FlyingSquid , to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes avatar

Too fucking late, shithead. If you’re sorry, unload your money on the world.

turtlepower , to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes avatar

I’ve got the table set, when do we eat?

AllNewTypeFace , to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes avatar

The only difference him and any central bank governor is not having enough tact to use the usual polite euphemisms. The policy itself is so old that Marx came up with a term for it (“the reserve army of labour”)

sentient_loom , (edited ) to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes avatar

Apparently he’s the same guy who said that millennials can’t afford homes because they eat avocado toast.

kiranraine ,

Like couldn’t be that jobs don’t think we’re worth a livable wage and that they union bust or coworkers can’t be convinced to do so…like I want things better for myself but without others banding together at any job I get it never will…

lobut ,

No, no according to this CEO. When he was young he worked 7 days a week non stop till he got a house. Kids nowadays just don’t want to work. They want to spend $40 on avocado toast and coffee and not work. Definitely not salary growth for workers being horrible.

kiranraine ,

Yea can’t be the fact they make excess that used to be taxed appropriately that forced living wages. Not to mention greedflation on necessities like meds and groceries(not including that avocado toast which is a dumb point bc that’s cheap af). Don’t forget those like me with severe social anxiety that keeps getting worse ontop of being audhd that isn’t “high need” enough to be considered for disability or nothing(tho the latter could be me overthinking while in the middle of a autistic burnout from pandemic and other life shiz up to this point…)

foo ,

In reality he got a loan from his grandfather and extensive support from his employer

ours , to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes

Avocado toast man strikes again!

The big brain behind that 5-head working double time again!

wildbus8979 , (edited ) to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes

You said what you said, you’re place in the line to the wall hasn’t changed.

Fantomas , to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes

Good. Now apologise for being a gigacunt.

chemicalprophet ,


bradinutah , to Politics in [Opinion Analysis] The 14th Amendment plan to disqualify Trump, explained

I’m tired of people saying they can’t read the Constitution and decide on what it says about whether or not Trump can run. The Constitution also says a candidate must be age 35 to be President. If Trump was 24 years old instead of 77, would we be having this conversation? Why couldn’t these State officials look at the facts like his actions and age and make the call now? These people need to carry out their duties according to the Constitution and declare now that Trump is not qualified and cannot appear on the ballot. You don’t need to be a lawyer, a legal scholar, or a SCOTUS justice to figure this one out! There is more than a simple preponderance of evidence to disqualify him. A conviction beyond a reasonable doubt is NOT required. With a population of over 300 million people, surely you can find a candidate to support who doesn’t have Trump’s insurrection baggage. Or rape baggage. Or fascism baggage. Or Putin baggage. Et cetera. Et cetera. Et cetera. Only qualified candidates need apply.

sibloure , to U.S. News in Police pull over car with huge bull in passenger seat

The horns as a hood ornament are a nice touch.

violetsareblue , to U.S. News in Bodycam video shows Ohio police fatally shooting pregnant black woman

I’d like to point out that there’s few times scarier/more life threatening than interacting with a cop - esp as a black person. Something about knowing someone can murder you and people will make excuses for them.

I don’t blame her for driving away at all. Exactly because of the bullshit cops pull- aka their guns. There’s no amount of following directions that will save you if the cop is racist/trigger-happy enough.

BigTrout75 , to U.S. News in Bodycam video shows Ohio police fatally shooting pregnant black woman

I agree with de-escalation training. These events seem to have a common elements.

  1. Officer tells person to do something.
  2. They don’t do it.
  3. Officer repeats request yelling.
  4. Person ignores request. 5.Officer brings out the gun.
  5. Person ignores and tries to escape.
  6. Officer shots.
jcarax , to U.S. News in Police pull over car with huge bull in passenger seat

Cops are on such a power trip these days, what a load of bull.

LDPanda , to U.S. News in Bodycam video shows Ohio police fatally shooting pregnant black woman avatar

OK, I get that she was driving away and it might have been at an officer hard to get all the views when one’s dead. Anyway, 1 He could have easily stepped aside and got the make, model, and tag etc so as to not escalate the situation 2 How the fuck is step 2 shoot to kill. Could’ve shot the radiator or a tire or you know not fired a gun. This is why shit’s so messed up, there’s no middle ground you’re either complying with them or you’re a deadly threat nothing in between. De-Escalation training needs to be mandatory every few months.

Sharpiemarker ,

The question for me is, is a couple hundred Dollars of alcohol or groceries worth someone’s life? Why not let her go and pursue charges against her rather than executing her in the parking lot?

StringTheory OP ,

In a video statement a day after the shooting, Belford said two officers were helping someone get into a locked car when a supermarket employee told them several people were leaving with stolen items.…/police-fatally-shooting-a-pregnant-blac…

I have a hard time seeing a 7-months pregnant woman being part of a gang of thieves and running from a store with her arms full of bottles of alcohol.

And if she was part of the gang, you record her license plate and get the security camera pictures and call her in. What the hell are cops being taught?

jarfil , avatar

7-months pregnant woman being part of a gang of thieves

That’s possibly the only part of this that I could understand: some people use the “fake pregnant” or “fake obese” strategy to fit in more stuff under their clothes… so just by seeing someone who “looks like” they’re pregnant, you can’t “rule out” them being a thief.

Shooting even a confirmed thief, still isn’t justified.

Seathru ,

What the hell are cops being taught?…/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killo…

Melkath ,

Cocaine. Meth. Steroids. Affiliations with nazi organizations.

95 percent of cops.

lasagna , to U.S. News in Police pull over car with huge bull in passenger seat avatar

No seat belt. Figures.

jordanlund , to Politics in [News[ Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years for Capitol riot avatar

Tarrio is probably crapping himself right now. His sentencing is Tuesday.

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