AllonzeeLV , (edited ) to Work Reform in A Death at Walmart

The people that profit off killing workers like Jannikka didn’t know her name when she was making them money, and won’t care to know her name after having killed her.

This “society” is nothing more than a playground for sociopaths. Our very lives are in service to those sociopaths that don’t consider us human solely because we lack the significant net worth they hoard and gamble without any consideration beyond “what’s in it for me?”

Remember that the next time you recoil at a homeless victim of this system. That is one of us that our society beat into that position for failing to produce for our owners. Most of the peasants look at them the way our owner class looks at us.

The homeless aren’t our enemy, the government that has been corrupted to serve the owners isn’t our enemy, our neighbors aren’t our enemy. Wall Street and the global market capitalist owner class are our civilization’s and planet’s common enemy, whether we choose to actually fight them or continue to submit to and profit them like good little doggies. Everything else is a distraction, and likely a distraction of their design meant to keep us divided punching sideways and downward instead of looking up.


chknbwl , avatar

A-fucking-men, I couldn’t have said this any better myself. It’s always been the ultra-rich causing problems for the Common Man, not the poor or public servants. The problem then, one that may be solvable by us, is figuring out how to shake-awake the brainwashed from their IV drip of late-stage Capitalism. More people need to congregate behind global wealth management for anything to truly be changed.

NumbersCanBeFun , to Work Reform in Companies That Try to Union-Bust Will Be Forced to Recognize Union, NLRB Says avatar

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  • Letstakealook ,

    Unfortunately, the laws protecting labor have either been directly gutted or intentionally not updated to the point they aren’t useless. Many workers face an uphill battle. Fortunately there are those who are taking up the challenge and pushing forward even if the odds are stacked. Hopefully millennials and following generations will be able to start moving the pendulum back towards workers.

    Dee , avatar

    Hopefully millennials and following generations will be able to start moving the pendulum back towards workers.

    We’re trying!

    Letstakealook ,

    Oh, I know, I’m a millennial myself. Before I moved into a management role, I was a union steward. I’ve worked with two different unions as a manager, and I’d say we’ve always been on good terms. A big part of that has been the fact that I expressly direct employees to the union when a peer is acting out. I can’t do anything laterally, so I let the employees know that I’ll address their concerns up the chain, but they should also communicate with their steward to ensure it is addressed.

    tentphone , to Politics in The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax

    Supreme court is blatantly corrupt at this point.

    Bipta ,

    You have the right to choose who you do business with... unless you're a university; then you'll do as we tell you.

    Darnov , avatar

    This point!?
    It's been blatantly corrupt for a long ass time.

    admiralteal ,

    The SCOTUS has been a force resisting civil rights and good governance for pretty much all of American history.

    Too many middle-aged and older people these days grew up under the Warren court, but the Warren court was a fucking blip. An anomaly. An aberration.

    They looked at the clock of the court, saw the sun high in the sky, saw the hands pointed at noon, and thought to themselves "Ah, everything is working fine." But the clock's dead broken and has been for centuries.

    Arotrios OP , avatar

    Agreed. I would like to see a radical restructuring of the court, with additional justices to provide a better plurality of opinion and a non-partisan ethics oversight committee with the power to force recusals and bring criminal charges to justices that fail to disclose conflicts of interest.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Not American; what did The Warren court do?

    admiralteal ,

    Desegregation, right to a defense attorney & Miranda rights, ending mandatory school prayer.

    But also colloquially the era stretching a bit beyond where the court had a Liberal vision often including decisions in the 70s/80s decisions like roe v wade

    Purebred_BeefMaster , (edited ) to Politics in The Supreme Court Doesn’t Care That the Gay Wedding Website Case Is Based on Fiction avatar

    Precedent set, no injured party required. I look forward to all the future cases. Good job Roberts. /s

    Froyn ,

    Can we call them Prima Farcie cases?

    falsem , to Work Reform in Companies That Try to Union-Bust Will Be Forced to Recognize Union, NLRB Says

    Talk is cheap, I'll believe it when I see it.

    teuast ,

    If this is legit, then it’s a fucking game changer.

    I hope it’s legit.

    grte , to Work Reform in Outdoor Workers Are Climate Victims

    Not just heat but smoke, too. Half the summer has been spent under fair to heavy smoke cover where I’m at.

    ikiru , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

    She knows.

    She doesn’t care.

    GammaGames , to U.S. News in The Red State Brain Drain Isn’t Coming. It’s Happening Right Now. avatar

    This is an excellent article, if you don’t have the time to read there’s also a 40 minute recording!

    btaf45 , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

    According to a 9 year employee of Jeffrey Epstein under sworn oath, Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump raped a 13 year old girl in Epstein's NY apartment.


    Plaintiff Jane Doe, proceeding under a pseudonym, brings this action against Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, and alleges that...

    TheMage ,

    Most of Hollywood an the Govt. Are guilty too. Are you also going after them?

    stillwater ,

    Of course. But this is a comment section specifically about Trump. Please try not to get so upset about that fact.

    JackbyDev ,
    btaf45 ,

    Does "most of Hollywood" and "the Govt" have a 9 year employee of Jeffrey Epstein say in sworn testimony that they raped a 13 year old girl? If anyone else has such clear overwhelming evidence against them like Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump does then of course police and the justice system should "go after" them.

    TheMage ,

    Sure, it was just Trump. He’s guilty of everything. It’s hilarious that so many people are still infatuated with this guy. He’s living rent free in the heads of Hollywood, the liberal media, etc. y’all still pissed about Hilary losing, eh?

    At least arrest scumbag Bill Gates and Tom Hanks. They are clearly card carrying members of Epstein Island, LOL.

    NattyNatty2x4 ,

    People tend to focus on those who break the law, yes.

    TheMage ,

    Sure, they’re all a bunch of terrific people. Trump is the ONLY high profile person ever to step foot on that island. Sure, Jan. Sworn testimony means nothing without evidence anyways. It’s called hearsay. I know a guy that knows a guy. Zero credibility.

    NattyNatty2x4 ,
    1. Wanting Trump to face consequences for breaking the law does not mean I think others shouldn’t face consequences for breaking other laws, that’s the dumbest argument I’ve heard in a while. Liberals and those further left regularly say that when democrats break the law, they should be punished. I’ve only seen conservatives bitch and moan when their politicians break the law, like democracy is a team sport.
    2. There’s very likely written and audio correspondence damning Trump in these indictments. We’ll see for sure when the trial starts.
    3. You conflating all sworn testimony with hearsay makes me think you don’t actually know what those words mean.

    But sure, Cleetus, we only hate breaking the law when republicans do it. $100% 👌

    TheMage ,

    You need real tangible proof regarding Epstein. There’s a reason why they murdered the guy though. Ya think? Cleetus?

    btaf45 ,

    At least arrest scumbag Bill Gates and Tom Hanks.

    Do they have have the same evidence that we have for Trump? An employee of Epstein's who was a witness? Or some equally strong evidence? If you have such evidence report it to the police. "Some conspiracy guy said so and I love to be lied to" is not acceptable evidence by the way.

    It’s hilarious that so many people are still infatuated with this guy.

    Nobody is infatuated with Convicted Sex Offender Loser Trump except for other losers.

    y’all still pissed about Hilary losing, eh?

    No. Nobody cares about Hillary Clinton. I'm sure she is enjoying her gigantic tax cut that Convicted Sex Offender Loser Trump and the GOP gave people like her. We are pissed that anti-American neofascists tried to overthrow democracy to keep a pedophile in power. Over 200,000 Americans died fighting fascism in WWII and now Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump thinks he can sneak in fascism thru the back door?

    TheMage ,

    See, you’re still mad. He isn’t a convicted sex offender. It’s pretty evident that a lot of people are still completely buried in what’s going on with Donnie. You’re using the word fascism wrong but most are in this forum. Just typical left wing whining. Try googling fascism and provide actual proof regarding claims of fascism.

    btaf45 ,

    See, you’re still mad.

    Not "mad". There is a very good reason why I refer to Accused Pedophile Treason Trump as Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump. He has committed so many crimes that people cannot remember all of them. So I constantly remind every one of that particular crime, so they don't forget it.

    You’re using the word fascism wrong but most are in this forum

    Not fascism -- "neofascism". Neofascism is the 2020s version of the 1920's fascism. It applies to everyone who supported Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump's attempt to overthrow our democracy. All of those people are America's arch enemies who are trying to destroy our longstanding core values of democracy and freedom.

    Synthead , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

    Why there’s a whole Wikipedia article for that…/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_al…

    wrath-sedan , to Politics in The Supreme Court Doesn’t Care That the Gay Wedding Website Case Is Based on Fiction avatar

    Yeah this one is almost scarier than any other for the precedent it sets. While most of the actual decisions this term were bad but par for the course of a conservative majority court (with a few pleasant surprises like rejecting racial gerrymandering, dismissing independent legislature theory, and reaffirming Native adoptions) this case was uniquely dangerous for being just conjured from thin air. The idea that you can take an issue to court over something that was proven to be entirely hypothetical prepares the way for more ready-made cases designed to create a particular legal outcome.

    acronymesis OP , avatar

    Exactly. It’s making an a actual legal decision based on the equivalent of an argument someone had with themselves in the shower.

    It’d be laughable if it wasn’t actually serious and legally binding.

    notnotmike , to U.S. News in The Red State Brain Drain Isn’t Coming. It’s Happening Right Now. avatar

    Putting aside the content, this was a fantastically well written article. It was long but I kept reading because it told such a tale.

    And, the inline sources were, generally, actual sources like statistics and research articles. I detest articles that just link to other news sources - I want the source of truth, not to play telephone. So good on the author for avoiding that trend!

    xpinchx , to Work Reform in Outdoor Workers Are Climate Victims

    Warehouse work too, last week was brutal. No AC just fans blowing hot and humid air around.

    GladiusB , avatar

    And smells

    Iwasondigg , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

    Sorry for the low effort comment, but, LOL.



    BaconIsAVeg ,

    That’s part of the problem though honestly. It saddens me that US politics is so damn entertaining to watch, like a slow motion train derailment, you just can’t take your eyes off it.

    I really wish it wasn’t so humorous to watch.

    TheMage ,

    Agree, every time our idiot president opens his mouth. Awful.

    spaceghoti OP ,

    That’s the point. That’s exactly the public sentiment that conservatives have been trying to foster since the 50s. The more we lose faith in public institutions, the easier it becomes for them to replace them with private, profit-based alternatives. And we see how well that’s working for our healthcare sector.…/s12115-011-9498-4

    Mikey_donuts , to Politics in The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax

    This country is exhausting.

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