Igotz80HDnImWinning , to RedditMigration in r/places is back up, hopefully there's plenty of this going around this time

What was really stolen was our thoughts, ideas, and memories. They think they own it and can sell it back to us.

thingsiplay , to RedditMigration in A meme about /r/Place avatar

@FixedFun I know what happened on r/place only because of Kbin and Lemmy. :D

RickRussell_CA , avatar

I don't think about r/Place at all.

atocci , avatar

I keep forgetting its going on until I open kbin again

xMotivee ,

You beat me to it

stopthatgirl7 , avatar

Same here. I didn’t even know what it was until I saw articles about it on kbin.

FixedFun OP , avatar

I wish all were the same lol if only everyone moved we could have a great site, not that I like big crowds, but Kbin and Lemmy run on community service for a lot of stuff so the more people, the more we could see this site grow in many ways

Lennvor , to RedditMigration in r/places is back up, hopefully there's plenty of this going around this time

After giving it some thought, I think you should indeed do that. For Lemmy AND Kbin and more.
tl;dr: Advertising the existence of kbin and lemmy to random Reddit users is exactly what you want to do if you want to go against Reddit, and r/place is an excellent way of 1) telling people who don't know about it that these platforms exist, and 2) showcasing the vitality and size of the communities on these platforms

The major objection is that going to r/place gives Reddit the engagement and numbers they want for the IPO, and I think that's a compelling point but I don't think it's as obvious as the people making that point seem to think. The idea of "don't go on Reddit to protest Reddit, that's just helping Reddit" has some "But you live in a society, curious" vibes to it; I think the question of whether to protest vs abstain and how to best protest is always going to depend on the details of what you're protesting or abstaining from.

In this case I think Kbin and Lemmy users should put their names on the r/place board according to the following reasoning:

  • The argument that you shouldn't go on r/places is essentially saying that the best protest against Reddit is people leaving Reddit, which I agree with
  • Like all protests however it's not that impactful if it's a few isolated people doing it, you need to find a way to have users do it en masse. Coordination is key.
  • Same thing for going on Kbin and Lemmy and others - these platforms become good if they have enough users to sustain vibrant communities, they rely on network effects.
  • r/place as an event is a showcase of a community's coordination. It both requires a community to be large and well-communicated and it gives a very practical, visible way of advertising that coordination to both rivals and random observers (there's a paper out there proposing that this is why music evolved btw, hmmm that's pretty cool)
  • what ultimately made me decide to post this is going on the thread for r/place's first day. Look at the conversations, this is exactly what they're doing: discussing the communities participating, commenting on what they draw and explicitly talking about what it means for those communities' size and coordination
  • These comments also included people asking "why fuck u/spez ?" and "the only reason I'm still on Reddit is that there aren't any alternatives"
  • This means there is a pool of normie users who aren't aware of the protest, but are following r/places, and the "fuck u/spez" movement is effective in bringing their attention to it
  • By the same token there are tons of users who aren't aware of existing potential Reddit alternatives (one of those comments got "Lemmy" as a recommendation in replies and said "interesting I'll check it out" - they legit hadn't heard about it).

In conclusion:
Advertising the existence of kbin and lemmy to random Reddit users is exactly what you want to do if you want to go against Reddit, and r/place is an excellent way of 1) telling people who don't know about it that these platforms exist, and 2) showcasing the vitality and size of the communities on these platforms.

Now in practice I don't know that these platforms actually have the size and coordination to showcase that on r/places and that's fine, clearly a huge percentage of people here believe that boycotting Reddit entirely is more effective or more convenient. But if the question is "which hurts Reddit more, promoting Lemmy/Kbin on r/places or avoiding r/places", I've come to believe the answer is the first.

EDIT: oh right another objection I saw was "but the admins will just erase it", and there again look at the comments on r/place. Clear streisand effect on the guillotine, if there's stuff for lemmy/kbin/squabble that's visible enough and admins erase it it still works fine from a comms perspective.

MrTru ,

Unbelievably based.

ziggurism , to RedditMigration in Boost for Lemmy is coming! Same author as Boost for reddit, I double checked just to be sure, it's the same author! avatar

You wanna try again with that title salad

kratoz29 ,

Good thing we can edit titles here.

ziggurism , avatar

so why doesn’t he?

kratoz29 ,

Maybe he still has the Reddit mindset? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Technological_Elite OP ,

I swear on my left nut I did, not once, but TWICE! Triple checked and is appearing as the correct title. I don't fucking know what's going on.

digitalgadget ,

Looks like you have two posts on my feed

ziggurism , avatar

Seems fixed now

Technological_Elite OP ,

Fucking Finally!

Chozo , to Fediverse in Full, expanded list of all the data points and their purposes that Meta's Threads collect and link to user accounts. It's even more insane than you might've thought.

I think at this point a shorter list would be the data it doesn't collect.

bedrooms ,

I can't even come up with one item in that list

FuntyMcCraiger ,

I was gonna joke about it not having your Mother’s Maiden name, but honestly it probably does.

livus , avatar

"Other Data Types" would cover that.

eroc1990 , to Fediverse in Full, expanded list of all the data points and their purposes that Meta's Threads collect and link to user accounts. It's even more insane than you might've thought. avatar

Ah yes, it needs my political or religious beliefs for fraud prevention.

Manifish_Destiny , to RedditMigration in Minecraft is leaving Reddit

Welcome to the 'find out' phase, which should wrap up nicely by around the 7th.

Newo ,

I’m out of the loop here, what happens on the 7th?

cazzodicristo OP ,

total reddit death. TRD

Dav , avatar

It’ll take about a week for the ‘find out’ phase to wrap up, then we’re onto the lesser known ‘baby please come back I can change’ phase.

BlendedRacer , avatar

And like a gaslighting abusive ex they won't change!

DreamyDolphin , avatar

The 3rd party apps are closing at the end of this month, which means there'll be somewhere around a week or so of people realising just how bad the official app is, plus decreased quality content as the actually-motivated people who post things continue their gradual migration away from reddit and driving redditors to seek other places to gather.

TaygetaDuck ,

Meanwhile all of the repost bots can post and comment on each other’s threads keeping the Reddit server humming away.

Good riddance.

Hyperreality ,

It's kinda funny in a dystopian way.

A lonely guy playing a creepy hentai game gets some sexual gratification from his time spent interacting with a piece of software and is at least somewhat self-aware. He knows it's just software, even if he 'married' his bodypillow.

Meanwhile there are increasing numbers of people unaware they're regularly interacting with bots online, not realising one of the reasons social media is making them sadder is because they've atttempting to fulfill their need for social interaction with a facsimile thereof.

It's not unlike Idiocracy, where they give the plants Brawndo instead of water, then wonder why the plants are dying. Vast swathes of the world are feeding their social needs with social media brawndo.

RoboRay , avatar

Conversational masturbation.

Deceptichum , avatar

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a bot

Also you’re blaming the medium, rather than the malicious actors.

If AI text generative technology was around a century earlier you’d have people being penpals or print newspaper write-ins with a bot instead. Communicating through text is inherently risky, so best to blame the people who abuse that fact instead.

cyberian_khatru , avatar

you’re blaming the medium

I don't think that's implied in the post. Also reddit inc is complicit in the bot farming since it boosts their engagement metrics.

killick , avatar

But, Brawndo has what plants crave. It has electrolytes.

tuxrandom ,

At some point, it will just be repost bots having conversations in the comments of posts "created" by other repost bots.

HarkMahlberg , avatar

/r/subreddit_simulator wasn't just an experiment, it was prophetic.

Anarch157a , avatar

It ended up as /u/Spez’s roadmap for the future of Reddit.

Kbin_space_program ,

I realized that after deleting my oldest reddit account I should have sold the damn thing.

Might work out how to do that yet for my remaining accounts

curiosityLynx ,

I like my username too much to have a hand in making it shill ads and misinformation.

Anarch157a , avatar

Yup. I’m Anarch157a everywhere (except Mastodon, for reasons), Steam, Lemmy, Discord, etc. Having my old - now deleted - Reddit account as a bot could spill over my identity in other services.

joelfromaus , avatar

I won’t miss checking the post and top comment accounts to see if they’re bots. I’m hoping the same doesn’t start occurring over here.

sliceable_aspirin ,

Its gonna be interesting when Reddit turns into r/SubredditSimulator

bobs_monkey ,

Yup, just got the notification from BaconReader this morning that they’re throwing in the towel

Kolanaki , to Fediverse in The devil himself... avatar

Ugh… He’s also one of those “first” posters? What a jackass.

Roundcat , to Fediverse in When you block a user on kbin and they're so butthurt, they ban you from their "magazines." avatar

I just looked through the communities they mod. Unless you are dying to engage with illegalimigration, mixedrace, revelation, askconspiracytheorists, antiwitchcraft, fluoride, chemtrails, or newworldorder, I don't think anything of value was lost.

00 , avatar


What year is it? 1576?

Bizarroland , avatar
mihnt , to Fediverse in When you block a user on kbin and they're so butthurt, they ban you from their "magazines." avatar

I'm not the biggest fan of public voting over here. I have a feeling in the long run it will cause way too much conflict. I've already had a run in with someone over here because I downvoted them and I'm not a super active user.

darq , avatar

On the other hand it's kinda funny to see when someone has clearly trawled your profile and reduced everything based on reading a conversation from a week ago.

livus , avatar

It's also really good when you're having a discussion and getting 1 downvote each time, to be able to just look to see whether it's the person you're having the conversation with.

Occasionally people are not enjoying a discussion but instead of ending it they passive-aggressively downvote, and if I figure that out, I can just end the conversation and release them from their misery.

1chemistdown , to Fediverse in what happened to the fediverse in June 2023? why did everything go down? avatar

Around June 10, a massive influx of reddit refuges hit the fediverse in a giant migration that nocked out massive parts of the fediverse. Kbin activated cloudflare, beehaw went to application mode, several lemmy instances went down, mastodon had a huge influx.

CheshireSnake , avatar

Yeah. This is probably it. Kbin,, etc. all went down at some point in June. Idk about Mastodon, though, but the graphs line up with what I remember happened in June.

1chemistdown , avatar

Instances with a few hundred to a few thousands users where getting hit with several thousand people per day. went from 400 to a couple thousand to 50k in ~7 days. @ernest was scrambling and did a great job for a one person show. Super happy he has help now. Need to buy that guy a beer.

Beehaw was a few people, one or two with minor dev experience, and they were hammered. defederated and several lemmy instances were hit with bot attacks. It was chaos.

beigeoat , to Fediverse in This spammer created multiple accounts on various Lemmy instances to post self advertisements. How do we combat this? avatar

The answer to your question is good moderation and moderation tools.

HappyMeatbag , to Fediverse in Pixelfed is adding a Sign In with Mastodon option avatar

I’ve heard the name Pixelfed before, but I don’t know what it is, or why the ability to sign in with Mastodon is important.

0xtero ,
Kara OP , avatar

Pixelfed is a federated photo sharing platform similar to instagram, signing in with Mastodon lets you carry over who you're following on Mastodon.
So I wouldn't say it's too important, but I thought it belonged here.

HappyMeatbag , avatar

You’re totally right; it does belong here. It’s nice to see Mastadon getting more acceptance!

kfynh , avatar

I think it's also worth mentioning here that, since both pixelfed and mastodon belong to the fediverse, you can follow pixelfed users from mastodon and vice versa and see each others posts. :)
That's why the whole carrying over the people you follow stuff is a thing.

HappyMeatbag , avatar

Yeah. Even though I’ll probably never use Pixelfed (I don’t use Instagram, either, or anything like it) I still acknowledge that’s a pretty cool feature.

kfynh , avatar

And this is where federation and interoperability becomes nice imo, because one doesn't have to use pixelfed and can still get content from Pixelfed in their Mastodon feed, if they want to.

Say someone would like to see the content of just a few Pixelfed users, but doesn't want to create an own Pixelfed account just for that, one can just to follow those specific Pixelfed users with their Mastodon account to see the Pixelfed posts in their Mastodon home timeline.

Ignacio , avatar

You can use Pixelfed in the same way you use Imgur (assuming you use Imgur) to post memes or gifs and link them onto Lemmy/Kbin.

Chozo ,

It's like being able to use your Twitter account to log into Instagram. But the Fediverse version.

guyrocket , to Fediverse in Map of the fediverse, found on Wikipedia avatar

Link for the lazy to the wikipedia article:

forpeace OP ,

Thanks, I should have included it.

guyrocket , avatar

I got your back, amigo.

Percy , to Fediverse in Map of the fediverse, found on Wikipedia avatar

I am now looking into bookwyrm and funkpod because of this

00 , avatar

bookwyrm is great!

9Volt ,

How do you like it compared to Goodreads? I mainly use Goodreads as a tool to log info about the books I read, which I’m sure I could easily do on any other service.

I wasn’t able to find an app so I’m guessing you made a PWA for it as well?

00 , avatar

I never used goodreads, but i basically do the same that you do on bookwyrm, so you should be fine lol. I mean, thats the bare minimum a book network should manage.

There actually is an app! Its on the F-droid store (or straight from github) though, not the Play Store (no idea about the apple store). But its basically just a PWA, so its up to you.

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