
Is it just me or are there 0 recent news articles about reddit's status after the fiasco? ( kbin.social )

Is reddit really that unaffected? Are tech media companies keeping quiet on purpose? Is the Play app giving more artificial visibility to reddit app VS fediverse apps? It feels like all the mainstream centralized social platforms and search engines (Google) are censoring any updates on reddit's status to maintain a status quo....

X-post from reddit, Sharing media headaches: Samba won't show "new?" media, and can't figure out multiple user auth in NFS. SFTP on Windows? Help... ( kbin.social )

EDIT: This has been solved!! This link has the full post, but basically you need to ensure SELinux flags are set for every file, and this won't happen to new files added. I have appended the SELinux option as a context entry to my fstab and now every file shows!...

Looking to switch distros ( kbin.social )

Hi, sorry if this isn't the right place for this question. I've been using Linux Mint Cinnamon for about 9 months now and have also been experimenting with an Ubuntu GNOME Wayland session for the past month or so. I don't really like distro-hopping, but using X11 isn't cutting it for me. After giving GNOME an honest shot, I...

Cannot figure out elasticsearch and owncloud. ( kbin.social )

I need some help figuring out elastic search. My end goal at the moment is to get the full text search owncloud app working. They are both in docker containers (docker compose). I am able to input my url in the owncloud settings (http://es01:9200) and hit setup index. After that it does not index anything or I think pass on...

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