
How do you texture drywall without it looking like hot garbage?

For context, I’m talking about texturing smaller drywall repairs like, say, a patched 3-inch hole (don’t get me started on railings not installed to code…) or even nail pop repairs as per the other recent post. Assume I’ve mudded and sanded and it’s nice and smooth and now I want it… less smooth. To match, say, an...

[Meta] Want a free way to watch Star Trek in the USA? Buy a $10.00 antenna online and get access to H&I (a heroes and icons)

This is a bit of an ad, but I swear I don’t sponsor H&I. I just use them a lot. My wife and I bought “bunny ears”/an antenna for our TV when we lived in the Midwest. We also watch H&I on the west coast. Almost every night they play one episode from each popular, live-action, series in order of production: TOS, TNG, DS9,...

Pi or Nuc

Hi I am currently struggling with deciding between Pis (all variants e.g. Orange Pi) and Nucs as I can’t find any for a reasonable price. Do you guys have any recommandation for me? German/European Stores maybe? I am looking for the best efficency to performance ratio for a low price. Basically just small computing units that...

Tool for Monitoring Bandwidth in Real Time

I am looking for a simple tool that I can monitor available bandwidth on my 3 different ISPs in real time. Not what is being used, but what is available…like a speed test, but one that can show historical data. I have PRTG but that shows what is being used. I also do not want it to constant speed tests, that would take up...

I want a couple of devices that could open and close my blackout curtains depending on a schedule or smart home integration. Cheaper to make one or buy one?

They are analog roller shades. I feel like it could be a decent project but my budget isn’t great, so i do want to know if that is something worth DIYing or not. Also I wouldn’t know what micro controller to use....

Funny Story About Reddit's Failing Systems Hitting the Corporate World - Almost

I am a PSE for a large corporation that most people would not be familiar with (those users that frequent this sub probably would). However, we supply business critical software to many of the big companies you definitely do know. This puts me in a position where I work directly with some of the most well paid ‘tech execs’...

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