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TropicalDingdong ,

So a few things that are missing from the current answers. I'm not a geologist, but I have had graduate level paleobotany training, and quite a bit geology coursework. I also worked in paleobotany lab. I do currently do research in biogeochemical cycling, so while I can't speak to the nature of continent or mountain building, but I can speak to how our planet has changed chemically, and that in many ways, life on earth has already fundamentally altered major components of the biogeochemical processes that result in geologic formations. This is not quite what you asked, but I think a geologist with the right training could weigh in on the back to further the conversation.

So the two processes I would speak to are the formation of bituminous coal , and the formation of limestone, both of which are biological in origin.

Coal as a type of sedimentary rock involves the conversion of dead vegetation in wetlands, when vegetation dies and is submerged in an anoxygenic environment. The basic process is that vegetation grows, dies, and is buried in a low oxygen environment, and eventually turns into coal, which has retained most of the C-C bonds that were originally present in the plant tissue (cellulose). So how important is evolution and life to the formation of coal? Well consider that 90% of coal beds were deposited during the Carboniferous and Permian periods, representing only a brief fractions of earths geological history. Why would this be the case? Well, it was during the Carboniferous that plants evolved lignin, a plant molecule that is not only very resilient to decomposition, but is a structural tissue that allows for the building of large, indeterminate plant parts. This resulted in the first "trees", which is to say, tall woody plants that could extend a significant distance above the ground because they now had a strong reinforcement polymer they could integrate with cellulose. So all of a sudden, plant life was like "Fuck yeah, trees upgrade unlocked"!

HOWEVER fungi and bacteria had not yet evolved to degrade lignin. Which meant, for around 160 million years, trees were going gangbusters, but no organism had yet evolved to significantly decompose lignin; this resulted in the wood just kind of piling up, and where you had wetland conditions suitable for coal formation, you got coal. So for around 2% of earths history, we had trees, but we didn't have wood-decomposing fungi. There are other factors at play here like the high oxygen levels from all the plants, and extremely high CO2 levels from ongoing volcanism (I believe the Kamchatka volcanics?), but if not for the evolution of lignin, we would not have coal, and if not for the evolution of wood-decomposing fungus, the formation of coal would not have been curtailed significantly.

I know much less about the formation of limestone, except that there a shit ton more of it than there is coal, but I can speak to it enough to make a few points. Limestone forms mostly in shallow marine environments. Limestone is made from coral and forminfera, basically shell bearing microorganisms. Anything with a shell that lives and then eventually dies in a marine environment can lead to the formation of limestone. Limestone makes up around 25% of the sedimentary rocks on planet earth, which is a shit ton of shells. Its been forming for a very long time.

So a few more considerations. Consider that sedimentary rocks like coal or limestone are much lighter than igneous rocks. Continental crust is like rafts of light rock floating in a sea of heavier oceanic crust. So there is a kind of geological selection process for these lighter rocks to accumulate as continental crust rather than be subducted and then stay subducted. I'm going to stop there because that's too deep into the geology for me to speculate further on. I can speak to the biogeochemical aspects, but I'm not a geologist.

So from a chemical perspective, the contents of the minerals that make up continental crust have ABSOLUTELY been altered by the trajectory of evolution on planet earth. Now if that would fundamentally alter the outlines of the continents or their movements? That's beyond what I know about earth history. What I can say is that evolution has had a direct impact on the chemical composition of the atmosphere, and the makeup of major rock and mineral formations that represent a significant portion of the earths crust.

TropicalDingdong ,

Ha ha ha.. I knew before I clicked it what you were going to say.

That shit is like.. nasty af. Also, another good reason to bite the bullet and do what the quality tradespeople do:

Buy a box of nitrile gloves and store them whereever you keep your solvents/ sprays/ paints/ anything..

TropicalDingdong ,

wore a glove with Vaseline in them

pre-lubricated for her pleasure..

TropicalDingdong ,

Rank and file are still the same dumbasses that vote against their own interests.

Well that was also four years ago. Unions have done work since then. It would be interesting to see if things have changed.

TropicalDingdong ,

It’s been over 8 years, if they are MAGA now they will probably never stop.

We gotta get Democrats to understand this. There is no middle. Stop worrying about appealing to the sociopaths and appeal to people far more likely to vote for you.

TropicalDingdong ,

Its hard to describe it to any one that hasn’t experience it.

TropicalDingdong ,

Those downvotes you are recieving: they are the point of all of those Disney and Marvel movies. The good guys win, don’t worry about it. If you just ‘do the right thing’ things will turn out ok. The system works. Justice exists and is inevitable.

It never occurs to them that people have been voting this entire time and the result of that is what we have. Voting isn’t enough, its not enough, and its not clear it has any real impact whatsoever. If all voting gets you is delay and Joe Biden, what then? Its always the same tired “Vote Harder”, “Vote Blue No Matter Who” line of crapola, a line of crapola those espousing don’t really have a critical assessment of. They don’t really have an answer for systematic change, or answers for when institutions like the DNC decide that your vote just shouldn’t matter, as in New Hampshire, or the 2016 primary?

The fact is voting isn’t working and it hasn’t worked since the Supreme Court overturned the 2000 election of Bush V Gore. These strategies aren’t working. If “voting harder” worked, we wouldn’t be here right now. But these debutantes who think they know shit and are clicking the down button can’t imagine another way. So the react, in the same reactionary way the right wing does.

TropicalDingdong ,

I guess you should vote twice as hard then.

TropicalDingdong ,

Regardless of what you do to fix the drawer, consider that its the weight of what you’ve got in the drawer that caused the failure. Consider either reinforcing the underside, and or waxing or lubing whatever the roller or mounting hardware is. The heavy weight causing drag is ultimately why this failed (along with it just being cheap as shit particle board).

When I’ve had this issue in the past, I’ve gone ahead and replaced and reinforced the whole thing with 1/4th inch plywood. You can run two dados up the face board and then run the plywood into those, then pin nail and glue.

TropicalDingdong ,

soft close would hurt but when mine failed, it was the weight of the crap warping the structure of the drawer that stressed the joins ultimately leading to failure. Effectively bowing it out from the inside.

TropicalDingdong ,

I mean thats what did this, without a doubt.

However, at this point, you need to reinforce the guts. Gluing and pinning are not going to be enough.

TropicalDingdong ,

So basically, if Democrats are in office, the Supreme Court has determined the Administrative authority no longer has administrative authority.

Got it.

TropicalDingdong ,

This is basically saying that states supersede the federal government on border policy, which is patently absurd. You either believe in the rule of law or you don’t. You don’t get to have it both ways. The conversation justices in this case are complete buffoons.

TropicalDingdong ,

Tell me you have no fucking clue about the contents of the constitution or the concept of rule of law without telling me you have no fucking clue about the contents of the constitution or the concept of rule of law.

TropicalDingdong ,

The second they start sticking AI bloat in Firefox, I'm out.

TropicalDingdong ,

If they want to build extensions that do those things, I fully support them.

I don't need or want my engineering team building my browser doing things other than building my browser. I want them working on the browser. I need AI I didn't ask for in my browser like I need an additional hole in my head.

I want my browser to be a browser and if Firefox isn't focused on just building a great browser, I'm leaving.

TropicalDingdong ,

You miss the point. This takes away from them actually building and maintaining a browser. If they want to do this as a plug in or something, that's fine. I do not want it and am not interested in anything AI related being built into the browser. Its that toxic, VC mindset around everything having to be everything and following the hype of the moment. Its dumb and the announcement was a redflag warning.

TropicalDingdong ,

Any where? Its a browser not a religion.

TropicalDingdong ,

Its absolutely not my job to protect Firefox from its self.

They are the ones who made the announcement and I could give two wiffs of stinky piss about their image. I only care if they make a good product that serves my needs. The microsecond their product ceases to to be a 'good' product from my personal viewpoint, I'm dropping them and calling them out on it. They've got the best browser in the game rn (imo). Its their game to lose but it looks like they are starting to make some dumb ass choices.

Corporate cheer leading is for sycophants.

TropicalDingdong ,
TropicalDingdong ,

“AI” has been used for many things for many years. The fact that the news is full of machine learning and generative AI doesn’t mean that it’s sensible to condemn anything using it.

Maybe you should move onto Edge. I hear they are big on AI in the browser.

TropicalDingdong ,

That’s like, maybe 1 mid tier thermal unit.

FLIRs practical monopoly is annoying.

TropicalDingdong ,

there is no planet on which cop riot gear is that price.

pretty sure nitriles are more expensive too.

TropicalDingdong ,

An 89 dollar piece of plastic is not a riot shield .

TropicalDingdong ,


Think of it like DOD pricing but for local police departments. My broader point is that both sides of this graphic have massively underestimated the true costs of both professions, largely due to corporate profit inflation and captured markets.

I mean hell, you can’t even buy a decent bike helmet for $125, do you think they’ll send police out in something less worthy than that?

TropicalDingdong ,

Wow yeah look at that.


why do i constantly oscillate between having an a) intense work ethic where i consistently work hard and manage money wisely or b) pure gluttony and hedonism where i spend freely and accumulate debt

when i do A for long enough and my overall net worth comes close enough to zero, i switch to B and am only sometimes capable of wrangling it in...

TropicalDingdong ,

I think shifting your reward cycle would help. Right now you are hooked on the dopamine from going hard, which is fine , but if you want to change, you need to replace the reward system. It also might help to ask how old you are? It is a tendency of the youth to have a lack of long term vision, which can make it hard to create a more sustainable reward cycle .

TropicalDingdong ,

Bro Rogan.

Its real simple. It gives them identity and something to go after in a society that offers them nothing. So they get into woodworking, hunting, fighting, only eat meat for a while or some shit.

Males are expendable, the way that all people in capitalism are expendable. But to quote Babe from animal farm: Some are more expendable than others. Males have lower impulse control and have a biological more likely to engage in high risk/ high reward. Most white males are facing the same dilemmas and contradictions around the shittiness and meaninglessness of their existence as everyone else; every one else just doesn’t have a direct pipeline to radicalism engineered for them. For years YT has been trying to steer me down the white nationalist rabbit hole, in-spite of how unappologetically leftist the programing I consume is. I’m a bit older and I’ve been around and politically aware since I was a teen and made the impulsive decision to enlist, then months later we were invading Afghanistan and then Iraq.

To incorrectly quote Michael Brooks quoting MLK incorrectly: “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”. The right offers a clear moral framework for engaging with young men and giving them a ‘moral right’ to fight for. The left is contradicted on this, and don’t understand what it means to take on a spiritual crusade. But Michael Brooks did. He understood that having something to base your work around is critical.

This same issue plagues young men from all nationalities and walks of life, not just young white men in the US. We have to collectively find a way to give meaning to peoples lives or that innate search for meaning will be taken advantage of.

TropicalDingdong ,

I mean, you don’t have to sympathize with someone to try and understand them.

You’ll never beat something you don’t understand.

TropicalDingdong ,

This 💯

Mike Johnson Slammed After Admitting He Uses His 17-Year-Old Son To Monitor His Porn Usage ( )

In a resurfaced clip from 2022, House Speaker Mike Johnson admitted to monitoring his 17-year-old son’s internet activity for pornography. Johnson made this revelation during a speech at Cypress Baptist Church in Benton, Louisiana, where he discussed the “War on Technology.”...

TropicalDingdong ,

This is how propaganda works. Reframe it as a quid pro quo.

TropicalDingdong ,

I mean nothing stopping you. Just make sure to use something outdoor/ weather proof.

TropicalDingdong ,

Man complex roof locations and joins are a bitch.

I refuse to ever live in anything than a rectangular, featureless box.

TropicalDingdong ,

I would probably plan on fixing the hole by first cutting some pieces of (looks like particle board??) down to size and reducing the overall size of the gap.

Filling that thing with foam seems like a mistake in the making should you ever need to service it again and a kind of shitry diy cus I didn’t know better solution.

The hole in the back is more concerning to me. If that goes to the exterior of the structure you need to much more seriously consider sealing.

like wise those seem like water pipes? maybe gas? so condensation should be a consideration. You should put some kind of sealing insulation around them to prevent condensation build up otherwise you’ll be setting up a mold bonanza.

Honestly, with the tools and solutions you are proposing, just get a contractor if you are the owner. you prob gonna end up setting this shit up to be redone regardless, and thats maybe a 200 dollar job

TropicalDingdong ,

You shouldn’t use platforms you don’t believe in.

City Workers Rally Their Asses Off After a Year at the Bargaining Table, the City Is Still Only Offering Workers a Pay Cut ( )

Around 1,500 City of Seattle employees rallied for an equitable contract and marched from City Hall to Westlake. One year in and we are still waiting for the City to offer a COLA that isn’t an effective pay cut. #unionstrong...

TropicalDingdong ,

If I didn’t choose to do it, its part of the work day.

Home prices may be on the verge of cooling off ( )

Home prices weakened month to month, according to Black Knight. While still gaining, which they usually do at this time of year, the gains fell below their 25-year average. This after significantly outdoing their historical averages from February through June. It’s a signal that a slowdown in prices may be underway again....

TropicalDingdong ,

I doubt it. Had a friend try and get into a house last month. Things had cooled off. Was listed at 1.1 and they offered .8. Offer accepted, then they got cold feet and backed out. It just sold for .95. They feel like idiots.

Prices cooled for a bit. I think that’s done. Its going to be very market specific, but in markets that are suffering any kinds of climate related loss of structures (California, Oregon, Washington, Florida, Hawaii), don’t expect any significant reductions in home price. Now what happens in the insurance markets as a biproduct of new legislation and how that effects both rates and availability, that’s whole separate ball game. But as far as the desirable areas of the country, I think that dip we saw was pretty much it. Expect no more rate hikes after then next 8-12 months. Wages will be gobbling up their portions of inflation as things smooth out from the preposterous amount of money injected into the system during covid. I would expect homes to be up 30-50% over the next 4-10 years. The only thing I think that could prevent that is a collapse of the insurance markets, which, does look possible in California.

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