Calcharger , to Politics in Class: Boebert Literally Tosses Pin Honoring School Shooting Victim in Trash avatar

Here's the issue - the video never actually confirms it's her. It looks like her from the back, and I bet you can find evidence online of the date that she wore that outfit and confirm it, but the right will just roll their eyes and move on. All this video serves is to rile us up against her.

If you're gonna interact with her and try to get a reaction from her on camera, make sure you get her face.

xc2215x , to Politics in Class: Boebert Literally Tosses Pin Honoring School Shooting Victim in Trash

She is no better than MTG.

Nougat ,

Is anyone claiming she is?

andrewta , to Politics in Class: Boebert Literally Tosses Pin Honoring School Shooting Victim in Trash

What are the odds on her winning another election?

TheHighRoad , avatar

She only won the last one by ~530 votes, so I’d say she’s losing her luster. Hence the increasingly outrageous behavior in an attempt to shore up the craze baze.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Inside Trump’s Fascist Plan to Control All Federal Agencies if He Wins

This was pretty skimpy of a read.

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Inside Trump’s Fascist Plan to Control All Federal Agencies if He Wins

America dies if Trump becomes President again.

brianshatchet , to Politics in Panicked Trump Wants Georgia Evidence Tossed to Stop Third Indictment

If he didn't do anything wrong he doesn't have anything to worry about. - Republicans when it comes to minorities.

JWBananas , to Politics in Panicked Trump Wants Georgia Evidence Tossed to Stop Third Indictment avatar

Never heard of this website before, but it unironically uses things like "Dark Brandon" in headlines.

Original source:

blivet , avatar

You’ve never heard of the New Republic? It’s been publishing since 1914.

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Panicked Trump Wants Georgia Evidence Tossed to Stop Third Indictment

I like watching Trump feel his life is collapsing. More please.

Num10ck ,

after the Truman show, its the False man show

style99 , avatar

Much as I might like watching a car crash, I'd get a little nervous at the idea that millions of people want him to take the wheel of the whole country.

Xeelee , avatar

Can we finally get a conviction, please? Pretty please?

stopthatgirl7 , to Politics in Supreme Court’s Anti-LGBTQ Ruling Has Already Incited Discrimination avatar

“If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman, please seek services at a local pet groomer,” Geiger wrote in a Facebook post. “You are not welcome at this salon. Period.”

Wow, go eff yourself.

xuxebiko , to Politics in Trump Is About to Get a Ton of Money From Saudi Arabia via LIV Golf

Mister Bone Saw paying for some state secrets in a roundabout way?

Enthrone , to Politics in “Don’t Say Gay” Florida Republican Accused of Sexually Harassing Two Male Staffers

These people should be stuffed with MDMA and/or Ketamine just to see if they possess the ability to be empathetic. If not, just sterilize them and be on your way.

Ganondorf , avatar

just sterilize them

... No, let's not resort to treating each other inhumanely.

Hairyblue , to Politics in “Don’t Say Gay” Florida Republican Accused of Sexually Harassing Two Male Staffers avatar

This guy was groping and touching everyone. Why would he think this is ok? Reminds me of Trump. Terrible person.

Xeelee , to Politics in “Don’t Say Gay” Florida Republican Accused of Sexually Harassing Two Male Staffers avatar

But he didn't say gay, did he? Checkmate leftists!

joneskind , to Politics in “Don’t Say Gay” Florida Republican Accused of Sexually Harassing Two Male Staffers avatar

Those people are so fucked up.

Flaky_Fish69 , avatar

being locked in a closet can do that to you.

diskmaster23 ,

Then unlock it? They locked themselves in there.

andyburke , avatar

Kinda. Their culture locked them in after a childhood full of indoctrination.

We would pity these people and be trying to help them if they weren't trying to force their trauma onto the rest of us. It's sad all around.

Flaky_Fish69 , avatar

Exactly this.

It’s unfortunate they’re surrounded by intolerant bastards, and I’d have sympathy… except they double down on the intolerant bastard-ing

jon , avatar

I heard an explanation awhile ago about why you always find these homophobic Republican congressmen in the closet with the pool boy.

If you're on the political left, homosexuality is more-or-less accepted. If you determine you're gay, you can accept that about yourself and have those around you accept you as well (or find a group of people that will). Coming out as gay may surprise people around you, but (assuming you have the proper support system in place) you'll be accepted for who you are.

But if you grew up as a deeply conservative fundamentalist christian? Homosexuality is an abomination. These are people who have given into a their hedonistic fantasies and live lives of sin. Sexual perverts and deviants.

So what if you're a deeply conservative man...who's also gay?

Well, obviously you're not gay. Because there aren't any intricacies or complexities to human sexuality and attraction that can make different people attracted to different things. Men are attracted to women, damn it, and that's all there is to it. Besides, homosexuality is a sin, and you're a deeply committed christian, so you can't be gay. But still, you keep having those thoughts....

But that's just the liberal gays tempting you with sin. We'll keep passing legislation against them before their lifestyles take over America. I mean, ignore the fact that like 93% of people aren't gay, so it can't be that tempting of a lifestyle. Also ignore the fact that as a cisgendered heterosexual male, I personally have never once fantasized about sucking dick, but that's beside the point. Obviously they're tempting people because for you, that's actually true. You constantly find yourself checking out attractive men when you go out, and you might even watch questionable videos online while your sexually frustrated wife sleeps in the next room over. The gays are obviously tempting people into their lifestyle, because you are constantly being tempted.

So you get more aggressive, give impassioned speeches on the evils of homosexuality, propose more and more discriminatory laws against them. Because it's not just the gays you're arguing against, you're denying the truth about yourself.

This goes on and on until on day the truth comes out. The intern comes out that you sexually propositioned him. They find gay porn on your laptop. The true nature of your relationship with your 'business associate' Chuck comes to light. Everyone realizes you're gay. Deep down, even you realize you're gay. But you can never admit that, because the fact that you're a conservative God-fearing christian has formed a structural cornerstone of your identity. To admit you're gay now would mean admitting you've been wrong, your religion has been wrong, and your entire worldview has been wrong. So you'll try to sweep it under the rug, say you were tempted by sin, that you've found God, blah blah. Your voters eat it up, because the alternative is voting for someone with a (D) next to their name.

And the sad part is just how much happier everyone would be if they could just accept this about themselves.

needmorepto , to Politics in Trump Is About to Get a Ton of Money From Saudi Arabia via LIV Golf avatar

The twice-impeached, twice-indicted, and liable for sexual abuse former president has no qualms with any of this"

you mad bigly huh?

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