curiousPJ , to Work Reform in UAW workers launch unprecedented strike against all Big Three automakers | CNN Business

Hopefully this kick starts a new normal to a 32 hour work day and traditional pensions.

VentraSqwal , to Work Reform in UAW workers launch unprecedented strike against all Big Three automakers | CNN Business

Woo! Another strike! It’s great to see labor realizing it’s power again after 100 years of it being weak and unions toothless.

ElectroNeutrino , to Texas in Texas student suspended over his loc hairstyle days after state's Crown Act takes effect

According to the article, the school district has a current lawsuit against them for doing the same thing to two other black students in 2020.

The superintendent at the time said, “people want to call us racist, but we’re following the rules, the law of the land." Like, yes, that’s one form of racism, setting up and using systems and institutions which disproportionally affect certain races. I know he knows that but is just covering his ass.

stormtrooper , to Texas in Texas student suspended over his loc hairstyle days after state's Crown Act takes effect

What a shitty school. But I couldn’t help but laugh at the name “barbers” hill heh

Bak ,

Barber’s Hill: It’s Not Racism, It’s Fashion

iHUNTcriminals , to Politics in Trump is explaining exactly how wild and extreme his second term would be | CNN Politics

Mafia pig. Fuck up ever career crim you know… it’s our duty as humans.

Pistcow , to Politics in Clashes mount between Trump and his legal nemesis

Weird choice of words.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in A net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers and may be closing in on Trump | CNN Politics

Call me when it's the noose of justice tightening.

TropicalDingdong , to Politics in A net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers and may be closing in on Trump | CNN Politics

Its important to keep in mind CNN is in the business of selling headlines.

dingus , avatar

Leslie Moonves on Donald Trump: “It May Not Be Good for America, but It’s Damn Good for CBS”…/leslie-moonves-donald-tru…

Generally, media barons don’t give a fuck about accuracy of if it helps the country, as much as if it gets clicks/gets views/sells issues.

littlewonder ,

Yeah, would love to ban them from the list of allowed sources. I HATE when news plays on emotions, tribalism, clickbaiting, etc. and CNN checks all those boxes.

btaf45 OP ,

Yeah, would love to ban them from the list of allowed sources.

Then you would have to ban every media outlet from the list of allowed sources.

I HATE when news plays on emotions, tribalism, clickbaiting, etc. and CNN checks all those boxes.

LOL not that CNN is my favorite source, but this is not a talking head tribalism segment. It is a substantive news article and it is not wrong.

btaf45 OP ,

Every other media source is also in the business of selling headlines.

CluckN , to Politics in A net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers and may be closing in on Trump | CNN Politics

I’ve been reading the same “Trump is about to be in trouble” articles since 2015.

dingus , (edited ) avatar

Yeah, the continued treating Trump with kid gloves and continually proving there are two separate justice systems gives me very, very little faith anything will actually happen to him.

Remember, they weren’t actually looking to prosecute him for much of anything until the documents fiasco where they gave him multiple chances to cough up the documents, but only turned it into a criminal prosecution when it became completely clear he was unwilling to cooperate. They’ve slow walked this shit as much as humanly possible and not to “ensure the case is rock solid.”

The fact is, any normal person would have been locked up two years ago, with an unaffordable bail, and would have been thrown behind bars with additional charges the first time he threatened the courts, the jurists, and society in general.

Hell, there was an anarchist in Florida who simply posted online about how people needed to own guns and be prepared to defend themselves. He posted these ideas online on January 6th and in the days following. He has never committed any violence. He’s got a longer prison sentence than a lot of people who were actually present at January 6th.

I’ll believe something is going to happen to Trump when I fucking see it.

btaf45 OP ,

I’ll believe something is going to happen to Trump when I fucking see it.

This article is about “election deniers”, not just Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump. e.g. It is about the Punk Boys receiving long prison sentences, and Ghouliani being found guilty of slandering poll workers.

takeda ,

To be fair, how can you be in legal troubles if your best buddy is deciding if you get charged or not?

Yeah, I’m not holding my breath, it is possible that he could stil avoid jail, but at least now there’s a real chance he could end up in one.

btaf45 OP ,

I’ve been reading the same “Trump is about to be in trouble” articles since 2015.

This article is about “election deniers”, not just Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump.

…far-right Proud Boys group received long sentences despite their pleas for mercy…

…judge ruled that Giuliani had lost the defamation suit…

ggBarabajagal , to Politics in Clarence Thomas officially discloses private trips on GOP donor Harlan Crow's plane | CNN Politics

There are many reasons that George H.W. Bush chose to nominate Thomas, but one of them is almost surely that Thomas is black. The seat Thomas was nominated to fill was the one left by Thurgood Marshall, who retired in declining health.

Justice Thurgood Marshall was a consistent liberal vote and a strong proponent of civil rights protections. Before becoming a Justice himself, Marshall argued dozens of civil rights cases before the Supreme Court, including Brown v. Board of Education. Marshall’s “sliding-scale” situation-informed style would seem to be in direct conflict with Thomas’s unyielding “textual originalism.”

I was in my early 20s that summer when the Clarence Thomas confirmation, and Anita Hill’s testimony, were everywhere on the news. I even remember it in an episode of the sitcom Designing Women, albeit in a plausibly deniable “bothsides” kind of way. The story raged because of its high stakes and titillating content, but it also prompted some frank. worthwhile discussion about some uncomfortable topics.

And then Thomas publicly complained that the sexual harassment complaints against him amounted to a “high-tech lynching.” And then, slowly but surely, we all came to understand it was pretty much over.

“He played the race card,” his detractors complained. But his supporters answered, weren’t those detractors playing the race card too? What if the real racist is the person who automatically assumes the word “lynching” was intended to be taken in a race-related context in the first place?

It went back and forth like that for a while, as the public spotlight on the story faded out. But we weren’t talking about Anita Hill’s testimony anymore. We weren’t even talking about Thomas’s suitability as a Supreme Court Justice anymore. It was pretty much all “race card” stuff from there on out.

There are many, many reasons that GHWB nominated Thomas. At least one of them is that Thomas is black, and that it would have been a bad look (politically and otherwise) to nominate someone who was not black to replace Marshall.

Thomas is black. That gives him the right to “play the race card,” as far as I’m concerned. But fair play calls for laying your cards on the table, for everyone to see. Thomas has always cared more about the cards he keeps up his sleeve.

AllonzeeLV , to Politics in Clarence Thomas officially discloses private trips on GOP donor Harlan Crow's plane | CNN Politics

This country is a joke 🤣

skellener , to Politics in Clarence Thomas officially discloses private trips on GOP donor Harlan Crow's plane | CNN Politics avatar


blazera , to Politics in Clarence Thomas officially discloses private trips on GOP donor Harlan Crow's plane | CNN Politics avatar

Briber you mean.

Lawliss , to Politics in Clarence Thomas officially discloses private trips on GOP donor Harlan Crow's plane | CNN Politics

And yet a doctor can’t receive a pen from a pharmaceutical rep because of ethics. Amazing that these other professionals can’t simply do whatever they want.

heavyboots , to Politics in Clarence Thomas officially discloses private trips on GOP donor Harlan Crow's plane | CNN Politics avatar

Well that’s just great. Now how do we walk back all the cases he weighed in on when he should have actually recused himself?

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