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Zorque ,

Depends on how you define "better".

More polite? Sure. More relatable to a wider audience? Honestly, probably not. Everyone farts. And those who don't are dirty dirty liars.

Zorque ,

Mine says "Defining journalism as a strictly capitalist endeavor is self-defeating".

Few people have the money or wherewithal to subscribe to every small town newspaper in the country, much less the world, just so they can read articles you post. And getting bent out of shape at people trying to live their lives as informed as possible without being squeezed dry of every penny they have is ludicrous.

Zorque ,

Some black people commit crimes. Some asian people are bad drivers. Some hispanics are illegal immigrants coming to steal your jobs.

If you judge everything based on a minority example, everyone around you is gonna have a bad time.

Zorque ,

How do you define "Enough"?

Based on your statements, I'd say "Enough" means at least one so that you can claim some moral high ground.

Which in turn make some men feel alienated and push them towards content creators like Peterson or Tate.

Which, as you say, is a choice. Their choice. They can either suck it up and not take a minority of vocal extremists as gospel, or they can become the same because they're insecure.

Zorque ,

However, the feminists that hate men do say “I hate men because I’m feminist”, which make a lot of men think that feminism is about hating men, before they have to chance to learn what feminism is really about.

Then maybe they should stop wallowing in ignorance and listen to something other than an extreme. It's still their choice to react rather than think about their positions. Making someone else change because you're too scared to do it first is lazy and cheap. There's no way to scream a rational position like there is an extreme position, and you're never going to get rid of them by reacting as they do.

Stop using them as an excuse for your unwillingness to change. They're not at fault for your choices.

Zorque ,

If the owners get all the benefits of capitalism, why are the players stuck in such a limited system?

Because that's the point of capitalism. The ones with the capital control things.

Zorque ,

Things that can not be replicated, or are too complex to replicate easily.

I'm sure, given enough energy and processing power, you could replicated just about anything... but if they already exist naturally, why bother? If it takes less energy to mine, or mix, or harvest latinum than it takes to replicate it, then replication doesn't make sense for it. That goes for just about every other physical thing as well.

Zorque ,

People shit on it because it was mostly backed by racism and sexism.

Zorque ,

What if we connect that eye to a neurolink?

Zorque ,

I mean, DS9 was almost as much in the boonies as Voyager. Assistance was limited, and there were limitations on what he could do, as he was only running the station at the behest of the Bajoran government, not as a true representative of the Federation.

It also introduced facets of war, even before it became a full blown thing in the later seasons. He wasn't always on the side of the angels... because there are no angels in war. War only ever makes demons.

It doesn't excuse his actions, but it doesn't make them truly inexcusable either. They both operated in much more of a grey area than either of the two previous series.

Zorque ,

Well, as long as it's nothing like that episode, it should be fine.

I remember an episode of CSI years ago where they were investigating the murder of someone who was rebooting a very Star Trek show into something super dark and gritty, with none of the hope and positivity the original show had. That seems to be the trend of a lot of Star Trek properties the last few years, and it makes me think the writer of that episode was quite prescient.

Zorque ,

Pretty sure they meant the other description you gave.

Zorque ,

It won't be the birth of a third party, it'll be the year the House decides who gets to be president. That's what happens when no one gets enough electoral votes.

Zorque ,

Even AIPAC is getting a little worried about how far Israel is going.

Zorque ,

It brings attention to the issue. Not everything is intended to have a direct impact on problems.

Zorque ,

People don't create actionable items unless they're confronted with the idea that they need to make them.

Many people, like yourself, are waiting for something "actionable" before they do anything. The problem is, everyone is waiting for someone else to do something and thus doing nothing themselves. That's where visibility comes in. Clearly not enough is being done, so people need to get off their ass and do something, instead of waiting for someone else to do it for them.

Zorque ,

Then they get to fire you for non-compliance. And you don't get to collect unemployment. Basically the same as quitting for them.

Zorque ,

You've got it better than most, then.

Zorque ,

Nice, in theory, proving it is the real problem. Meanwhile you're not getting paid and they have an entire fund just for lawyering you into submission.

Zorque ,

Prune juice. It's a warriors drink.

Zorque ,

Felis Catus
is your taxonomic nomenclature
An endothermic quadruped
carniverous by nature...

Zorque ,

Maybe it's because I'm on Kbin instead of Lemmy, but I've seen a delightful lack of downvoting people who say something incorrect, then acknowledge it and recant. Definitely a positive difference from the other place.

Zorque ,

At least he doesn't play for the Packers.

Zorque ,

Just because its obvious doesn't mean its not also bullshit.

Education is the single most important thing affecting a societies longevity and well-being. If the people responsible for that education aren't able to support themselves, it erodes the very foundation of the country.

Whether or not it affects the bottom line of an investment firm may be an important metric to you but it doesn't necessarily mean what's best for everyone.

Zorque ,

Uneducated people overthrow governments. Educated people involve themselves so they make a better, longer lasting, more stable and effective government in the long run.

There's this consistent delusion that if we just burn everything down and start anew that this time it will all work out for the best.

It hasn't worked for the past two millenia, it's not going to magically work now. All it does is give rise to new fascist states.

Zorque ,

Thats what most capitalists do, and is how we got into this mess in the first place.

Maybe stop looking at what makes the greatest fiscal value and you might start seeing why people are complaining about.

Zorque ,

The French Revolution led to Napoleon.

It was nice to get rid of one set of autocrats... but it just led directly into another. Its not like they traded up.

Zorque ,

I'm sure DeSantis deserves all the swirlies and purple nurples there are to give.

Zorque ,

The bad news is they have stock of backups a mile long.

Zorque ,

It's personally important to the person sharing it. The reason they're not subscribing is because it isn't personally important.

If you want to share information, you need to take the responsibility of making sure it's readable. You can't just throw shit at the wall and expect everyone else to interpret it correctly. That's a recipe for misunderstanding and divisiveness.

Zorque ,

Just because I didn't parrot something you personally agree doesn't mean I didn't engage.

But I suppose if you only want to hear what conforms to your viewpoints, that's your prerogative.

Emails reveal Secret Service contacts with Oath Keepers ( )

The emails obtained by CREW as part of an ongoing public records request offer only a snapshot of the communication between the Oath Keepers and the Secret Service. As they focus solely on the time period around the Fayetteville event, the extent of the contact Stewart Rhodes had with the agency remains unknown. The agent...

Zorque ,

People keep talking about how the Secret Service is going to keep Trump from running off to Russia or whatever, and I just keep thinking... they'd probably help him.

Texas Takes Attacks on Austin to New Level With “Death Star” Law ( )

The goal of Death Star is simple. The deeply conservative Texas Legislature wants to effectively deny cities—the state’s large Democratic-leaning cities, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin in particular—the ability to pass local laws and regulations in eight major policy areas: agriculture, business and commerce, finance,...

Zorque ,

It's been among us all along!

Zorque ,

The most telling thing about the sequels is that they decided to make the Empire new order less racist and sexist than in the EU.

Gotta make sure the megalomaniacal fascist states are inclusive!

Zorque ,

Hey, they get held accountable sometimes... when they affect other rich and powerful members of the elite ruling class.

Zorque ,

And FF and X-Men by Fox before their acquisition.

Zorque ,

Is it because he was too good an actor?

Zorque ,

Chris Pratt Hemsworth Pine is very skilled at being as generic as possible, Zach Quinto is very good at being melodramatic as fuck, but otherwise couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, Karl Urban can act when he wants to... but he was too busy chewing scenery trying to mimic DeForest Kelley's mannerisms in these movies to do any... everyone else was just kind of... there.

Zorque ,

You're right, they're more concerned with results rather than solutions.

Zorque ,

Well considering I saw another post talking about investing in AI and UBI, one can hope.

Zorque ,

I find that people who judge a statement, not based on the whole of it's content, but on the surface aesthetic of it to be wholly smart as a bag of rocks.

Zorque ,

It also often starts with "I find" or "In my experience".

Almost like they're often opinion based, and not fact based.

Zorque ,

It's a common attitude, not just with reddit or phone apps, but just things in general. "I don't have a problem with it, so why would anyone else?"

I remember when Arkham Knight came out, and it was a complete mess on PC. But it worked for enough people that anyone who talked about what a shitty port it was got shouted down.

A common problem I have with layouts, where there's a common trend of leaving giant swathes of white space on either side of the content (in desktop aspect ratios, at least). Like with the new redesign of wikipedia, or even most fediverse sites. But many (if not most) people don't really have a problem with it. I've even heard people talk about "having to move their head back and forth" to see content on the website. As though they're incapable of moving their eyes in their sockets...

But that's my own personal rant. In general, people are often hard-pressed to empathize with others these days. Not just in their use of social applications, but of most things in their lives.

Zorque ,

Newspapers use every ounce of space they can, they don't leave giant swathes of it bare. It's not like there's extra articles sitting along the side of the page... it's just blank.

In fact, there's often more white space on the sides of novel pages, depending on how they're printed.

Zorque ,

I didn't know about the button at the bottom, I ended up going into the settings and changing the theme back to the previous one.

I do like the more dynamic index, I may have to check that out. I'm not entirely opposed to new designs (much as I might bitch about change), it just gets frustrating when things are designed for a specific subset of people with no options to tailor your own experience.

Zorque ,

I'd often see posts complaining about the default app, mostly about how the video player never worked or how things took forever to load.

Most people in the comments seemed to assume there was just no possible alternative. I was happy to extoll the virtues of 3rd party apps, though I doubt I had much of an audience.

Zorque ,

It's very effective, it's just we've decided to vote in a bunch of plutocrats to manage it.

Zorque ,

Kai was at least doing what she thought was best for her people. She was a fucking moron about it, but she at least had good intentions.

Spez is just trying to create value from other peoples work, without even the thinnest veneer of compensation.

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