root_beer , to /kbin in can we not name magazines like reddit and make them better? examples: foodporn => goodfood earthporn => BreathtakingLandscapes trees => weed .... avatar

I agree with the other posters that this is just internet nomenclature in general, but I have noticed that some people are referring to Lemmy “communities” as “sublemmies“. Fortunately, I don’t think the name “kbin” really lends well to such an analogue so we can just continue to call them “magazines”.

wolfshadowheart , avatar

I dunno, I was getting a lot of good, niche information from my kbinnies!

Neon ,

? why not?
we could just call them "bins" or "subbins"

Tigbitties , to /kbin in can we not name magazines like reddit and make them better? examples: foodporn => goodfood earthporn => BreathtakingLandscapes trees => weed .... avatar

I think the "-porn" suffix is part of the internet vernacular now. We'll probably be calling porn pornporn at some point. We're stuck with it just like we're stuck with "-gate"

btaf45 ,

All the porn suffixes do is make things that are safe for work sound NSFW. They sound hilarious when you are 17 but lame when you are 37.

tinyzimmer , to /kbin in can we not name magazines like reddit and make them better? examples: foodporn => goodfood earthporn => BreathtakingLandscapes trees => weed ....

I think you are over conflating "reddit-isms" and "internet-isms". Reddit is where stuff like this has been most prominent for a while - but the whole funny naming thing has been around since the birth of the internet.

mandolrain , to /kbin in can we not name magazines like reddit and make them better? examples: foodporn => goodfood earthporn => BreathtakingLandscapes trees => weed .... avatar

I agree with you, but I also feel Reddit-like names of subs can be essential for welcoming casual Reddit migrators. If they sense some kind of familiarity with Lemmy they’re more likely to stay

spriteblood ,

My thoughts exactly. If I'm a redditor trying to look into alternatives, it's much easier to replace foodporn with foodporn than that extra step of having to find out whatever the equivalent community is called.

Plus the people creating communities with identical naming conventions as reddit are likely doing it for the same reason - because they liked the community over there and they want to replicate it over here.

2d , to RedditMigration in Awkwardtheturtle banned - Rare Reddit Admin W avatar

ok why do we care about some other site's drama :3

silicon_reverie , avatar

Because you're literally browsing a magazine about that other site?

I agree that this particular mod getting banned isn't directly related to the migration efforts, but the overarching drama it's connected to is the main reason people are leaving Reddit for Lemmy. IE: admins becoming hostile towards moderators, developers, and redditors, resulting in an environment that the whole userbase is trying to flee. So even though I don't care about this "power-tripping asshole mod" (as another Lemming described him), I get how some people here might find the post useful and relevant.

BlueForestDev OP , avatar

Apparently awkward was responsible for a lot of the John Oliver spam in the subs he modded. Might be why he's finally gone now. He even contacted John Oliver on Twitter to cry about his suspension and ask for help lol See pic related

onepinksheep , avatar

Of course they're claiming responsibility for the John Oliver thing. Considering their history, I doubt it. But even if they were involved, it's the community at large that was responsible for the John Oliverification of Reddit.

rikaxnipah , to RedditMigration in My little sub of 13, no rules and like 5 posts has been threatened. avatar

Sad. Have you thought of making it on Kbin or Lemmy?

Pookie1804 OP , avatar

Already did. In fact I made a few and am working on getting the mod teams on Reddit to make the jump. I will then hand over the Kbin that is for them. I figured it would be easier if I have a place for them to land ready to go.

lixus98 , to RedditMigration in Finally made an account avatar

Welcome, don't be scared of asking something!

Zorque ,

What's the best way to get rid of a body... theoretically?

DoucheAsaurus , avatar

Own a pig farm.

FreeBooteR69 , avatar

Didn't work out for Robert Pickton, still got caught.

SustainedChaos , to RedditMigration in (Mildly NSFW) Welp, I guess that's it. The single photo that got my ~10-year-old, 60k+ karma Reddit account "permanently suspended."

Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover!

ivanafterall OP ,

That was among the AI prompts used. :)

TheDailyChase , to RedditMigration in According to someone on a discord server I am in, Reddit has started adding watermarks to every post? avatar

If that gets verified as true it will be exciting to see how many people don’t want to put their personal content on the platform.

Does anyone still go to those other websites that watermark their content like or some place dumb like that?

Anomander , avatar

There were years there when any watermark from another site would get OP lynched in the comments, and now Admin over there is sufficiently out of touch they're going to start doing it to their own content.

Bets are on that this is a stupid kneejerk test from Reddit, worried that post-migration community hubs are going to "profit from their content" the same way Reddit did to places like ifunny or 9gag during it's entire growth arc.

KbinItTogether , to RedditMigration in Reddit threatens replacing moderators from privated subreddits, citing vandalism and squatting. avatar

So the admins that were okay with u/awkwardtheturtle being a powermod are now just all of a sudden serious about quickly enforcing rules against protesting mods?

InLikeClint , to aww in This is our new kitten, Ellie! She loves to cuddle (until she doesn’t). avatar

That baby looks like she takes her pettings when she wants them.
Side note: I had a dog named Ellie growing up, great pet name.

nevernevermore , to RedditMigration in I definitely think r/gaming has the biggest banger of a privated notice

How are y'all spreading yourself out in the fediverse so far? Right now I'm just browsing the front page of kbin and occasionally check in on my feed in mastodon, but I'm yet to find my "niche" communities.

snarf , avatar

Today was the first day I opened kbin and it felt like... not home, per se, but... familiar? I suddenly realized I'm genuinely enjoying this new spot!

namastex , avatar

Well this ernest dude seems like he's reacting quickly to criticisms. The NSFW posts were showing full pictures and there was a complaint to have the preview blurred out. Took less than 12 hours for him to implement that so that's a plus

nerfzeri ,

i don't think that's "criticisms" and more of just feedback.

sgtlighttree ,

Well, I'm definitely buying Ernest a coffee now:

iByteABit , avatar

This gives me a 404 now, I found this

Shift_ , avatar

Ernest actually reminds me of u/ljdawson, the dev behind the Sync app. He's responsive, takes criticism well, and seems to genuinely care about the platform he's created. Hard to go wrong with that.

fear , avatar

So Ernest is earnest? Cool.

Eggyhead , avatar

I was wondering how long it would take before someone made this pun. Time to reset the timer…

skulblaka , avatar

Ernest is a Chad for sure. We've exploded in number almost overnight and he's been working his ass off to keep everything not only up and running but improving.

killick , avatar

How do I kick in to pay costs?

Badabinski ,

This is the only one I know of right now:

I hope @ernest opens up a page somewhere that allows me to make monthly donations, because I'd really like to support the continued development of this app and the hosting of this site.

reflex , avatar

Well this ernest dude

The importance of being earnest.

Ultra980 ,

@Eggyhead you can reset the timer again

Eggyhead , avatar

Looks like this time was about 4 hours.

Parallax ,

I like kbin a lot already too. I like the highly functional feel. It's close enough to Reddit that I hope it draws in more users. I found it a lot more approachable than Mastodon, and "Lemmy" just doesn't have a nice ring to it IMO.

ChimpanzeeThat ,

One of my biggest challenges is getting the 'front page' to fill up with the kind of thing I'd get on r/all. I think at the moment it only shows posts from the subs I subscribe to. But I can easily see how Kbin could replace Reddit (im not going back).

PoopingCough ,

The reason it seems like that is because this kbin instance ( isn't federated right now because of heavy traffic. So you'll only see magazines that were created here. As soon as the restrictions are relaxed you'll see other instances in the default feed. Or you could sign up for a different kbin instance like which are currently still federated.

Even so, the other instances that are working as intended don't quite have that r/all feel yet just because there aren't nearly the same number of users in all of the fediverse as there were on reddit. It'll take time for the content to catch up.

lanbanger ,

If you're a cat fan, I picked up a few of the more niche cat subs that I enjoyed on Reddit.

We'd be very happy to see you there! Even more so if you bring content :-)

rgb_leds_are_love ,

There's a general lack of content here - and Ernest has been doing an extremely courageous job of keeping the lights on.

I guess it's up to us now to start creating content, and improving this site.

VulcanSphere , avatar

Already been here in Fediverse for a while (with Mastodon), but kbin is Vulcan's first link aggregation platform in the fediverse.

Bumpy start was to be expected but so far a very enjoyable experience, also contributed content to magazines.

VincentDidIt , to RedditMigration in Reddit r/all page right now - posting a screenshot here so you don’t have to open it avatar

Insanity. I’ve been around a few times when people were talking about migrating but this truly does seem like the most real possibility yet. And I welcome it with open arms.

Rexxiter , avatar

What if they're doing this, letting us all get riled up, and then after the black out they go "ok ok, we get it. We'll reduce the cost down to insert still high but irritatingly doable number" and that was the plan all along. That they started outrageously high so they can land where they actually expected to be. A bunch of users go back grumbling but feeling like they still won, yet we got 4d cheesed.

Or I'm just high.

HarkMahlberg , to RedditMigration in From @[email protected] on the #RedditBlackout: avatar

Standup response, I hope Christian finds a promising career ahead of him.

If I'm being honest, I wouldn't be nearly so kind to Reddit following his ordeal. Even if Reddit renegs on the API pricing completely and go back to making it free, the trust has already been sufficiently broken that I wouldn't return. They won't stop monetizing the site just because they lost some users and pissed off their developer partners. They'll just be subtler, quieter the next time they try to screw you over.

Second chances are important, but there are limits to trust. Reddit slapped their users across the face today; despite any promise or apology they make in the meantime, there is no indication that they won't do it again tomorrow to get what they want.

lixus98 , avatar

I agree, I don't think they would just keep the API free forever, they've already said that Reddit is not profitable, and so they will continue to add more "features" to be more like tiktok.

DuckyDoodleDandy ,

Third party devs have said they don’t mind a reasonable API rate, but both the cost (~$20 million/year just for Apollo) and the timing (30 days to make the pricing changes, update the app, work out bugs, get Apple to approve it, etc) were just stupid.
It was done this way to kill the third party apps, period.

  1. If Reddit didn’t insist on hosting all pics & videos themselves, they would probably already be profitable.
  2. If the API pricing was reasonable, users & third party devs would happily pay it.
  3. If Reddit had given more time (3-6 months) for third party devs to implement changes, then they could and would do so (assuming reasonable API price).
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