
Drama recommendations

I’ve been learning Japanese for a few years now, my reading is pretty good but my listening is terrible. I’ve been actively trying to watch more Japanese content but I’m not a huge fan of anime. So I’ve been getting into Japanese dramas. I’ve found some good ones from just randomly browsing Japanese netflix but I’ve...

Did this site live and die in 4 days?

This place has roughly 3,000 people and was intended to be an entire replacement for DaystromInstitute and StarTrek as they were going dark indefinitely. Well, within 4 days the moderators have walked back those statements and opened both subreddits up. I see no incentive for people to come to this website now and while a few...


To celebrate Picard day ( my first time celebrating it ) I wanted to give my thought on TNG so far. I’m about done with the first season and there’s been a lot of good episodes and some episodes that are pretty boring ( sorry 😢 ) however every episode Captain Picard is the reason I finish it no matter if it’s a good or...

I Wish Odo Had Experimented with Body Modification when He was a Solid

At the end of The Way of the Warrior, Bashir offers to make Odo’s face look like any species he wants. He defines. It seems like a wasted opportunity for Odo not to have explored his identity within the confines of being a solid. I would have loved for him to realize he could change his appearance and explore being different...

[Meta] Want a free way to watch Star Trek in the USA? Buy a $10.00 antenna online and get access to H&I (a heroes and icons)

This is a bit of an ad, but I swear I don’t sponsor H&I. I just use them a lot. My wife and I bought “bunny ears”/an antenna for our TV when we lived in the Midwest. We also watch H&I on the west coast. Almost every night they play one episode from each popular, live-action, series in order of production: TOS, TNG, DS9,...

What happened to the Roddenberry Archive virtual bridges?

In April, the Roddenberry Archives and OTOY published virtual bridges you could walk around for most main ships we see on screen. But now, when I follow old links to the site, I get redirected to the Roddenberry Archives new frontpage, and I can’t find the virtual bridges anywhere. Google finds several news articles of the...

How do you texture drywall without it looking like hot garbage?

For context, I’m talking about texturing smaller drywall repairs like, say, a patched 3-inch hole (don’t get me started on railings not installed to code…) or even nail pop repairs as per the other recent post. Assume I’ve mudded and sanded and it’s nice and smooth and now I want it… less smooth. To match, say, an...

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