
athos77 , (edited ) to RedditMigration in Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?

14 years, 17 accounts, ~2000000 karma. Nuked everything: deleted comments and submissions, de-modded myself, unsubbed from everything, gilded various protest content using the coins I'd been given over the years, bought a cool Apollo app t-shirt, walked out and walked away. Nope, don't miss it; I'm exploring kbin and tildes, and getting my meme content from imgur. Which is ironic in a way, because the sole reason imgur was created was because reddit refused to allow native images.

Are you having regrets? It's okay to have regrets.

Lemmyfunbun ,

What is kbin and tildes?

TelKaivokalma ,
@TelKaivokalma@kbin.social avatar

Always weird to read comments like this while on Kbin. Kbin is another "threadiverse" instance. Like Lemmy or whatever.

LegendofDragoon ,
@LegendofDragoon@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, it becomes so second nature that I'm on kbin that it's a weird kind of dissonance, like someone asking what's Reddit on Reddit.

EnglishMobster ,
@EnglishMobster@kbin.social avatar

I love everyone always saying "Lemmy, what's XYZ?" or whatever not realizing there's a good chunk of people not on Lemmy.

It does get annoying when I see Lemmy-specific questions in my feed, though.

Very_Bad_Janet ,

Kbin is a part of the Fediverse and is similar to Lemmy. I have a kbin.social account and am replying to you from kbin. (I subscribe to a lot of Lemmy communities via kbin).

Tildes is not a part of the Fediverse. It is a text-driven private forum basically created and run by one person. You need an invite from a Tildes account holder to join. It's its own little island. am on Tildes a lot and really like it.

Openminded-skeptic ,

Isn't the founder of Tildes a former Reddit admin with a pretty well-known account? Or am I remembering that wrong?

Amongog ,
@Amongog@kbin.social avatar

Kbin is a different software than Lemmy, although similar.
It has only been around a few months (unlike lemmy that has years in development).

It offers what seems to me a more centralized view of the fediverse, with federation to lemmy servers and mastodon servers as well.

It has access to the microblogging feature, that is like sending a toot from mastodon.

I've found it to be a more familiar experience to Reddit, and honestly, I prefer it over lemmy.

Due to it being so new, it has many missing features lemmy might have, like mobile apps (the API is still not public, and it's being worked on).

HOWEVER, Kbin has a great community backing it up.
I'm currently posting this from the amazing Artemis beta app for Kbin, the first of its kind.
This is due to the incredible job @Hariette has done!!

rustyfish ,
@rustyfish@lemmy.world avatar


I forgot about that…been a while old friend.

Edit: HOLY FUCKNUGGETS BATMAN! It’s still alive and well?!

MapleEngineer , to RedditMigration in 11 year old account deleted today. Final straw.

I got banned from r/soapmaking because I didn’t agree that buying soap that someone else made, melting it, adding perfume and glitter, and pouring it into moulds was soap making and not arts and crafts. I raise the pigs, render the lard, and make actual soap. I was called arrogant.

I was banned from r/republican for pointing out that the headline of an article that said that the DOJ had found evidence of widespread voter fraud in Georgia was incorrect and based on a letter written by a Trumpist political hack, Jeffery Clark, not the DOJ and that it in fact contradicted the DOJ, the Republican AG, the Republican Governor of Georgia, the Republican Secretary of State of Georgia, and Republican election officials in Georgia. I was called a troll.

I was banned from r/canada for wondering out loud if the neo-fascist premiere of Alberta who made unethical phone calls to Justice officials about a hateful street pastor charged with repeatedly breaking covid rules then having a secret recording of a phone call with the accused released wherein she fawned over him and promised that she was doing everything she could to help him would pay him conjugal visits in prison once he had been sentenced.

I was banned from r/freedomconvoy2022 when I pointed out that they had exercised their Section 6 rights to travel freely across provincial borders while exercising their Section 7 right to be unvaccinated to exercise their Section 2 rights to assemble in downtown Ottawa to hold their giant racist, western separatist, Nazi, fascis, white nationalist, sovereign citizen, anti-science, resident harassing, air pouring, business closing, hourly wage employee unemploying, street shitting tantrum.

Don’t speak truth into echo bunkers.

RickRussell_CA ,
@RickRussell_CA@kbin.social avatar

You do good work.

notapantsday ,

I raise the pigs, render the lard, and make actual soap. I was called arrogant.

This is totally unrelated, but how do you get rid of the smell? I love my lard soap (using store-bought lard) but it always has a very porky smell.

metaStatic ,

That's the neat part. You don't.

Gargleblaster ,
@Gargleblaster@kbin.social avatar

The the neo-nazis volunteered to moderate.


metaStatic , to Fediverse in Multiple lemmy instances are getting hit with a js injection

you are being redirected to a porn site. sorry for the convenience.

wetnoodle ,

it's also preventing all other content and (hopefully) temporarily killing the instance, I know you're probably just joking but this ain't good

metaStatic ,

oh hell no, I mean heck no, this is totally bad news bears. They just got clowned and if you don't laugh at yourself someone will do it for you.

Midnitte ,
@Midnitte@kbin.social avatar

I used to watch porn. I still do, but I used to, too.

be_excellent_to_each_other , to RedditMigration in Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?
@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

I deleted a 10+ year old account a couple of years ago. The accounts I deleted when the ruckus started were those I'd been using since then.

That 10 year old account a couple years ago bugged me awhile because I had the conceit that anyone at all on Reddit recognized my name or cared what I had to say. Eventually I got over that.

As a result, I felt almost no sting from wiping and deleting the younger ones. Maybe 5 minutes of feeling a little weird about it until I realized I'd given up exactly nothing.

LegendofDragoon ,
@LegendofDragoon@kbin.social avatar

I do feel like I recognize people here more probably because of the avatars. I see you around a lot, and I recognize Nepenthe, catch 42, and otomechan based on their avatars.

Funnily enough I always think you're Ernest for half a second before I realize I've done it again.

be_excellent_to_each_other ,
@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

Hah I could see how the avatar is similar at first glance. :-)

melroy ,
@melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

@be_excellent_to_each_other I follow you now :) +1 karma hhehe

be_excellent_to_each_other ,
@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

Aw thanks!

vsp , to RedditMigration in Haven't touched reddit since July 1st
@vsp@lemmy.world avatar

I’m still grieving the Reddit that was.

Now, I’m excited for the threadiverse that could be.

Halogen2744 ,
@Halogen2744@kbin.social avatar

It hurts to lose everything we had, but leaving is the only way to have better platforms in the future.

Chariotwheel ,

It's also not that bad. Most okder users went through plenty of online communities.

Halogen2744 ,
@Halogen2744@kbin.social avatar

True enough. I'm just a young lad who grew up in the age of social media centralization, so this is my first real platform migration.

Crul , to RedditMigration in PSA, you can add subreddits as an RSS to view without supporting Reddit

This works for (almost?) any reddit URL:

Note that in the last 3 URLs, the .rss is added before the ?, in all other cases it’s at the end.

coldv ,

Oh I’m not aware of the comments one! Thank you!

Crul ,

Oh, I also forgot:

Very useful for moderators (of not-very-large subs).

abff08f4813c ,

Is there a way to take a url like old.reddit.com/r/sub/comments/abcdef/the_post_title/ and get the post text body and the comments (at lest the first couple of levels) via rss?

Crul ,

The RSS Feed with the comments of a post is on [POST URL]/comments.rss. Example:


The first entry is the post with the content and the next ones are the comments (all). Of course there is no nesting structure in the RSS, you need to go to reddit for that.

EDIT: There most probably be a limit in the number of elements of a feed, so if you try that with a post that already has a lot of comments, you will probably see only the last N ones. But if you add the RSS Feed of the comments of new post to your RSS Reader, it will most probably store all the elements over time, so you will have all of them there (and not only the last N ones)… unless the comments are posted too fast and/or the updating frequency of your RSS Reader is too slow.

C4RP3_N0CT3M ,

Good info

ContentConsumer9999 ,

Wait, couldn't people have used this to continue developing 3rd party apps?

Crul ,

This only works for reading the content, but you cannot post or comment via RSS.

EDIT: Also, RSS feeds only contain the last N elements, so the apps would need to store all the data from Reddit… which is not practical.

gabriele97 , to Linux in This again: What distro are you using for gaming?
@gabriele97@lemmy.g97.top avatar

I’m using Pop OS and it worls flawlessly!

curse4444 ,

Me too!

tentphone , to RedditMigration in Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?

Zero regrets. So far the content has been better and people have been nicer, the experience on Lemmy app I use is very similar to the 3rd party Reddit app I was using, and the official Reddit app is so much worse than both of them that I am not at all tempted to use it.

elscallr ,
@elscallr@kbin.social avatar

Ngl I miss all the niche communities from reddit that actually had content. Like there's nothing for The West Wing or The Wire on the lemmybin. Last hype shit for Starfield on the largest Starfield Magazine was like 3 days ago.

Not that I really need or get that much out of that content but it's shit I like to talk about. And sure I can create the communities or post the content, but it's like yelling into an abyss right now.

That'll change as more people join, of course, it's just a part I miss.

RheingoldRiver ,

I've joined a ton of new discords in the past few weeks. they're keeping me together until the threadiverse takes off.

ivanafterall , to RedditMigration in Haven't touched reddit since July 1st

Is the title supposed to sound like a Narcotics Anonymous meeting or am I just projecting?

Chariotwheel ,

In a way social media is a drug and most of us were addicted. At least I was on Reddit, because I liked being there. So not using it, especislly when it was kind of a habit may not be easy for many on virtue fo that alone.

ivanafterall ,

were addicted

Candelestine , to RedditMigration in now that i don't have a reddit account, i guess i can tell you guys about secret communities

There’s shitloads of secret communities everywhere. Discord is particularly popular. The reason they exist is that average people are only averagely intelligent and averagely interested in most topics, so if you want a higher level of content than average, you have to go where they can’t find you.

When a dance club is cool, nobody knows about it. When everyone finds out about it, those cool people go somewhere else. Being cool, itself, implies being something different enough from normal to necessitate its own word to differentiate it. Think hipster.

Average people made McDonalds the worlds most successful restaurant. Not everybody wants to live on big macs though. But on the internet, where the users control the content, they find your cool burger place and accidentally turn it into a McDonalds because they don’t know the difference.

In my experience, most people outgrow the secret clubs phase eventually. But I’m sure not everyone does. Who doesn’t like feeling special, no matter how unjustified it is?

original2 OP ,

i understand that sentiment, but making a successful reddit post isn’t the best way of finding people of above-average intelligence

flicker ,

The first thing I said when invited to Eternity Club was a Groucho Marx quote; I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

Gargleblaster ,
@Gargleblaster@kbin.social avatar

I joined several of those clubs just to see what was happening.

They were all the same thing. Cat pics, personal photos, and inane discussions.

And then left.

mysoulishome ,
@mysoulishome@lemmy.world avatar

Eternity club was all boring selfies and what’s you’re favorite movie and shit.

Wolf_359 ,

Popular club sucked too.

I got added to it for a top post once. I opened the popular subreddit and the top post was something like, “Well, I’m here. Now what?”

I knew immediately it was dumb.

I think “secret” communities can be good when they’re for a specialized interest. But they don’t even have to be secret. Even just niche is great.

For example, the discord for the game PolyBridge is fucking incredible. I mean, it kind of sucks right now because they just released PolyBridge 3, so a lot of new people have (temporarily) joined.

But there are regulars who post hourly years after PolyBridge releases. There is even this one person called Arglin who posts absurdly complex essays on geometry and new discoveries within the game. They could be dissertations on mathematics.

If anyone is still reading this, I have to tell you about the Linkage Repository. This document is insane. For an Indie studio’s bridge building game lol.

cassetti ,

In my experience, most people outgrow the secret clubs phase eventually. But I’m sure not everyone does. Who doesn’t like feeling special, no matter how unjustified it is?

** looks around at the Free Masons, Skull and Bones, and Illuminati **

BananaTrifleViolin ,

Yes and no. Invite only clubs risk become extreme echo chambers because they self select their members. Arguably much of social media often becomes echo chambers as people self select what they want to see. But if you then add in secret invite only clubs you're creating echo chambers within echo chambers.

Beware the alure of exclusivity, it can be false gold.

ono , to RedditMigration in Damn, the ads…

On old.reddit, ads were being inserted as regular posts when I last visited. It’s like they’re trying to drive people away.

52fighters ,
@52fighters@kbin.social avatar

Were you using an ad blocker?

ono ,

I use uBlock Origin, but I guess it’s possible that it malfunctioned that day.

Clovermite ,
@Clovermite@sffa.community avatar

I use an adblocker, and the ads disguised as posts appeared for me.

Mculbertson , to RedditMigration in Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?


EnglishMobster , (edited ) to RedditMigration in Is there 'etiquette' for choosing which instance your migrated subreddit is hosted on?
@EnglishMobster@kbin.social avatar

So I'm on the /r/Disneyland mod team and we decided to move here to @Disneyland / !Disneyland during the blackout. We're still directing users here in the subreddit's sidebar, although the mod team collectively decided to reopen the sub on Reddit after the admins started threatening mods directly.

There were a couple options floated when we were considering the move:

  • Make our own instance. Traditional forums like MiceChat have survived for decades; we'd effectively be a fediverse version of MiceChat. The main subject would be Disney, but we'd have Disneyland communities, WDW communities, Marvel communities, Star Wars communities, etc. This was shot down because we didn't have the funding, time, manpower, or legal expertise to host things ourselves at any kind of scale. All us mods have day jobs and we don't want to take on a full-time admin role; other Disney subs likewise didn't seem terribly excited about joining in. Shout-out to /r/startrek for starting https://startrek.website and /r/Android for https://lemdro.id/, but it wasn't in the cards for us.
  • Join a Lemmy server. This was before Lemmy.world existed, so our options were limited. We basically had Lemmy.ml, Beehaw.org, or sh.itjust.works. We disagree with the admins of Lemmy.ml on a fundamental level; Beehaw doesn't allow new communities; sh.itjust.works was maybe doable but we didn't want to deal with that URL for a Disney-themed community. Waiting for a new general-purpose instance to appear (what Lemmy.world became) just wasn't in the cards since I wanted it to be open during the blackout.
  • Join kbin.social. At the time, there were no other Kbin instances - fedia.io didn't exist yet. But Kbin seemed very flexible (direct Mastodon integration is a plus!), the admin team was just Ernest (but he had a good head on his shoulders), it was my personal fediverse site of choice, and it was growing quickly. At the time we made the call, federation didn't work as expected but it was promised to be fixed (and it has been; we now federate rather broadly).

We've gotten some organic activity on the Disneyland magazine over here on Kbin, which is nice because it shows we don't need to keep the community on life support. The big downside to Kbin (and Lemmy!) is that mod tools basically don't exist; it's going to be tricky without AutoMod long-term. Once Kbin has an API it should be trivial to remake AutoMod for Kbin though, assuming the API has moderation actions.

Mewtwo , to RedditMigration in Haven't touched reddit since July 1st
@Mewtwo@lemmy.world avatar

I dropped Reddit the day before the blackout. Dropped that garbage and moved on.

Tandybaum , to RedditMigration in Please ignore this. I'm just still trying to wrap my head around this federated social media.

Test post. Please ignore.

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