using that stack, including install instructions, releases, docker containers, etc etc.

As a result I can talk about the tech used in these stacks extensively, I know them like the back of my hand. I have strong opinions on patterns with them, I can teach others about them, etc.

pixxelkick , to Work Reform in The fun thing about needing a job is that all the advice is either incredibly demeaning or incredibly futile. Usually both

It mostly sounds like you are trying to justify inaction.

Posting on lemmy certainly isn’t going to help.

There’s countless jobs, it’s not that bad. Typically if you aren’t getting at least some emails back it means your resume has some serious issues and needs fixing.

Pretty much everytime this comes up, the persons resume is very poorly setup and it’s obviously why they aren’t getting callbacks. Wrong formatting, not parseable, not straight to the point, not scannable, meanders, skips over critical information…

That or the person admits they haven’t been putting cover letters on the applications.

pixxelkick , to Work Reform in Is it just me or are 9-5 hours naturally the most stifling?

Logically speaking regardless what hours are picked as the “popular” hours, they will feel like shit due to association.

Because almost everything operates on a 9-5 schedule, it makes a 9-5 schedule feel gross because you associate it with working hours.

It’s a feedback loop.

The main things I’ve found that make it 2ay worse though:

  1. Caffeine. By a huge margin, becoming dependant on caffeine fucks up your schedule and makes you feel like you are perpetually in a funk. In the morning you are exhausted, during the day all you want us a nap, and at night it is hard to sleep. Repeat.
  2. Not having a proper breakfast. It’s a meme but it’s fucking true. It’s easy to skip or half ass breakfast, but it leaves you feeling like shit all day long.
  3. Phones in bed. It’s incredibly hard to resist. If I leave my phone on my office desk and go to bed unplugged, I sleep so much more. It’s just way too tempting to sit up and plug into those endless dopamine hits and not fall asleep til 1 in the morning.
  4. Hydrating before bed. Waking up feeling like my mouth is full of sand and my body dried our isn’t Nirmal or healthy. When I started bringing a water bottle to bed to sip on, my sleep improved a tonne.
  5. Early morning pass break. It’s super tempting to ignore your bladder abd stay in the warm cozy confines of your bed, I get it. But I found if I listened to my body and forced myself out of bed to go take that super early morning / late night piss, wgen I crawled back into bed I would sleep way harder and wake up feeling much less achey.
pixxelkick , to Ask Science in Does everyone learn the same gravity in school or is it different everywhere?

It’s at sea level :)

pixxelkick , to Work Reform in The reason CEOs want workers to Return To Office is because they want you to quit

Not talking about the housing market here, talking about the Real Estate market, which the housing market is certainly a subset of, but not what is going to be as big of a player in this issue.

The issue at hand in this case are massive, but vacant, skyrise business focused buildings. And of course the countless giant concrete cubes all over the place in every major city that used to house hundreds of employees and now largely… dont need to. At least not as many, and now 1 of those cubes could be plenty to house several entire businesses, instead of 1.

Hell a company I used to work at was in a giant building and even though it was growing, it was only using maybe 1/5th of its total rooms. Half the hallways were completely vacant and you could walk down rows and rows and rows of dark closed off rooms with just a table and chair in them, lights out.

And that was before the pandemic, post pandemic the entire building had like 3 people in it for a long while, and even when some people filtered back it largely stayed a ghost town. I dunno if they cut their losses and moved to a much much cheaper option to save tonnes of money (I hope they did, it would be a smart choice), but last I saw the place was super empty.

And when this happens, suddenly the property values of an uncountable amount of real estate will plummet. And a LOT of people have a LOT of money banked on that not happening.

pixxelkick , to Work Reform in The reason CEOs want workers to Return To Office is because they want you to quit

Im not entirely sure this specific issue has much to do with Synthetic CDOs.

pixxelkick , to Personal Finance in Salary Needed To Buy a Home In The US

$1000 for those costs per month is pure fantasy here.

So do you think that an estimate going from $1000 to $1100 is definitely in the range of going from “reasonable” to “pure fantasy”?

Sorry mate but you are just out of your depth here. These are reasonable numbers and $1k was a rough estimate I made based on a fair bit of knowledge. The fact I actually was only 10% off from a pure eyeball estimate is pretty damn good imo.

$100 doesnt magically make or break any of what I said when you are dealing with the scale of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We aren’t talking about magical vague numbers here, all of this is stuff you can look up the formulas for and all the numbers are quite public info. Gas prices, electricity rates, tax rates, and entry level home prices are not hard to find.

My numbers in my original post are maybe off by a few % tops. You said it was “pure fantasy” but now we have unequivocally demonstrated my estimates were actually pretty dang close to reality.

These are just straight up numbers you can just plug in and work out, there’s nothing really else to it. It doesnt matter where you live, the formulas are the same across pretty much all of Canada, US, the UK, etc.

Banks solved this shit a long time ago, it aint that hard to go find a calculator and work it out.

pixxelkick , to Work Reform in The reason CEOs want workers to Return To Office is because they want you to quit

Still seems to me the idea of “if people don’t come back into work the real estate market implodes” is the most convincing.

Commuters vaporizing and countless city blocks losing their purpose will cause huge upheaval in the real estate market.

And turns out a /lot/ of CEOs have a vested interest in keeping the real estate market artificially propped up.

Thus, they try and force people back to work as hard as they can.

It won’t last, the big companies that don’t give a shit about real estate due to being even bigger in scale will out compete and the international market will absorb most of the workforce.

If you shackle your success to real estate, then you can’t compete with international megacorps that saw this coming awhile ago. Prepare to be acquired.

pixxelkick , to Personal Finance in Salary Needed To Buy a Home In The US

DC rates atm are average of ~3.5k property taxes, quite low electric rate at 15 cents, gas at ~$1.50

DC’s utility rates are extremely low and very affordable, and property taxes are a smidge on the high side but not that high (about $300/month)

So maybe closer to $1,100 instead of $1000

These are hard numbers a person can literally look up, so I have no idea wtf you are talking about, those numbers are very low for a city.

pixxelkick , to Personal Finance in Salary Needed To Buy a Home In The US

Not really. No. Often they are much cheaper. Gas/electricity is a lot more expensive in low cost of living areas, due to transport costs.

$1000 or so is pretty normal in big cities for monthly house costs, most of which is utilities. If your utility bill is over a thousand dollars you either own a tesla, mine crypto, or grow hydroponics.

Or the other handful of expensive hobbies of course. Aquariums, 3d printing, so on and so forth.

Taxes usually are like 200-250.

Maint should be ~100/month if you got a proper inspection done and ensured there aren’t any serious issues.

This doesn’t include major maintenance not all houses need, like new roof, new water heater, new furnace, new AC, etc. Just general passive maintenance.

That number is purely “how much does the house cost to not get foreclosed” which is what banks care about.

pixxelkick , to Personal Finance in Salary Needed To Buy a Home In The US

Home expenses is just taxes, electricity/gas/water, maintenance.

Not Cost of Living.

pixxelkick , to Personal Finance in Salary Needed To Buy a Home In The US

Not sure what you are talking about. Starter homes are still the same. Basic features, unfinished basement, no garage, 2-3 beds, 1-2 baths, likely 20-30 years old and requires some repairs.

Typically will be farther out of the city. It will be a longer commute but still within city limits. It will have some amenities nearby but not exactly on main street, but enough to suffice.

For most large cities I have looked at, usually is in the range of 150k to 250k. Totally affordable for someone making a decent wage of 50k+ to save up the down payment of 7.5k to 12.5k over the course of 1-2 years.

pixxelkick , to Personal Finance in Salary Needed To Buy a Home In The US

At min 5% down payment and 140k salary (lets say 100k after taxes), with 1k home expenses per month you’d clock in at max approval of up to $369,178 mortgage, clocking in at a max monthly mortgage of $1,654. Would require a down payment of $19,500

Feel free to check out this link below to see all the valid houses listed on the first realtor website that came up for me, filtered down to normal houses that are at that price point or lower, in DC area


This one in particular is at the very top end of what you can afford, but I’d absolutely buy that house in an instant, decent location, looks gorgeous, etc etc.


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